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Dawn of the Dead ultimate edition DVD

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Not really. The zombies were too freaking slow and the people in the mall weren't even scared of them. They would run out into the mall and start punching zombies in the face. I couldn't believe that shit. Why didn't the zombies fight back?

And then the biker gang. Wow! That was fucking lame.


Oh heck yeah. I'm ready. I was disapointed with the re release of DOD but its ok. Now we get the complete version.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I thought it was for the remake too, which by the way I think kills the original as far as being a better horror movie is concerned. The original was more of a satire.

They are releasing an unrated director's cut of the remake alongside the theatrical version on October 31st. I litterally cannot wait for that DVD to hit. It's easily my most anticipated release right now. I can't wait to find out what kind of stuff gets added. It was already a pretty gory movie to begin with.

Coin Return

Loose Slot
Here are the DVD specs for the remake, which there will be both R rated and Unrated editions:

The Lost Tape:

Over 15 minutes of Terrifying Footage Revealed
Chilling images from recovered "home movie"
documents Andy's last horrific days
as he battles the zombie hordes outside his gun shop
and fights to maintain his sanity!

Special Bulletin: Zombie Invasion!

Startling news coverage includes panicked updates from the White House
and scientific experts as the nation is thrown into chaos!

Over 12 Minutes of Deleted Scenes Pulse pounding scenes too
terrifying for the final theatrical release!

Optional commentary from director Zack Snyder.

Surviving the Dawn: Dare to Face Your Fears!

A behind the screams feature with cast interviews, on-location footage and more!

CommentaryDirector Zack Snyder and producer Eric Newman
offer their dead-on perspectives about making the film.

*Exclusive* Slitting Headaches: Anatomy of Exploding Heads

The gory details of how the filmmakers make the head-kills
in the film look so believable plus designs, test models
and final weapons used by the actors

*Exclusive* Attack of the Living Dead

An up-close look at the film's most memorable zombie

*Exclusive* Raising the Dead - From early concept to final effects:
turning the actors into undead killers


The packaging looks awesome. September looks to be a busy month for me DVD-wise since my B-day's on the 14th. Getting this, Alias Season 3 and prolly finally scoop X-Files Season's 3 and 4.


shitting in the alley outside your window
I'm only in it for the Argento cut, if you haven't seen it, then you're missing out. Definetely give it a look when the dvd hits.


I haven't seen the Argento cut, myself, so I'll make sure that's the first thing I pop in when I snag the set. Meanwhile, Document of the Dead gets a big thumbs-up, so be sure ya'll get around to watching it instead of letting the extras disc collect dust on your shelf.

Oh, and for the record, the original Dawn of the Dead shoots the re-make smack in the middle of it's forehead.



The original kills the new one. It's one of the best horror films of all time.

The people in the movie were having a good time, because they thought they had beaten the zombies. The problem is, eventually they either got too careless and got bitten, as in the white cop, or (even though they didn't show it) the zombies would eventually win, because they'd all die at some point.

The special features in the remake DVD sound interesting, assuming they're done right. The stuff with Andy could certainly be fucking scary.

I'm also interested in
*Exclusive* Attack of the Living Dead

An up-close look at the film's most memorable zombie
I don't really remember a memorable zombie. Could they be referring to the child at the beginning? The baby zombie? Jay Leno? Who knows.

One last thing before I go:


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
The original kills the new one. It's one of the best horror films of all time.

Not really. Its not the least bit scary once they get to the mall and doesnt even try to be. Its more like a dark comedy than anything. I'll take the remake and its running zombies anyday I want a reall horror movie.


shitting in the alley outside your window
man, this thread with its props to the remake over the original and the hate in the flcl thread are really hurting my brain.

evil ways

The re-make DVD is fucking stacked, I can't wait for both sets.

And while I like both the classic and the re-make versions of the film, the original hasn't really aged that well and was not much of an horror film to begin with. It was more of a gory social satire.

Coin Return

Loose Slot
On the other DOTD dvd that was released this year, George Romero said himself that he thinks its more of an adventure movie, rather than horror. But its still better than the re-make.


Nothing in the remake comes close to the sheer lunacy of the original (not even the "celebrity" shootings), which is what makes it so damn great imo. Someone earlier mentioned the biker gang as lame? Are you nuts!???


The biker gang was lame. They came to the mall...why? To ruin the mall dwellers' good time? Then a bunch of that got killed and they ran away. How lame.

The original was more of a zombie comedy than a horror flick. The zombies couldn't even hurt anyone. They were too stiff and they walked to slow.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
How can you not like the end of the Remake? And the sniper game portion? Loved the original and the remake.


Unconfirmed Member
Manders said:
The biker gang was lame. They came to the mall...why? To ruin the mall dwellers' good time? Then a bunch of that got killed and they ran away. How lame.
That is the probelm with a lot of other apocalyptic visions. In the event of some kind of epedemic of something like this you would, assuming you survived long enough, sometimes meet other pockets of human resistance, gangs, small groups, military etc. Some of these groups wouldn't give a shit about your group, and would be hostile. Vigilantism would likely run rampant hence the mall looting/bashing. The main group obviously wanted to protect their resource (the mall) so they fought back, and scared off the gang who seemed to be more interested in causing trouble than actually sticking around there.

You don't have to like it, but it is well thought out.

Manders said:
The original was more of a zombie comedy than a horror flick. The zombies couldn't even hurt anyone. They were too stiff and they walked to slow.
It is comical now, but I am sure at the time the images were more gruesome, and perhaps shocking. The slow moving and walking zombies thing is just the genre paradigm. And they certainly seemed to kill a lot of people at that speed anyway, but that was part of the terror in the archetype, it moves slowely but is a sort of creeping, impending doom. You can walk around among them if you want... but if you get careless or cocky they will fuck your shit up proper.

As for the comedy, all the kind of absurd consumerism that they partake in was part of the movies social commentary, and is still evident in the "remake's" lounge music montage scene.

I don't care if you prefer the new one. If the movie is more your speed then that is great. But the original is well implimented for what it is


This set reminds me of the R2 double disc set with argentos cut along side with romeros one. Although the anchorbay one has more extras I think.


I have that R2 set. It's pretty good, I really dont know if I'll buy this edition tho..

oh and the remake was awful, I wanted to leave 10 minute in.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
To me, the slow-ass 'punching bag' zombies are what made the movie so frightening. Yeah, you can take down a few of them without breaking a sweat, but no matter how many you kill, they just keep coming. It is the sheer persistence of the zombies that makes the situation horrible, not the zombie itself. You knew as soon as the movie started that no matter the humans’ ability to kill or run from the zombies, they were going to die. I supposed in that the zombies were just a symbol for death itself. You can sneer at it all you want, but in that split second you let your guard down, it'll get you. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into the original 'Dawn', but I'd like to think it was fairly cerebral for a horror movie...
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