hahaha just played for an hour, that was great.
teamed up with some other dude, then slowly crawled through some towns evading zombies constantly, stocking up on gear and looking for some water for me. Pretty tense at times because they can really surround you if you don't move enough
Then we entered some large town near the coast and saw some flares, so we decided to get up into a tower. It was stocked with supplies, which we were checking out while some others (who didnt respond to chat) were fighting zombies and dropping flares outside.
Suddenly I see some guy running to the entrance, followed by some zombies. I warn my partner who is gearing up, try to get some angle to safely blast the zombies, but before we know it he's already up the stairs... FUCKING BANDIT (first one I've seen, still immediately recognized he was not "OK" lol )
he instantly kills fanboi

then I instantly kill him

. so now I'm stuck in a tower with around 20 zombies next to the stairs :| tried to get some more loot but zombies hit me and now I'm low on blood
think I'll play some more in daytime tomorrow
so question: I played the same part for 15 minutes in the afternoon (like 12 hours ago). Then there were no zombies and hardly any loot. Now at night there are zombies everywhere around you (in town) and there are winchesters and rifles + equipment/ammo/food everywhere. Does difficulty/loot depend on the time or on the server settings ?