Does the game have proximity chat? Because that would be awesome.
Yes, but I do believe that it's broken for the moment.
Does the game have proximity chat? Because that would be awesome.
Yes, but I do believe that it's broken for the moment.
Some people believe it works, others don't. In my experience it does not work at all.
What happened last night for me was that we just shared our Steam IDs and started up a Steam voice chat. We did try AusGAF's mumble but it only has a 15 player limit, and most of that was people playing Dota 2.
I think voice communication is key to this game. They need to get location-based voice chat working ASAP. In addition, I would love it if they just removed global chat by default. Or have it be tied to an in-game item like a radio. Because it totally ruins the tension of meeting other players when half the chat is "DON'T TRUST X THEY TEAMKILLED ME 5 MINUTES AGO". Like, what. Why would you ruin the player interaction aspect of this game by letting every single player see that?
On the flip side, if it was a lot rarer to have the ability to communicate globally, it could make scenarios really interesting where you had acquired knowledge that your buddy can't be trusted, and in turn you would have to deal with that more privately.
So far that's my only major complaint. Stuff like glitchy wallhack zombies and drinking seawater aren't that much of a bother. But I do feel like global chat is a bit of a downer, even if there might be ways for me to remove it.
could someone tell me real quick where to throw the mod files into which directory, i got the game from steam and also got the dlc for the better res textures.
could someone tell me real quick where to throw the mod files into which directory, i got the game from steam and also got the dlc for the better res textures.
Man, I've been watching Criken's stream for the past few hours. So damn intense, the group died a few minutes ago after a siege at the airfield. I hope they put that whole thing on Youtube.
lol at The days ahead part 2. The guy must have not known about fall damage, and died mid sentence. Kinda funny in a way since the zombies sound like Taz from Loony Tunes.
I feel bad for watching practically all of Criken's stream, but it was so worth it.
... but now I really want to try it out.
That stream was hilarious.This was linked in the other Dayz thread, but it's really fun and worth watching right now:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@dayz\addons
You need to create an "@dayz" folder and a "addons" folder inside it.
Then, add this "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" to your Launch Options for ARMA:OA. Also, you need to launch Combined Operations, not OA itself.
So I made it all the way to picking a server and receiving data. Now I'm on a black screen that says loading for the past 2-3 minutes. Retry or wait?
Been watching videos and this is hilarious to me -
this is gonna be one of those mod explosions i can senses it i can
happened to catch this stream and that epic stand-off in the bunker twitch ended. I started watching this at the start, the guy is annoying but wow this game looks so nuts.
So now a epic pc noob question...
if I wanted to play this and diablo 3, how much am I looking at?
Is this fun if you don't have a bunch of people you know to play with? The videos look amazing but they mostly show groups of five players or more, and none of my friends are interested in playing this yet.
hahaha just played for an hour, that was great. WAS THAT YOU FANBOI ?
teamed up with some other dude, then slowly crawled through some towns evading zombies constantly, stocking up on gear and looking for some water for me. Pretty tense at times because they can really surround you if you don't move enough
Then we entered some large town near the coast and saw some flares, so we decided to get up into a tower. It was stocked with supplies, which we were checking out while some others (who didnt respond to chat) were fighting zombies and dropping flares outside.
Suddenly I see some guy running to the entrance, followed by some zombies. I warn my partner who is gearing up, try to get some angle to safely blast the zombies, but before we know it he's already up the stairs... FUCKING BANDIT (first one I've seen, still immediately recognized he was not "OK" lol )
he instantly kills fanboithen I instantly kill him
. so now I'm stuck in a tower with around 20 zombies next to the stairs :| tried to get some more loot but zombies hit me and now I'm low on blood
think I'll play some more in daytime tomorrow
so question: I played the same part for 15 minutes in the afternoon (like 12 hours ago). Then there were no zombies and hardly any loot. Now at night there are zombies everywhere around you (in town) and there are winchesters and rifles + equipment/ammo/food everywhere. Does difficulty/loot depend on the time or on the server settings ?
Is this fun if you don't have a bunch of people you know to play with? The videos look amazing but they mostly show groups of five players or more, and none of my friends are interested in playing this yet.
Is this fun if you don't have a bunch of people you know to play with? The videos look amazing but they mostly show groups of five players or more, and none of my friends are interested in playing this yet.
So, I log on. Something weird is going on. I logged out in an airfield hanger, but I spawn in a field. I don't have a GPS, so I can't find myself on the map. I look around in all directions - I haven't died. I'm not near the shoreline, and I still have all my stuff. Suddenly, I spot someone. Something.
A bandit skin. He's holding a weapon. He's not moving. He has no name. I move closer...
There's more of them? Are they zombies? I ready my Winchester.
At this point I've noticed maybe five of these guys. Standing there, looking in the one direction. What's worse,
The fucker TURNS to me. I lose my shit. What is going on? These aren't zombies, and they're not players.
I can't take it - I shoot the husk. He falls after a brief moment. He has nothing on him. There are more of them. Looking at me. I run for it.
As I run through the forest, I pass more and more of these scarecrows. Maybe it was all the seawater. Maybe I've died. Maybe I was never alive. I didn't plan to find out. A few hundred metres out I'd stopped seeing signs of the standing men. I knew I was going south. The shoreline would lead me. I'm at the apex of a hill, from there I can get my baringssssssssssS$$%######################
Is this on a big single server or split into multiple servers? Whats the max player count?
They sounds like zombies and the hunter from L4D...cause that is the sound set they used.
That would be cool if there was weird, stalkeresque supernatural events but I dont think they should mess with what they have.
That would be cool if there was weird, stalkeresque supernatural events but I dont think they should mess with what they have.
If BIS would put Combined Operations on sale in midweek madness on steam and this mod and videos spread to news outlets like PCG and RockPaperShotgun the game could sell like hot cakes, it's already well on it's way climbing the steam top chart.