I feel like an idiot asking since similar quesitons continue to be answered, but:
1. I know you need both Arma II and OA. If I buy Combined Operations on Steam for $30, does that handle everything I need besides the mod?
2. If I get Combined Operations on Steam, is there a step by step guide to installing the mod (which is presumably just a matter of copying over files)? I was looking around the thread and OP but maybe I'm blind and missed it.
3. Neither game is VAC protected, correct? So modding and installing this mod will not cause problems with VAC or other (normal ARMA II) anti-cheat systems?
4. If I want to see if my system can run it, the Arma II free version (not the demo) is the one to download on Steam, correct? Or should I get the demo since it's smaller?
To answer your questions in order....
1. Yes, Combined Ops is all you need.
2. Yes, read the OP in the
Goon forum thread, it has very clear instructions to install the mod.
3. Yea, there is no VAC protection and modding the game will not affect your VAC status.
4. The Arma 2 demo is a very old build and it won't reflect any of the changes to the engine that have been made since. Likewise, Arma 2 Free is newer but still not a completely updated. Still, if you can run Arma 2 Free acceptably, then you should be fine with Combined Ops.
edit - damnit beaten so badly. I'm going sit in a corner and cry now