Just about to jump on the UK1 hosted by RoaR server if anyone else is aboot.
Is this fun if you don't have a bunch of people you know to play with? The videos look amazing but they mostly show groups of five players or more, and none of my friends are interested in playing this yet.
Someone mentioned earlier spawning in the woods surround by essentially lifeless beings standing around. That shit is scarier than zombies!
Split into, I think, 12-15 servers. They just add Aussie ones last night. 50 and 35 max count. Almost always full but you can get in if you get lucky, spam enter, or play during a game time night hour.
Let me know when you're playing today.I might be playing later, me and my friends play on UK1 when we can.
We had a game yesterday where we were at the smaller of the 2 airfields, hunting somebody down who was making a load of noise. My friend shot him and it turned out it was Roar himself, and wow did he have some good shit on him.
Also I had THE best spawn yesterday. I got into a fire fight with a bandit, as soon as I spawned, killed him without taking hit. He had just spawned, so that meant double starting supplies.
Literally 2 minutes later, I came across a sniper sat on a hill watching over Churno. Put about 5 bullets in the back of his head. Open his backpack.... the motherload. Full CZ550, tonnes of a ammo, about 12 cooked meats. A full AlicePack filled with pills, bandages and more ammo. So good.
I think I'm actually still on that character. Still survior too becuase i have killed about 4-5 bandits, but really I'm a bandit too, haha.
Haven't played a game like this since Dark Souls, probably spent about 7 hours playing yesterday with my friends - we just go around as a bandit pack hunting people down.(excluding DOTA2 :/)
Apparently there is a 100player server up now too.
man, why can I outrun a village worth of zombies?
That happened to me, may have been my post you're referencing. It happened again yesterday when i first spawned. I don't know what it was, but I was able to get gear off of one of them like I mentioned. They were definitely non-player, the label was glitched.
Can somebody please help me with a problem i am having?
Whenever i try to join a server i am instantly "Kicked from game" without explaination.
Could somebody join the server and tell me what is says i was kicked for ? I'm pretty sure it says in-game in the chatbox, even though it doesn't let me know.
Anybody willing to do that right now? PM me if you can ! Thanks so much.
Have you tried re-installing BattleEye? it's their anti-cheat client
Yes I have. I have tried via steam, and have even gone to the battle eye website and downloaded the newest .dll and added it to the battleeye directory in the arma 2 folder.
Would you be willing to just go in a server and wait to see my kicked message?
Why it's a bad idea to fire a Lee-Enfield in Elektro
(sorry for the garbage Steam screenshots)
What I gathered from hearing Rocket talk about the mod during a stream last night is that that's the actual character you spawn as but it then transfers to another character, that's also why chat is broken because all the characters are at the same place.
It's done that way so the server has time to save your character when you disconnect and to avoid item duplicating exploits. He's trying to figure out a way to change this and get chat working properly. This is where being a BIS dev will come in handy since he can ask for help or discuss it with people who made the engine.
I'm sure BIS has taken notice since Combined Ops is almost in the top 10 steam sales charts now (11 right now).
Tried to make a video of my Day 1 but it was quite dark so I turned it into a trailer (kind of)
Ok sure, just pm me the server and stuff.
What server? I'll try and 'save' you.![]()
Yuh huh, I'm sure you'd love to liberate meof my supplies
I already decided to end it all and jumped off to my death. Left all my weapons and gear on the roof and told people if it clears up there's some loot there. Then took a dive onto the pavement.
Turns out a two story fall wasn't enough to kill me, only break my ankles. The next half a minute was watching myself be eaten by zombies while phasing in and out of conscious.
you are overestimating engine's modern capabilities.Also do they plan to add gore to this mod ? no Shooting limbs off and stuff ? no
Is someone playing this with a radeon 7850 ? Can you play this in 1080p, high detail and 60fps with it ?
This mod makes me want to go back to pc gaming and Im already looking at what to buy.
Also do they plan to add gore to this mod ? Shooting limbs off and stuff ?
Yea quite a few things to do. I haven't played it but from watching stuff:For those of you who played it, what are the main things they need to fix or improve to make this worth paying for?
For the videos I have a few pointers, but like I said, I haven't actually played it:
Visual/mood stuff:
Make the player characters look better, more choices. Regular people in regular clothing.
More realistic weapon places, you have to search closets, containers, etc.
Some sort of RPG system to make it more rewarding to survive for long periods of time.
More responsive combat, right now it looks like zombies don't react to hits. Makes the guns feel weak. They should feel really powerful, especially since they're a rare commodity.
I think this mod needs to become standalone before people start finding flaws in Arma. What makes this mod interesting to me is that they only added zombies to the game to Arma scenario. People are playing arma and they don't even know it thanks to zombies.
You just described Arma II, lol. There's only so much the DayZ guys can do about these, especially the menu system and animations.Yea quite a few things to do. I haven't played it but from watching stuff:
- The animations are ridiculously bad
- The lag
- Possibly the menu system? Looks pretty ugly
- The huge amount of glitches
Yea quite a few things to do. I haven't played it but from watching stuff:
- The animations are ridiculously bad
- The lag
- Possibly the menu system? Looks pretty ugly
- The huge amount of glitches
Yea quite a few things to do. I haven't played it but from watching stuff:
- The animations are ridiculously bad
- The lag
- Possibly the menu system? Looks pretty ugly
- The huge amount of glitches
Its such a shame that Arma is probably one of the only games that this mod could run on.
Because it means you have to put up with all the janky shit that comes with it. Glitches, awful movement and gun use, dodgy inventory systems, and the terrible little menu system that pops up to use anything.
I have heard though that the creator, the guy who works for BIS, made an off hand comment that the mod runs pretty well on Arma3. So fingers crossed it will be appearing on that, soon after release, maybe built into the game.
Dead motherfuckers
Dat loot
Trip shots
And Route
KKR you on the seattle server?
This game makes me wonder what the multiplayer for STALKER was like? There was multi for that game right?