I'd say hold off if you're not sure, but the combined operations pack is only $30 USD, not $50.
Nix, which server are you?STREAMING! - http://www.justin.tv/nixel - With a few gaffers
EU3. Playing from NA and it's not that bad.
I'm on the West side of Elektro. Where abouts are you?EU3. Playing from NA and it's not that bad.
Player Profile on the main menu.
On the title screen> Profile> change name there.
You'll have to create a new profile in the main menu, and you'll have to change all your settings around on it too
The main profile is named after your Windows username, I think
If you're joining us: GET ON MUMBLE!
I'm on EU3 as well, meet up!
Ugh, EU is one of the hardcore servers...
What exactly do hardcore servers entail? I played mostly on EU3 I think this weekend and then a short while on NY5 and the only difference I could notice was that EU had no crosshairs or 3rd person. And in fact it seemed like EU zombies required fewer shots while NY took more, though I cant say that as fact, just seemed that way.
What exactly do hardcore servers entail? I played mostly on EU3 I think this weekend and then a short while on NY5 and the only difference I could notice was that EU had no crosshairs or 3rd person. And in fact it seemed like EU zombies required fewer shots while NY took more, though I cant say that as fact, just seemed that way.
No crosshairs, no third person. I like to use third person when travelling and stuff. No crosshairs is hell considering how bad hit detection and all that is even with them. We'll see though...Those are the only differences I know of.
What are criken and the guys using for chat in game?
Maybe its because its what I started out playing with, but I like the hardcore settings. I like have no crosshairs or 3rd person. I didnt find 3rd person to be all that helpful and the crosshairs felt cheap and ugly.
How can you tell which servers will be daytime?
First game was nighttime and I was utterly lost.
If you like that stuff, and I have no idea if DayZ supports it, consider the ACE mod. It makes the game much more realistic, and the developers usually take some features from those mods and add them to the vanilla releases of their next games.
ACE mod for ArmA II disables crosshairs and ammo displays, to name some very direct things.
It uses real time day night cycle depending on server location. It will be night, all night.
So basically none of the US servers will be daytime when I can play![]()
So basically none of the US servers will be daytime when I can play![]()
Nighttime adds another dimension to the game. The ominous red glow of road flares can attract players, and creates a creepy atmosphere you'll never get during the day. It's easier to go undetected. Flashlights become important etc.
I quite enjoy playing late at night myself.
As a dedicated bandit, if you launch a flare in either Elektro or Chern I will find you, and I will reap the rewards. So many suckers using side channel to coordinate their groups and given me the chance to out flank and distract them.
In short: night time is the right time.
Weekly leaderboards for most time alive without dying wwith avatar unlocks for top performers please.
So I need to DL every file from the download section of the DayZ page? I wish it just came in 1 archive.
Ugh, I can't find a retail copy of Arma II anywhere so looks like I'll be buying off Steam. Will a Direct Download of Arma II work with a retail release of Operation Arrowhead for DayZ or am I best to buy the Combined Operations?
Ah shit, I should just buy CO and if the retail OA doesn't work I will have the digital. If it does work I guess I could gift it or something.
Its regularly updated, like multiple times a week, so its easier for them to just replace the couple of files that have been altered than recompile the entire thing. This is an actual alpha game, you cant expect any amount of polish or ease of use right now.
It must be killing you to not be able to play this, considering your avatar. I'm in the same boat though. Streams and vids until I get a new pc.
Definitely understand all that but was hoping someone would have compiled an archive by now![]()
Six Updater will update the mod with one click if you set it up right.Someone probably is, Ive seen a number of people asking for an auto updater. I wouldnt be surprised to see one in a month or so max. Especially with the massive explosion of interest in the MOD. I doubt it would be too hard to make a simple program that checked the directory for new files, downloaded the .rars and extracted them into your designated @dayz/addons folder.
You could also run up a steep hill which you will have to do sideways or running down a steep hill can make zombies trip and fall essentially killing them.Got a lot of zombies on your ass? Just disconnect back into the lobby and click ok to connect, you will respawn and no more zombies.
I'll be jumping on in about an hour, what server is the GAF crew on?
Six Updater will update the mod with one click if you set it up right.