no one playing right now?
Sometimes the most interesting sessions feature no other human players. I started near a factory and did my best to explore without alerting any zombies to my location, creeping around and keeping my distance. Near what looked like a train station I found my first new weapon: A winchester rifle and 15 rounds of ammo! I felt like a god! Then I went inside the station and found a pair of binoculars! These were my first real supplies apart from food and drink that I had ever found.
So I creep around the station and factory area a bit more, holding my rifle with confidence the whole time. Suddenly I realise I'm about 10 metres from a zombie and he goes nuts, so I run up a ladder (big mistake) and am now stranded on this scaffolding as about a dozen zombies go crazy underneath me. I wait a while to see if any other players come along but no one does, so I attract them down to one side of the scaffolding and then quickly race to the opposite side's ladder and climb down. Then I ran maybe about three or four miles, picking up more zombies as I went through a small town.
Finally I see an electrical yard and I race towards it, praying that there is something I can climb up or a place I can bottleneck the zombies so I can take them out. I find a two metre high ladder that leaves me on top of a big ol' fuel tank, and I take a hit while climbing. So that leaves me here:
Luckily the zombies are really stupid and can't operate ladders (but they've figured out how to teleport through doors!) so I headshot about 15 of them with my Makarov and the heat dies down.
Now I'm holed up in another small town a few miles away from the electrical yard, smoked a few more zombies from my second story hideout, and I found a jerry can!
This game keeps getting better and better.[/QUOTE]
Hahaha I've been stuck in that save situation, fired off a Lee Enfield and got swamped on one of those fuel tanks. Ended up jumping off and running up a nearby hill towards a friendly who tried to help. I ended up dieing while climbing a ladder and then the zeds started chasing him.
So many crazy stories. One from our last playthrough -
Found a bandit den filled with bandit bodies in Cherno - pillaged their remains for some sweet ass gear, including a shotgun with an under-barrel flashlight. Came in super handy when we ran out of flares to signal our location to a friend and I turned my character into a spinning beacon of bright light. Game is so goood
One day, DayZ bros, one day -
How do you sit like that!?
There's a key bind for it in controls, I forget what the default is since I changed it.
Ah, i'll look for it.
We should play together sometime!
Hahaha I've been stuck in that save situation, fired off a Lee Enfield and got swamped on one of those fuel tanks. Ended up jumping off and running up a nearby hill towards a friendly who tried to help. I ended up dieing while climbing a ladder and then the zeds started chasing him.
Arma 2 Combined Ops is now the third bestselling game on Steam
Holy shit, Arma II Combined Operations is now the third best selling game on Steam, crazy!
Holy shit, Arma II Combined Operations is now the third best selling game on Steam, crazy!
See developers, supporting your fans by allowing mods can make your base game cash.
Would be very nice if they'd allow people to host their own servers in this.
Then I'd be willing to give it a shot, sounds fun just exploring a huge world with randomized loot. Not a fan of being restricted to other peoples servers though. Not a huge mp player.
Trying to get info in their forums:
Yep, a GAF server would be awesome. I luckily got into the servers pretty quickly last night but I've heard of folk trying for ages with no luck.
There are few threads here offering hosting services:
Damn @ 3rd Steam best-sellers place. This is gaining pretty quickly. I wonder if Bohemia won't oversleep this success.
ìs there a quick/easy way to form a group without running miles and miles to a certain destination? is it possible for 2 or more players to spawn at the same location?
sry for bump, but anyone?
DayZ Forums said:I ran up to a guy and shot him in the head with gun after saying i was friendly. I took his ALICE bag and his rifle and headed to the closest tower. I threw flares around me and began searching for curious people. If people approached me I would shoot them. Got about 9 people killed when I noticed someone below looting my victims. I shot one bullet which missed and he ran behind a wall saying "I'm friendly" at least 20 times and even yelled out on his mic. I responded to him saying he could come up and join me.
We killed many people for a good hour and we took turns going down to loot and scavenge for items. Until it was time for me to sleep, I told him it was good playing together and he had a sick aim. I was ready to disconnect from the server after I gave him a salute, but I stopped for a second and went back into the game. He was already down on the floor, prone and looking for others. I grabbed my revolver and shot him 3 times in the head, leaving the loot there. Had good dreams that night.
One of my favorite stories from the DayZ forums. No honor among bandits.
Would you guys forsake the gaf mumble if the ingame comms worked properly and they included long and short range radios to find? Or does this create a layer that might ruin some peoples time trying to get into groups?
Yes, in a heartbeat.
I might use mumble/steamchat to get bearings with people and decide where to meet up though.
Would you guys forsake the gaf mumble if the ingame comms worked properly and they included long and short range radios to find? Or does this create a layer that might ruin some peoples time trying to get into groups?
Poor Joel
Yup. Greater immersion for sure. Especially if as you mentioned you needed to find radios to do any kind of long range communication.
I would also like the option to turn off chat messages.
Oh snap, one of our survivor buddies sent me this on steam:
If/when the mod gets ported to Arma 3 it's going to need a higher player limit.
oh jesus the map is big enough as it is lol