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DC announces ‘The Lazarus Contract’, Titans Family comic crossover

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I didn't actually know that was the retcon. What book was that in? I don't remember it being in Rebirth.
It was in Rebirth. It's when Wally's zipping through the place but finally content that he could die knowing that there was someone that could fill his shoes (NuWally).
It was actually one of the smoothest retcons I have ever seen in terms of execution. Johns actually earned my respect with how smooth it was.

Yep, I wanted to give him a round of applause after reading that. He's far from being a perfect writer but when it comes down to retconning impossibly confusing shit (see: Hawkman), he's a master and this might have been his smoothest retcon yet.

I was happy to see that they reverted to the older version of the Creeper. The nu-52 "oni" version was an unnecessary and stupid re-interpretation of the character.

I wasn't even aware they had changed him in New 52. Last time I saw him before Deathstroke was probably Infinite Crisis I think.


Titans is about it, given the presence of Donna Troy. Maybe Red Hood and the Outlaws, since Artemis is in that book. No idea what her deal is in that, though.

Wonder Woman doesn't have any family titles to crossover with lol

The potential retcon of Wonder Woman's New 52 run has put the amazons and those relating to them
In an interesting place. In fact Wonder Woman, Donna Troy, and Artemis revised origins are going to be explored really soon in their respective books. If I'm not mistaken, Artemis origin is going to be tackled this or next month in RHaTO and Donna Troy in the Titans annual.


I didn't actually know that was the retcon. What book was that in? I don't remember it being in Rebirth.

It was in DC Rebirth:

In the context of the story, it works really, really well.

It was in Rebirth IIRC.

Must have looked it over. It wasn't in Titans or the first few issues of Teen Titans (I dropped it), so I figured I either overlooked it in Rebirth or it happened later on in Flash (which I also dropped about 4 issues in, including the Rebirth issue).

It was in DC Rebirth:

In the context of the story, it works really, really well.


And there it is. I remember it well and good now. Dunno why I blanked on it.
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