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DC Universe Online |OT| The next legend is YOU!


So, they want us to pay £10 a month, on top of the £30 for the game, and we STILL have to buy DLC? Suppose it all depends on how much content they've bundled together, and if it will really be worth it.

So far though, this game has burnt me badly, so don't want to trust it again.


Chriswok said:

So, they want us to pay £10 a month, on top of the £30 for the game, and we STILL have to buy DLC? Suppose it all depends on how much content they've bundled together, and if it will really be worth it.

So far though, this game has burnt me badly, so don't want to trust it again.

MMOs have expansion packs, not DLC with powers, this should not be supported. You are already paying for the game and monthly fee, why pay for a tiny upgrade for a few new powers? It sickens me and we shouldn't support that.
I would pay, but feel it's a rip off since the base game is so lacking in content. The content update really seems just like a big patch you see with other MMO's. Such a fun game, but severely lacking in stuff to do and not worth the monthly fee.


If you love playing the game I don't see a problem in purchasing the premium dlc.

Personally I will be there day one, it's the only mmo I have ever enjoyed...and still do.

Not liking it, and not buying the dlc is a no-brainer.
However, you're throwing the door open to being constantly bombarded with little packets of DLC at £7 a pop, where as nearly all other successful and popular MMOs give small updates away for free (as part of your subscription).

Can't say I'm surprised this is happening from SOE though, their track records of looking after their MMO fanbase is pretty shocking.
CozMick said:
If you love playing the game I don't see a problem in purchasing the premium dlc.

Personally I will be there day one, it's the only mmo I have ever enjoyed...and still do.

Not liking it, and not buying the dlc is a no-brainer.

I liked the game, but playing since launch it quickly ran out of content and the updates have been so small and slow for the game, along with countless bugs and problems still not fixed. Already we pay 15 bucks a month for the game and they are going to charge me for a tiny expansion which doesn't sound like more than a large monthly update? No thanks.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
RadarX said:
All US PlayStation 3 servers will be down Monday August 1st at 8AM PT for maintenance to introduce Game Update 4. Server downtime is anticipated to be approximately 2.5 hours and patch notes will be made available during that time.

Megaservers will be rolled out "shortly after" U4 has been deployed. Supposedly US PC will roll out first, followed by EU PC, US PS3, and finally EU PS3.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
NihonTiger90 said:
I guess I should do those Spring Achievements soon then, huh?
Yeah. You wont be able to get them all if you're just starting but you should have no trouble getting the snack feat and the collection (via the auction house).


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Square Triangle said:
Just saw in our marketing kit at work that anyone who buys the game, PC or PS3, gets the Green Lantern DLC for free.
What? How does that work? New purchases get a free DLC key?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Square Triangle said:
Yeah, Gamestop will offer the DLC for sale like everything else. So for the new buyers it will print out on the receipt
Is there a release date in the kit? Some guy over at the SOE forums was saying a GS memo had August 16th as the date.
Killthee said:
Yeah. You wont be able to get them all if you're just starting but you should have no trouble getting the snack feat and the collection (via the auction house).

Got both those already. Probably will not get the trinket one but I'm gonna try to grind for my last two costume pieces.
Square Triangle said:
Just saw in our marketing kit at work that anyone who buys the game, PC or PS3, gets the Green Lantern DLC for free.

That's awesome! Man, I can't-

Oh wait. I already own the game. :p

(Seriously, this is great for the new folk but it sucks for us, lol)


NihonTiger90 said:
That's awesome! Man, I can't-

Oh wait. I already own the game. :p

(Seriously, this is great for the new folk but it sucks for us, lol)

For real. I guess it's for the best though, more people buying = better.


Square Triangle said:
Sorry about the multiple posts but we have a release date of 8/16 for the DLC

I wonder if Europe will ever see the dlc?

First of all we haven't got the Marketplace yet,

Now we ain't getting update 4 until "some time after the US"

And the dlc?

Makes me wonder why we pay more for our sub than the US :\
CozMick said:
I wonder if Europe will ever see the dlc?

First of all we haven't got the Marketplace yet,

Now we ain't getting update 4 until "some time after the US"

And the dlc?

Makes me wonder why we pay more for our sub than the US :\
Because Team America is da bestest duh!

I really have no clue, is the population in game smaller on the EU servers?
CozMick said:
I wonder if Europe will ever see the dlc?

First of all we haven't got the Marketplace yet,

Now we ain't getting update 4 until "some time after the US"

And the dlc?

Makes me wonder why we pay more for our sub than the US :\

Are you surprised? Don't think anyone else is. Beta suggested PS3 EU would be left lagging behind. Sony's handling of Playstation in Europe since PS1 also suggested that they wouldn't bother to show us any love.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Square Triangle said:
Sorry about the multiple posts but we have a release date of 8/16 for the DLC
Sweet, thanks for confirming. Hopefully they're able to meet the date (
Who am I kidding? That date sounds way too good to be true.... X_X

Square Triangle said:
Because Team America is da bestest duh!

I really have no clue, is the population in game smaller on the EU servers?
I think the major issue is SOE's lack of presence in Europe and SCEE's slow staff. The beta made it perfectly clear that SOE's-SCEE's patch deployment process was anything but streamlined. While the US PS3 version was at one point getting patched weekly, the EU version was always one step behind and eventually somewhere ~3 patches behind. When retail launched, instead of working with SCEE to get stuff out the door faster, they just delayed everything for the 3 other versions until EU PS3 was ready. It seems like SOE has reached a point where they're unwilling to hold back the other 3 versions just because of SCEE, at least when it comes to the Marketplace.

I would love it if they just dumped the parity rule out the window (sorry PS3 Euro's : P) and sped up patch deployment for the 3 other versions, but I don't see that becoming the norm. My guess is they just couldn't justify delaying the Marketplace anymore because of SCEE's ineptitude, but they still intend on keeping content parity. I'm expecting EU Update 4 to be deployed a day/couple of days after the US just like the other EU PS3 updates and for the DLC to be released around the same time via the PS Store if the marketplace still isn't up.

By the end of this week, depending on whether or not EU U4 is out, we'll know for sure if the parity rule is still in effect.

Just read a post RadarX made last week, it sounds like they're not following the parity rule so strictly anymore.

RadarX said:
We are still awaiting approval from SCEE. The choice here was to provide the update to most people on Monday and EU as soon as physically possible, or hold it. We feel this is important enough it needed to go live as soon as we could. We don't anticipate EU PS3 should lag too far behind.

Looks like they're not gonna let SCEE hold the game back anymore ^_^
Sorry PS3 Euro's : /


I always seem to be going in a backwards spiral while trying to increase my vit/dom as a troller.

Every single item I get, be it from a drop or a vendor/broker is either piss poor for dom or piss poor for vit, never ever good for both :\


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
CozMick said:
I always seem to be going in a backwards spiral while trying to increase my vit/dom as a troller.

Every single item I get, be it from a drop or a vendor/broker is either piss poor for dom or piss poor for vit, never ever good for both :\
IMO, focus on vitality over dominance. Dom is useless in PvP and while it's nice to be able stun trash PvE mobs, they go down so quickly that it's really not that big of a deal if your dom is low as a new 30. The role most people expect out of you in an alert is to be the party battery/debuff machine. I've never heard someone bitch about a troller not being able to stun in alerts, it's always about the lack of power the troller is outputting. When you start doing raids, dom becomes more important cause the mobs tend to swarm more and you need to stun certain enemies to pass certain sections, but even then you only need the minimum required dom which should easily be attainable with a couple of T1 pieces and some skill points.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Patch notes are up. Some highlights:

New Features Update 4:

  • New Raid – Heroes and Villains will join Superman and Lex Luthor in a legendary battle to the front steps of The Fortress of Solitude which has been taken over by Brainiac! Look for Battle for The Fortress in your Mission Journal to begin!
  • New Alert – Fight your way back into the depths of The Batcave and experience the Outer Caverns as a four player Alert!
  • New PVP Map – Located in the heart of The Fortress of Solitude, this new Deathmatch arena puts 16 players in a tight and action filled map. Containing new Power Ups and a trap room just waiting to bring the pain, it will quickly become a new favorite!
  • Mission Journal Revamp– A new layout and sorting options will make finding your next Mission easy! Need a hand? Share Missions with a friend or Leaguemate!
  • Body Scaling – In DCUO size does matter, and players can now choose brand new body types in Character Creation.

UI General:
  • A new Radial menu has been added! To use, hold down Esc/Backslash/Start and move the mouse or analog stick to highlight an option. Release to select. Choosing no option with the stick will either open the Settings UI (Esc) or open the most recent PDA UI (Backslash/Start).

  • Open world PVP Events are now repeatable.

  • PS3 - Added the ability to take screenshots (pictures are saved to the user’s hard drive and are accessible in the photo section of the PS3)
  • PC/PS3 - Added the ability to take a screenshot from an option on the quick menu (D-pad up.)

Melee: In an effort to bring better parity between ranged and melee weapons the following improvements have been made to Brawling, Dual Wield, Martial Arts, One Handed, Staff, Two Handed as well as the Primal Wolf Form, Gorilla Form and Ice Elemental shape shift forms:

  • Melee specific combo attacks cause additional damage
  • Select melee combo attacks can now hit multiple enemies in a cone
  • You receive an additional 20% chance to resist harmful movement and control effects when using one of these weapons
  • When one of these is equipped your weapon critical damage bonus now starts at 140% rather than 125%

Not sure how I feel about the melee changes. They were badly needed for PvE, but hopefully they don't fuckup PvP.

Download is the usual 124MB Title Update + 3.7GB's.


Patch notes are worth the wait to be honest, amazing job from SOE.

Thanks for the link Killthee

edit: oh, and the controller advice ;)


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Servers are back and the DLC trophies have been added to the game.

Parole Denied
Defeat Red Lantern Vice, YL Lyssa Dark, and Evil Star in the Oan Sciencells

Parole Granted
Defeat Red Lantern Vice, GL Guy Gardner, and Evil Star in the Oan Sciencells

Not that Repulsive
Defeat Vice in the Coast City Duo without restarting the repulsor

Willpower Outage
Defeat the Scion of Will before the Sliceclaws power it up

Illogical Reasoning
Beat the Final Confrontation as a villain without using any Logic Batteries within the Hangar at Ferris Aircraft in Coast City

Low Battery
Beat the Final Confrontation as a hero without using any Logic Batteries within the Hangar at Ferris Aircraft in Coast City

Complete Oan Sciencells without being knocked out

Intergalactic Planetary
Collect all styles in the Sector Agent set

Planetary Intergalactic
Collect all styles in the Sector Incendiary set

Fight for the Light
Complete Coast City Duo, STAR Labs, Coast City Alert, and Oan Sciencells Alert


Anyone have any thoughts on healing in insectoid form vs human form?

So far, the pros for human and insect that I've noticed so far...

-extra power slot available
-higher base heals (300 vs 350, etc)
-able to see costume
-weapon of choice

-higher heal crit chance / magnitude (how noticeable is it?)
-hand blast is great for building combos
-more bursty heals

I don't know how accurate this is, as I'm only level 27 on my nature healer, but I do have a level 30 sorcery healer though, if that changes anything?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
New raid is awesome, even though it is ridiculously easy. I pugged it and we finished it under 40 minutes in our first try.

Here's my main character:



New journal is gorgeous, but I can't seem to activate the new radial menu. I think it might have been a screw up and its coming in U5.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Square Triangle said:
Killthee are you on TKJ? If so whats your toons name?

And that goes for anyone active here, always looking for more friends on there!
Got several, but I mostly play with the one I posted, my main villain (Enchantress). I also got two more villains Syndrome & Starquake and one hero, Morrow. All of them are on TKJ.

New PvP map is sick!


Acquired my first STEELsuit item today, the chest...cost me 60 MoT.

Feels good man :)

Only 60 vit and 9 dom from attempting my first raid.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Square Triangle said:
Hmm I'll get back with you tomorrow on that date. Our computer says the 16th.
I don't understand why they're sending out promo materials when the date doesn't seem to be set in stone yet.


eznark said:
Fuck, I totally forgot about the subscription and got charged $30. Does Sony refund that if you ask?
Just for fun, try adding up your time to see if you even got the time you were supposed to. With the PSN hack, everyone was supposed to get the time they still had left + 60 days free (unless this is wrong). You might find that your legends sub ran out during the outage, and then they tacked on 60 days to that.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Grinchy said:
Just for fun, try adding up your time to see if you even got the time you were supposed to. With the PSN hack, everyone was supposed to get the time they still had left + 60 days free (unless this is wrong). You might find that your legends sub ran out during the outage, and then they tacked on 60 days to that.
My understanding was that it was 30 days + 30 days to make up for lost game time during the hack.


Playstation®Network customers who have ever played DC Universe Online and Free Realms paying Members with an active account on April 20, 2011, will receive 60 days (30 days plus 1 day for each day of the outage) of game time added to their accounts. This game time starts May 14, 2011. Those with paying plans on April 20, 2011 will see "Free 60-day extension" noted on your account upon login.
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