Ugggghhhhh Hawkman
He thankfully is only a semi-regular
Only time Hawkman was worth a damn
Can't wait for this(mostly cause of Hex)!!
Now that it's an OT, try and keep things like casting under spoiler tags because inevitably someone will get upset and cry and it'll be so annoying I'll have to go back in time to kill their parents just to make sure they shut up.
That seems a tad ... excessive.
Here's to hoping I don't get banned again, can't let you have a monopoly on Arrowverse top posters
Originally read this as "Hnggh Hawkman" and was like: Are you serious.Ugggghhhhh Hawkman
Going back and re-watching clip for Sara, it seems she also has a personality now
Originally read this as "Hnggh Hawkman" and was like: Are you serious.
I'm excited for Hawkgirl but can't stand Hawkman any time he's on screen.
Is this the first Sinner Vandal Savage or "I must eat Red Arrow's liver because he is my kid" Vandal Savage
Lamest of the bird themed superheroes.
I couldn't watch any of the shows live this past half season, but I'm back now(I think)! Let's all take a moment of silence to remember when zero wasn't a junior.
Hope my boy Booster Gold shows up
Very unlikely, which sucks. DC is never quite sure what to do with Booster and Beetle - a buddy cop movie currently - they just know that TV can't have them.
How do you have a show with Rip and not have booster show up
Remember when it was just NTGYK being top poster on all Arrowverse threads?That seems a tad ... excessive.
Here's to hoping I don't get banned again, can't let you have a monopoly on Arrowverse top posters
Remember when it was just NTGYK being top poster on all Arrowverse threads?
Ugggghhhhh Hawkman
Ugggghhhhh Hawkman
I fervently hope they both die horrible deaths.
I really enjoy Arrow and The Flash, so I suppose I'm obligated to check this show out. Didn't really enjoy the crossover episodes and thought it was silly, even by CW superhero show standards. Will keep an open mind!
How do you have a show with Rip and not have booster show up
Remember when it was just NTGYK being top poster on all Arrowverse threads?
and now we barely see him
Now it's actually a competition!
Now it's actually a competition!
Nah, it isn't.
Both of your GIF games are weak. So nah, no competition here for me at all.
More like three nights in a row of everyone participating then you posting 8 hours later playing catch upYou know I leave my good stuff for TheOddOne.
We're going to have three nights in a row of Arrowverse trash talk, what a time to be alive. (and Supergirl and Carter)