Oliver Queen killed Ra's al Ghul.
Plus, Eddy killed Eobard, not the Legeds. If you wanna get technical about it.
Oliver Queen killed Ra's al Ghul.
Good episode but if you start thinking, there are way too many plotholes. Just going to have to enjoy it for what it is
Reverse Flash showing up with himself was so good though.
Not a Arrow watcher, but LoT S2 has been top tier out of all the shows I'm watching.
1. LoT/Arrow (based on what people have been saying)
2/3. Tied between The Flash and Supergirl
Nooooooo, they actually killed off Reverse Flash.
I'll be back.
What happened to Merlyn? He wasn't in the brig.
I'm glad that they at least called them fucking stupid. I hope the next season isn't more of the same... because otherwise they might as well just nuke the whole cast because of how incompetent they are. lol
Again, season 3 is going to be totally different, it's not going to be just fixing these simple aberrations and then moving on. As our team is maturing, they're going to be — next season — faced with questions of like, ”What if putting things back to the way they were wasn't good enough?"
I mean, that doesn't address them being idiots over and over again and making unnecessary mistakes because they need to stretch out the storyline for 20 episodes like they were writing a Marvel Netflix show. lolFrom Phil Klemmer:
I honestly hope they go back and just do what it looked like they were promising to do in the first episode of season 2 - a bunch of time cops being good at being time cops.Bravo to the Legends of Tomorrow staff. This went from being a mediocre show to one of the best of the DCverse programs. Loved Season 2 from start to finish.
I mean, that doesn't address them being idiots over and over again and making unnecessary mistakes because they need to stretch out the storyline for 20 episodes like they were writing a Marvel Netflix show. lol
Safe to assume that version was there amongst his army. But once he died they all got erased either way.Such an amazing turn around from the first season, the scene with Sara and not Laurel got me in the feels.I think there's still room for Thawne come back, that was the "future" version of him and not the first one in 1916 wasn't it?
Safe to assume that version was there amongst his army. But once he died they all got erased either way.
I'm sad Rip is goneGotta wonder where he hopped off since time is fucked
So nothing in this finale effects Flash/Arrow right?
I know right?! That's exactly what I thoughtRip better not be gone-we just got him back.
There should have been a scene with the 2 Rory's. I mean at that point he was questioning everyone and how they treated him. Nothing was really seen that would correct his opinion and make him think otherwise.Finally saw the entire thing.
Plotholes everywhere. Army of Reverse Flashes not just fucking things up immediately was fucking lame.
That said, the emotional beats all landed with tactical precision: Sara + Sara, Sara + Laurel, Nate + Nate were all pretty good.
Snart + Heatwave was the best though. That hit me right in the feels.
Aren't they still in RF reality? Going back in time doesn't change the fact that RF used the spear to change reality. So didn't Sara fail?
So nothing in this finale effects Flash/Arrow right?
Thinking on it, that ending could've teased a version of Kamandi.
So is RF gone for good or not?
AV Club: A- Legends Of Tomorrow saves reality but breaks time in an exciting finale
IGN: 8.9 Legends of Tomorrow wrapped up an excellent season with a satisfying, eventful finale episode.
EW: A- ”Aruba" is pretty much the culmination of all of the great work Legends of Tomorrow has done this season.
TVLine Who Died? Who Left the Team? And What Might Season 3 Look Like?
ComicBook agrees!
Of course not! He always has to exist in some form or another due to Flash. They can always use bullshit speed/time excuses to bring him back.
That said, I'd say he's semi-retired for a while. Maybe a few years. No need to overuse him, he can swing by The Flash's final season to wreak havoc.
Just saw it. The way RF died was so lame.
At least fight him a bit like the Flash did.
Fighting Reverse Flash is the problem. The story break down with any attempt at that because no one on the team can realistically do that.
The biggest mistake I think the show made this season was to not have a speedster on deck. A speedster--even a mediocre one on par with Wally from Young Justice--still allows Eobard to be dangerous, but at least somewhat countered.
I was referring to RF vs BF.
Man if he doesn't show up for a few years then I think my interest in Flash will greatly diminish.
If it's any consolation, The Flash can't help but lean back on S1 nostalgia because it's still stronger than anything it's got from S2 or S3.
I could see Thawne showing up on The Flash again. He sorta has to be taken off the table for Legends in the short term. He was the one who set all of this in motion, so beating him is the big victory. Plus he isn't as easily taken down and "put back" as Snart, Merlyn, or Darhk. Even if you wipe Thawne's memory of what happened, he still has knowledge from the future and the ability to travel through time.
Why do people keep letting Merlyn go, fucking hell.
Next season's villain is Parallax.