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DEA Makes Industrial Hemp Schedule 1 - HIA Sues - Many Businesses Now Struggling

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The Hemp Industries Association (HIA) has filed a motion to hold the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in contempt of court for disregarding a 2004 ruling that hemp fiber, stalk, sterilized seed and oil are specifically exempted from the definition of ‘marijuana.

”(The new rule) certainly has caused quite a chill in the marketplace over the last three or four weeks," Hoban said, adding that he's heard from producers who have had trouble keeping their products on e-commerce or retailer platforms. ”The number of calls we get on a daily basis, you couldn't even quantify. ... That is indicative to me of an environment where people are scared, they're nervous."

"Russ Baer, spokesperson for the DEA, has stated that he cannot comment on a petition that he has seen but he has made it clear that the DEA stand by their ruling. He says that every single aspect of marijuana, including hemp, is considered a controlled substance. This includes every compound, derivative, salt or preparation of any substance made from any part of a cannabis plant. He claims that, until the DEA receives conclusive scientific proof of the plant's medicinal benefits from a DEA registrant or person given authority by the DEA to research marijuana, it will remain a Schedule I substance and so will all its derivatives."

So essentially a HUGE amount of businesses who simply make things like rope and paper out of hemp, now are both legally and illegally doing so.

But not only is that an issue, CBD oil, which is used for treatment of a broad range of medical issues including cancer, is now banned as well. The DEA's policy, which I bolded above, essentially makes it impossible for it to be unbanned.

There are plenty of incredibly trustworthy independent studies done by people who are not a DEA registrant or have been given the authority to do so that concludes that hemp provides no psychoactive effects when used. This is because while Cannabis can contain as much as 30% THC, industrial hemp rarely ever contains more than 0.3% THC.

CBD is where the medical uses of Cannabis come from. CBD provides no psychoactive effects and actually reduces the psychoactive effects that THC contributes. CBD oil typically contains 99% CBD and less than 1% THC.

There are two reasons why THC is included. 1. It is nearly impossible to extract pure CBD from hemp without there being some THC. And 2. A tiny bit of THC amplifies the medically beneficial effects of CBD.

It is honestly fucked up that this story is not getting any coverage. The schedule 1 policy was put in place nearly over a month ago and businesses have been heavily struggling since then. I only saw this thanks to Reddit, and the reddit post I read is the first thing that comes up when you search "Industrial Hemp Schedule 1." That just goes to show how little this has been talked about.

Edit: Yes, now any and all of the products that you own that contain hemp are illegal and you now possess a schedule 1 drug, even if they are just shampoo or slippers.

Do your part and share the story so that maybe, just maybe, some actual major news network covers this.

Source: http://www.thecannabist.co/2017/01/13/hemp-dea-extracts-marijuana-cbd-judicial-review/71387/
Insane that a drug that's legal in several states is still Schedule 1.

America is a nearly irreparably broken federal republic. Becoming more evident by the day.

Either the states or the fed need to buckle in terms of power, this ridiculous system we've been operating under the last decade can't last much longer.

OT: Hemp being illegal has never been from fact, it's from a century old scare tactic from fabric and paper manufacturers worried that hemp production being cheap and simple would run them out of a job. Ridiculous that we're still operating like this.
The worst was when I heard described how hard it is to actually study a schedule I drug. With red tape, it's basically impossible to get a hold on it to get a proper study done.

So it'll be illegal until studied. And impossible to study.


Fuck the DEA.

Listen. Their hands are tied.

1. They need to hit their slave (ahem... inmate) quota

2. They need to make sure the millionaires who back them are properly positioned to make the most money of legalization.

Until you find a solution for those two issues nothing will happen.


Blah blah, regulations are terrible....unless we're regulating morality. Something tells me the GOP won't do shit to the DEA.

They tried this last year with kratom, but the outcry was something fierce and they let off. I haven't heard much on it since then. Hopefully some serious research is being done now. It was much needed considering the implications on pain management (of course pharma companies were losing their shit because people were using kratom instead of their stuff).

Now this...This is even more insane. It's hemp, it's a fucking raw material used for the production of things we use. Now they're putting into the same category as heroin.
Hemp isn't even the same thing, and they know it.

This is corrupt lobbying, plain and simple.

Corrupt lobbying that's well over a century old.

Arguments against it were coined by people who thought people of color were subhuman. The war against hemp is even weirder than the war against drugs because it serves literally no purpose anymore. The industries that were adversely effected back then NO LONGER EXIST IN AMERICA.


How is the DEA this stupid?

Official stupidity on this level just always piss me off.

*knock on door*

*rush to flush stash of rope down the toilet*


Junior, please.
Now this...This is even more insane. It's hemp, it's a fucking raw material used for the production of things we use.

They know, they are doing it because they are being pressured by other industries to make life difficult for their competitors. Blatant corruption.


ridiculous, but what is the DEA going to do if the "drugs" they combat are suddenly no longer illegal? Scum.
How is the DEA this stupid?

Official stupidity on this level just always piss me off.

You're talking about a government organization who's head when asked when Colorado was going through legalization "Is meth, heroine, opioids or cocaine worse for someone than Marijuana" could only say "I believe all illegal drugs are bad (an exact quote, the other I'm iffy on the exact wording)".

These people have no idea what they are doing, they put security and law enforcement officials in charge of what should be a scientific agency.


Its impossible to fight this too, because they just label the dissenters as "druggies" and the white base eats it up.

I mean, lets be VERY fucking clear here, I see some naive posts in this thread...

The DEA/government has NO interest in keeping us safe from drugs. Even with a brutal heroin rampage going on across the country, has ANYONE taken the pharma companies to task? Anywhere? For Anything?

The vast majority of cases in the recent heroin spike started their use with Rx painkillers. Do you hear anyone saying shit about that?????
DEA going something wrong? Sounds accurate.

They should be dismantled and reborn as something that doesn't resemble a corrupt, incompetent corporation.


Listen. Their hands are tied.

1. They need to hit their slave (ahem... inmate) quota

2. They need to make sure the millionaires who back them are properly positioned to make the most money of legalization.

Until you find a solution for those two issues nothing will happen.

Honestly though, there's no way in hell the DEA has the resources to shut down legalization in the states that have already legalized it. Momentum is on our side too.


Insane that a drug that's legal in several states is still Schedule 1.

The money is the medicine not the cure. Since they cannot outright abolish it they make it as hard as possible to legitimize.

Imagine if Vitamin C had the same stigma or could be regulated...

Crazy how the FDA use to think Radithor was ok but made MJ a monster.


So is it the government's job to make life in America gradually worse and worse?

cause that's what it seems like these days


Honestly though, there's no way in hell the DEA has the resources to shut down legalization in the states that have already legalized it. Momentum is on our side too.

You dont think Trumps champing at the bit to give them the EPAs budget and to sic 'em on the blue states?

Just look at what ICE is doing.

Momentum dont mean shit just look at DACA


This attitude toward all forms of marijuana and its by-products should surprise no one. There are a lot of old disciples of Nixon behind the scenes here who still actively believe the same anti-counterculture nonsense Nixon did, which ultimately led to the classification of marijuana as Schedule 1 in the first place.

Just look at Senator, now Attorney General, Sessions. Sessions has been on record in the past against legalization, he's disparaged users of marijuana, he been critical of the Obama administration's hands-off approach to state legalization laws, and in his confirmation hearings he pretty much fired a shot at the states saying he would enforce Federal law and that if Americans want a change then it's up to Congress, not the states.

Maybe I'm too pessimistic but I'm not going to be at all surprised if we start hearing about DEA raids in the same western states that are facing ICE raids today. Raids and arrests in dispensaries. Raids and arrests for medicinal card users. Possibly even a crackdown here in my homestate of VA which only just recently passed CBD and THC-A defense laws.


Our country is abundantly corrupt. Can we relax the rules on blocking traffic and protest/riot for change?

Read the last paragraph. The only way they'll hear about science, is if it's approved by the dea. Who has a financial interest to keep it illegal. I'm sure a lot of these companies owners probably voted for Trump as well, for taxes. But it's not about that.

The government is failing to work for the people. The dea just exists to tax and punish citizens. So many red flags we should have a corruption parade.


Instead of a war on poverty they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.


Keep losing USA. This is insanity.


Two thoughts.

One, the branch of government tasked with enforcing drug laws should not be in control of said laws or the scheduling of the drugs those laws cover.

Two this is about protecting industry that have competition from hemp based products and nothing to do with "the war on drugs"

My only note is neither of these thoughts are new to me or anyone else it's just a convenient time and reason to bring them up.


Junior, please.
Read the last paragraph. The only way they'll hear about science, is if it's approved by the dea. Who has a financial interest to keep it illegal. I'm sure a lot of these companies owners probably voted for Trump as well, for taxes. But it's not about that.

Yeah, that bit is hilarious. "We're open to being proved wrong - but only if it's by ourselves."

Like, it's fucking transparent how corrupt this is.


You dont think Trumps champing at the bit to give them the EPAs budget and to sic 'em on the blue states?

Just look at what ICE is doing.

Momentum dont mean shit just look at DACA

I don't doubt that Trump wants to do that, but again, I don't think they could muster up the resources to halt marijuana legalization. The will of the people on this issue is overwhelmingly in favor of legalization. There's no way that these states that have legalized it are suddenly going to stop producing and selling it, especially since it's the nation's largest cash crop. Shutting down the marijuana industry would lead to a major recession in legal states, believe it or not. There's no way the states would comply with shutting it all down. Not even sanctions will stop it.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
The money is the medicine not the cure. Since they cannot outright abolish it they make it as hard as possible to legitimize.

Imagine if Vitamin C had the same stigma or could be regulated...

Crazy how the FDA use to think Radithor was ok but made MJ a monster.
That was a patent medicine which was outlawed by the FDA when that agency was given purview over patent medicine.

Fuck the DEA.
Lower opioid abuse is one of the good things about legalization of marijuana.


Dr. Bronner is screwed

Absolutely bizarre

That's why this is so fucked up. Companies that make products from hemp that can't even be used for the chemical properties in it are FUCKED. Thousands of companies that create thousands of jobs are probably going to go bankrupt because of shit shit if they can't adapt.
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