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Dead or Alive: Ultimate Vs. Mortal Kombat Deception! jgar inside!

since i own both games i had to make this important thread. here are the pluses and minuses of each game in relation to one another:

MK: Deception:

+ Stages look pretty nice, and the design is often creative
- Can't really compliment it after that. The game doesn't look AWFUL, but it just looks average to me.
- Seems as though there should have been more frames of animation. For instance, sometimes when you do a combo breaker, it isn't a fluid "break animation". The punching just stops and all of a sudden your guy is upright and blocking the combo back. Looks pretty weak to me.
- Character design is only so-so in my opinion. There are exceptions (for instance, I think noob-smoke is/are very cool in their design), but for the most part the designs are uninspired. Take Bo Rai Cho for instance. He's just some fat tub. Or how about darius? Looks like fucking hootie from hootie and the blowfish. What a joke.
- Alternate costumes suck ballsack, with Sub-Zero being the worst offender. Incase you haven't seen it, his alternate is pretty much him with a chick mask, 90% bald with a pony tail sticking out the top of his head. awful.

+ Dial-a-combo is back, and I dont think that its the worst system in the world. It could be better, but it could be worse
+ Combo-breakers are a good idea...
- But i think they could have been implemented better
- Control is very sluggish. Combos dont feel natural, nor are they very effective
- The damage model is stupid. Let me get this straight, if i do a 6-hit combo it takes away 18% health, but if i just uppercut someone it takes nearly that much away? wha?
- Each character has about 2-4 "special" moves. This is pretty weak for a game predicated on supernatural powers and gimmicks.
- Button response is dog shit. I do a freeze ball with subzero, my opponent blocks, and i try to do another freeze right after and it wont respond. I have to wait like 5 seconds to do it again if i want to. Not sure if they implemented this on purpose, but its weak.
- freaking cheap ass hell final boss. i dont mind a challenge but it gets ridiculous with this guy. its not even fun
+ deathtraps are cool to look at...
- But cheap in practice. I realize you can turn them off, but for a feature that was highly-touted they should have implemented it better

+ Crapload of extras...
- ...a better portion of which are pictures of joe nobodies who worked on adjusting the motion capture guys jock in-between shoots. why do i give a shit again?
- unlocking characters here is the equivalent of "progressing" to other levels in collect-a-thon adventure games like DK64 and so on. its a nice idea to make people earn things, but for christ sake i dont want to fetch another fucking turkey sandwich for the fat fuck in the temple or obtain another medallion for this stupid whore who had her son killed by shao kahn. i dont care and i dont feel like doing it
- konquest mode is garbage after about an hour. same ol shit errands to run, then you practice moves with each fighter, run around some more, wait until 3:17 AM to look for a locked treasure chest in seciont A-4 of the map, so you get to A-3 and realize that A-4 is across the way and the only way to get there is to go allllllllllllllllllllllllll the way back around the map only to find out some pillowbiter is blocking the path because he wants you to bring him some dog meat for dinner. fuck this shit man
- Puzzle fighter and chess mode are boring and crappy. the puzzle fighter here couldn't hold super puzzle fighter 2 turbos jock. again, the gameplay here relies on gimmicks like special moves and blocks that dont form more powerful blocks. boo urns!
- chess mode is a lot like regular mode only it takes longer

+ Fast, smooth play with little lag
+ Rankings
- Thats about it. i feel its very bland and barren. i've had connection problems with it (my opponent invites me, it says game is no longer available, which is funny cause my friend is still online)


Could be better could be worse. Overall not worth $59.99 (i got kollectors edition), infact if I could do it all over, I'm not sure i would pay even $19.99 for this game. perhaps its just not my bag.


+ Gorgeous. Backgrounds are awesome, character models are also great. I literally have no complaints about the graphics. I don't believe I've ever seen a better looking fighting game

+ Nice risk-reward gameplay
+ Tag-team is fun and another nice option to have
+ New stages are sweet as hell. Unlike MK:D, i feel as though the multi-leveled stages are a blast to play on and present an element of strategy. you can fight from a higher ground and so on
+ Wide variety of combos and moves, and it is very strategic in a sense that you can come high or low and switch up where you're going with the combo to throw your opponent off. I realize you could feasibly do this in mk:d as well, but the controls there just feel sluggish and crappy to me. I have no confidence there that my button hits will register, and so i dont want to risk it.
- much like MK (not as bad though), the damage model is funky. I could do a 5-hit combo and take off a decent amount of damage, but one reversal really gouges the shit out of your opponent
- pretty weak final boss and the game isn't too hard to beat on single-player

+ lots of costumes for all fighters. i'll take extra costumes over production art 7 days a week
+ i love the stat-tracking in this game. it tracks how many times you've picked each guy, what your win percentage is, what your best times are, your win-loss record against buddies on XBl and so on. its little things like this that make me want to keep playing
+ Story mode...
- ... that doesn't really make sense to me. am i missing something?

+ Best online fighter ever? Yes.
+ The "virtual arcade" is probably the best part about the game. It's very cool to have a few buddies around and just have winner stays gameplay and so on. i know people have beaten to death the "old arcade feel", but its true ladies. play it for an hour online with people from GA and you'll see
+ Lots of options and customization options
- NOT XBL AWARE!? for shame!

Best fighting game in years. It's better than MK:D, better than GGXX#, better than whatever. call me crazy dudes, but this game gets the Jgar seal of approval



Banstick Emeritus
Uh - how can DOA Ultimate not be Xbox Live-aware if it's designed for play on Xbox Live?

And that chick in the lower left of that pic is fuuuuuugly.
that's not a chick buddy!

p.s. what x-box live aware means is that you are "online" from the moment you turn on the system. so, i can be playing single player, and you can see that i'm playing single player and invite me online to play a match against you. as it is now, i have to actually go to the "Xbox live" menu, sign in, and wait online (as opposed to playing single player).

espn nhl 2k5, nba 2k5 = xbox live aware with online play

madden 2005, doa: u = online play, but not xbl aware


Non aware titles kind of bug me.. I see there's an autosign-in for the xbox live dashboard.. but I really wish more games had that. I don't live in an environment where people are gonna touch my xbox, so it'd really be nice if my friends saw me playing single player and could invite me from there.


Chili Con Carnage!
bishoptl said:
Uh - how can DOA Ultimate not be Xbox Live-aware if it's designed for play on Xbox Live?

And that chick in the lower left of that pic is fuuuuuugly.

Dont think Live aware is anything to do with actual live multiplayer.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
DOA:U = Best fighting game in years
Why bother typing all this up just to shoot a big hole in it? Soul Calibur 2 came home just over a year ago, and SF3rd re-launched two months ago. Not to mention the staggered VF4 releases in the last year.

I like me some DOA, but it can't stand to any of these games.


Chili Con Carnage!
ArcadeStickMonk said:
Why bother typing all this up just to shoot a big hole in it? Soul Calibur 2 came home just over a year ago, and SF3rd re-launched two months ago. Not to mention the staggered VF4 releases in the last year.

I like me some DOA, but it can't stand to any of these games.

SC2? bleh.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
Or how about darius? Looks like fucking hootie from hootie and the blowfish. What a joke.
:lol The lead singer of Hootie is actually named Darius! Maybe it was intentional.



I mostly agree with everything you said, while I applaud Midway for their efforts there are just some things that are unforgivable. 90% of the extras suck and konquest blows, as I said in a previous topic. BS missions like to kill someone who is only damaged by throws and then the AI crouches 95% of the time so you can't even throw 'em... the hell? A fighting sytem with move restrictions basically hinders all creativity so even without the sluggishness I can't do a combo I would like simply because they say so, yet I can use ermac and launcher combo - tk slam - uppercut - tk slam - uppercut - tk toss... repeat process *shakes head*.

By the way, the end boss is the easiest leader in the history of games. If you grab the talisment things (forgot the actual name) on the outer border of the stage it stuns him and gives you a free combo. At this point if you do a dual change combo (start combo into the second stance combo into the weapon combo) you pretty much only have to do 2 combos and he's done. :/

And that chick in the lower left of that pic is fuuuuuugly.
Yes... yes she is....

Why bother typing all this up just to shoot a big hole in it? Soul Calibur 2 came home just over a year ago, and SF3rd re-launched two months ago. Not to mention the staggered VF4 releases in the last year.

I like me some DOA, but it can't stand to any of these games.
Opinon != fact and elitists suck no matter the genre. Though I will say if it comes down to pure gameplay I too would rank all of those games over MK anything.
Why bother typing all this up just to shoot a big hole in it? Soul Calibur 2 came home just over a year ago, and SF3rd re-launched two months ago. Not to mention the staggered VF4 releases in the last year.

I like me some DOA, but it can't stand to any of these games.

i don't know about that man. i thought SC2 was pretty bland and weak, and i didn't like SF 3 in the collection edition on ps2. its not that those games suck, but i just think DOA:U is the most well rounded package and the more fun game of the 3. it is also better than VF 4 and so on and so on, but then again i am not the most diehard fighting game fan around. still, ive had more fun with doa than sc2, sf3 and vf4 combined if that's worth anything :D
don't insult jgar dude or else...


we all know his GF is playboy playmate of the year carmen decezzagagoga or whatever. and he's tapping that sweet pooper constantly my sources tell me


First tragedy, then farce.
As if JGar didnt bother me enough allready, now his girlfriend is destroying Monday Night Raw.

In anycase, I should have DOA:U pretty soon...

Why midway doesnt just put MK2:U on Xbox Live is beyond me, I would pay 50 bucks for that any day of the week.
I agree with the DoAU comments. Given that you can go online puts it over the other fighters. Mortal Kombat is a bit weak this time, maybe I'm just tired of the franchise. I see a lot more graphical flaws in it this tiime. Especially after playing DoAU.
I traded in MK for DOA, and I couldn't be happier. MK was fun for a little while, but I didn't even bother unlocking some of the cooler characters because Konquest mode sucked so much ass. Hell, I didn't even bother learning the fatalities because the basic gameplay was boring the hell out of me. And it neds to be said again, the kontent sucks ass.

I like that they went back to the MKII feeling with stages, music, and characters (Some, others were horribly lame). But, after the initial fun of playing a new MK game wore off...I didn't have much to enjoy.

I'm having allot more fun playing DOA then I did MK. The counters are way to powerful, and low punches take off shit damage...but, I really enjoy the game. Stunning is an understatement. Team Ninja really knows how to make games look best on the X-Box...hell, no jaggies at all, its almost like hi res. I'm really impressed.

I won't go so far as to say its better then SF3 or VF4 EVO, to tell the truth I don't think its even in their league. But, its allot of fun. The extras are great (costumes are always fun to unlock). I don't know if male characters got the shaft on the costumes. The old man has a great fighting style, I would like to see some good costumes for him other than that stupid tiger print.

I also would have liked to see some new characters in this game. Some more badass grapplers or brutals trikers...but its cool, there's some really good ones in there as well (Bayman, Tina).

Stages are fantastic...really, the effects are just great. Zack's alleyway with the breaking walls and pavement...the desert with the cactus you can put people into face first, and the AMAZING lightning stage...

The titty shake seems better then the previous game. Helena has some mammoth jugs.

The end boss SUCKS though...God he's so weak. I do like his foot stomp enviroment change, and his moves are badass. But he looks like a goof.

I'm really enjoying this son of a bitch, and I've yet to play online...


Gold Member
Biff Hardbody said:
I won't go so far as to say its better then SF3 or VF4 EVO, to tell the truth I don't think its even in their league.

DOA is the mass-market accessible version of VF where a person doesn't need to memorize 50,000 moves to be able to get into the game and have fun playing against another player. It always has been.


I agree with these impressions. DOA: U is leagues ahead of MK: D. It was a blast playing with DMCzaf and FrenchMov last night.


The DOA series has pushed the envelope of fighting arena environments in the same manner the VF series has pushed the envelope in gameplay depth. Team Ninja just doesn't get enough credit.

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