Pretty sure I'd have gone with "fuck Unitology". It's only 4 more letters and it tells you whom to blame.
Fucking LOL
Pretty sure I'd have gone with "fuck Unitology". It's only 4 more letters and it tells you whom to blame.
Lots of good info here, thanks for the link.Here's a dev blog that was just released going into extensive detail on some of the features of the game.
- Scavenger Bot
- Unlockable Modes: NG+, Classic, Hardcore, Pure Survival
- Resource Handling, including a bit more clarity on the microtransactions
He really is. I have to say I really liked Ben Templesmith's work on the original graphic novel and motion comic though. I have trouble seeing what's happening in Shy's work for some reason.
Holy. Shit."Finally, we have the aptly-named Hardcore Mode. Choose this mode, and you only get one life to live for the entire campaign."
Another mode is Pure Survival Mode. If you like survival horror and resource management, this is the mode for you. Enemies ONLY drop resources, and theres no ammo, health, or weapon parts to be found.
Yeah, holy shit. So...without save stations now it is "one and done?" Fuck up once and it's all over?"Finally, we have the aptly-named Hardcore Mode. Choose this mode, and you only get one life to live for the entire campaign."
Lots of good info here, thanks for the link.
"Finally, we have the aptly-named Hardcore Mode. Choose this mode, and you only get one life to live for the entire campaign.
This can't be real!NOOOOOOO!
Yeah, holy shit. So...without save stations now it is "one and done?" Fuck up once and it's all over?
100% achievement completion is laughing in my face.
EDIT: All of the unlockable modes sound hard as hell. Pure Survival Mode sounds like ammo hell. I'm looking forward to what strategies people will develop for the various modes. There's going to be a lot of thinking/planning involved.
As you can see, we have a lot planned for you in DS3. And the team is hard at work on a top secret additional story that will be coming in a few weeks. We're not saying much, yet - but think "disturbing" to get your imaginations going.
Oh HELL YES.I just caught this beauty in the conclusion of the blog entry I linked to:
* Rampant speculation.
* Rampant speculation.
I can't top Visceral making a trophy called 'Shootbang' for Dead Space 3. So I didn't try.
Need more Ellie!
Is it true that in order to collect everything you have to do co-op?
No, but you do miss some dialogue and gameplay.
By the way, anybody care for PENG?
Is it true that in order to collect everything you have to do co-op?
Seems the only viable way to play Hardcore Mode.
No, but you do miss some dialogue and gameplay.
By the way, anybody care for PENG?
There are side missions you cannot start unless you're in co-op.
So that's where the missing logs, blueprints, weapon parts and text files are then. I was under the impression that they wouldn't force co-op on you in this game to complete it.
Read that a few people have played the game and went through every part of each level and are missing important files.
Seems the only viable way to play Hardcore Mode.
I am going solo with this game but I will be very surprised if you can't 100% the game on your own.
You can finish the game solo, but you can't get 100 percent completion without playing co-op in specific chapters.
"Finally, we have the aptly-named Hardcore Mode. Choose this mode, and you only get one life to live for the entire campaign."
That's interesting. I haven't had a chance to look at anything that has breached quarantine so maybe some things were added later on for some of those sections to encourage playing said mode. However, I do remember some logs slipping under the radar a few times and there were weird instances such as PENG.
Hopefully it isn't the case though.
Edit: Son of a..thanks aegies.
The game has been balanced for a single-player experience, but in co-op the enemy A.I.'s aggression is kicked up a notch and some of the puzzles are changed up to keep things a bit more balanced. You should also make sure you have a rather, um, attentive partner. Otherwise, you might be in a world of hurt and broken online friendships.
Seems the only viable way to play Hardcore Mode.
I don't think that's fair because not everybody has Xbox Gold and many don't want to play with somebody else to complete a game that they payed for, so if they forced you to play online to 100% the game that is not good at all.
I'll put it in the OT.
You can finish the game solo, but you can't get 100 percent completion without playing co-op in specific chapters.
No, it isn't fair, and I'm disappointed as well. The co-op already is interesting enough with Carver and the unique gameplay on his end, as well as maybe being able to access bonus resources. It didn't need to force collectables in that manner.
Oh well, I'll live with it I guess. But it's a damn shame that content gets locked up in that manner.
You can finish the game solo, but you can't get 100 percent completion without playing co-op in specific chapters.
It would have been at least better if you could play with AI Carver and you can still get every other item on your own but now I am unsure. Maybe codecow can explain all of this later.