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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?

Despite all the marketing nonsense and things being stated by some of the higher ups that personally don't gel with me, I think it's going to be a very good game and some of the stream I watched yesterday was very promising. It looked like Dead Space through and through.

I'll either have to wait until my tax return or if someone gets it for me for my birthday which is on the 3rd. Maybe some birthday money will come, I dunno, I'm turning 30 so my relatives will probably think I'm too old for birthday money BUT I'M NOT


It's also gratifying to hear you complain about "so many tutorials" in other games, because DS2's 1st level is crammed with tutorials. Running! health packs! TK! Dismemberment! Stasis! Store/air! Nearly every room in there is designed as a tutorial.

Some people did complain about tutorials in DS2 which is why we added an option to skip the tutorials in DS3. I believe it skips all of them except for one near the beginning of the game, I tried to get that one to be skippable as well but I lost.


On the fence on this one till I get impressions from GAF. Played the first one but not the sequel... Am I missing a lot from 2?

def sim

Well, it is an entire game and the sequel to the first. So, yes? It's $10 on PC and double that on consoles. It's worth a check just to see if it's a kind of game you still like.
On the fence on this one till I get impressions from GAF. Played the first one but not the sequel... Am I missing a lot from 2?

You are missing quite a bit. New characters, a lot of lore to make sense of things, and Isaac goes through a bigger journey as a character.

It's a pretty good idea to pick it up if you want to.


Dead Space games are meant to be played in sequential order, I wouldn't recommend skipping one.

Unless you WANT to have absolutely no idea what's going on.
Be careful, I think the ending to the game is floating around out there already. Someone tried to spoil it in a non-related thread on another site, but the video was yanked from YouTube instantaneously. I didn't see it, but people are mentioning the Mass Effect tie-in armor might be fitting (as in ending quality not actual ending)... I hope not.


Be careful, I think the ending to the game is floating around out there already. Someone tried to spoil it in a non-related thread on another site, but the video was yanked from YouTube instantaneously. I didn't see it, but people are mentioning the Mass Effect tie-in armor might be fitting...

Oh crap. Is GAF safe from spoilers?

Because I'll stay away from everything else.


Is DS3 returing to the "hub" structure of the first game? I really liked the feeling of little by little "owning" an area, cleansing it, getting to know it without using the map.

DS2 got a little too Call of Duty at times in terms of the level design. Very straight forward.
Be careful, I think the ending to the game is floating around out there already. Someone tried to spoil it in a non-related thread on another site, but the video was yanked from YouTube instantaneously. I didn't see it, but people are mentioning the Mass Effect tie-in armor might be fitting... I hope not.

I find that doubtful. From someone who beat the game last night and posted the news about retro mode:

There is a definitive, conclusive end to this game. Not saying anything about sequel potential or anything, but this game has a clear end that wraps up the story of DS3. It's maybe a bit less satisfying than the DS2 one, but by no means is it anywhere near the clusterfuck that was AC3.

Mind you, this guy believes (and I agree) that DS2 has one of the best endings in a game due to how well it wraps up Isaac's internal battle and reflecting his evolution above his surroundings, but that still sounds like a positive impression.

He did add that some people may "bitch" about the direction it goes in, but he says it makes sense for the DS universe and it's clean in its execution. That and due to the fact that the game doesn't clue you in on its direction until late on might make the ending itself, without context, seem more worrisome than it actually is.

Edit: I don't consider an impression without details a spoiler, but if this is too much for you guys I'll remove it right away.


Nork unification denier
I find that doubtful. From someone who beat the game last night and posted the news about retro mode:

Mind you, this guy believes (and I agree) that DS2 has one of the best endings in a game due to how well it wraps up Isaac's internal battle and reflecting his evolution above his surroundings, but that still sounds like a positive impression.

He did add that some people may "bitch" about the direction it goes in, but he says it makes sense for the DS universe and it's clean in its execution. That and due to the fact that the game doesn't clue you in on its direction until late on might make the ending itself, without context, seem more worrisome than it actually is.

Edit: I don't consider an impression without details a spoiler, but if this is too much for you guys I'll remove it right away.


Eh, I hope Carver is not the new front man for the series. Should be Ellie. :) (I don't really like Lexine all that much, to be honest, unless they Linda Hamilton-ize her for DS4.)


Is DS3 returing to the "hub" structure of the first game? I really liked the feeling of little by little "owning" an area, cleansing it, getting to know it without using the map.

DS2 got a little too Call of Duty at times in terms of the level design. Very straight forward.

There are hubs and non-linear sections with objectives that can be completed in any order as well as optional missions/objectives.


So, nothing for a Dead Space 1 save?

Development at the end was pretty crazy so I was using our guidebook information as the source instead of looking through code and data to actually check, but I'm pretty sure the answer is no.

def sim

So, is the PC version really going to be bare-bones? Should I just get it on 360?

Barebones, in this case, isn't bad. Dead Space 1 and 2 were the same and are fine. Just don't expect DX11, high res texture packs, or control over all the effects in the game.


After the announcement of storyline DLC coming out in a few weeks I will definitely wait for a price drop, looking forward to the game though.

It's hinted at in the dev blog discussing the different difficulty modes that can be unlocked. Will update with the link though.

We don't know anything at all, and there hasn't been an announcement really. Just that there would be more said in a few weeks and that "disturbing" is the only thing they'll say about it.

Here's a dev blog that was just released going into extensive detail on some of the features of the game.

  • Scavenger Bot
  • Unlockable Modes: NG+, Classic, Hardcore, Pure Survival
  • Resource Handling, including a bit more clarity on the microtransactions

I just caught this beauty in the conclusion of the blog entry I linked to:

As you can see, we have a lot planned for you in DS3. And the team is hard at work on a top secret additional story that will be coming in a few weeks. We're not saying much, yet - but think "disturbing" to get your imaginations going.


def sim

Does disturbing mean anything to anyone? I've only played the mainline games and I don't know what they are talking about.
Top secret additional story? If EA sells us another ending i done with them.

Yes, because a free ending in response to fans wanting them to do a multi-million redesign of the game to release for free was such a horrible thing.

If this isn't ME3, then ok, I'm stumped.


Yes, because a free ending in response to fans wanting them to do a multi-million redesign of the game to release for free was such a horrible thing.

If this isn't ME3, then ok, I'm stumped.

Actually the horrible thing was more their DLC mess of having actually important content be cut out of the main game.

But EA's taste for screwing the consumer knows no bounds so i await with baited breath what this content will be for DS3!
Some people did complain about tutorials in DS2 which is why we added an option to skip the tutorials in DS3. I believe it skips all of them except for one near the beginning of the game, I tried to get that one to be skippable as well but I lost.
I'm not worried at all, ds1 and 2 were excellent. So looking forward to 3.
I'm gonna say this now and only once. While this is common sense and widely spread, I feel it's necessary to say again.

If anyone posts the ending of the game or spoils it or anything before it's out, I will find a way to fucking obliterate you.

There's almost always someone will fuck this up.


I'm gonna say this now and only once. While this is common sense and widely spread, I feel it's necessary to say again.

If anyone posts the ending of the game or spoils it or anything before it's out, I will find a way to fucking obliterate you.

There's almost always someone will fuck this up.
I plan to stay away from the thread until the game is done. That should take care of it.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm gonna say this now and only once. While this is common sense and widely spread, I feel it's necessary to say again.

If anyone posts the ending of the game or spoils it or anything before it's out, I will find a way to fucking obliterate you.

There's almost always someone will fuck this up.

Everybody dies.
Everybody dies.


I hope/think this is a joke, but I guess now I have to bounce out of this thread until next week just out of paranoia.


Top secret additional story? If EA sells us another ending i done with them.

If the DLC is free then it's a completely different story, if they can make the extra ending DLC for Mass Effect 3 for free then the stuff they are going to release in a month can be free too.


I'm gonna say this now and only once. While this is common sense and widely spread, I feel it's necessary to say again.

If anyone posts the ending of the game or spoils it or anything before it's out, I will find a way to fucking obliterate you.

There's almost always someone will fuck this up.

I second, third, and fourth this.
I am still completely onboard for Dead Space 3. I haven't played the demo or followed the PR, because I recognized back at E3 that it wasn't aimed at me, a fan of Dead Space 2. I saw enough single player footage to know that the single player is basically the same kind of horror/action ride Dead Space 2 was.

I love the guys at Visceral, some of who I got to meet in person back when they were EA Redwood Shores, near the end of development on the first Dead Space. The PR so far HAS been dumb, but GAF has historically been pessimistic about the series every step of the way. Right from the first unveiling... through the release of the first game, through Dead Space 2.

Before DS2 came out, the same fears that it had been dudebro'd up were loudly being proclaimed here, and it turned out great.

So yeah. PC version for me. If the game is a worthy successor to DS2, I will spread the word. If not, man, that'll suck after what happened with RE6 not that long ago... but again, if you watch the single player footage and ignore everything else, DS3 looks like a worthy sequel, so I'm optimistic.

I will likely stay in this thread before finishing the game. If I hadn't heard how to approach the last section of DS2 in the DS2 OT, I would have tried to clean out the final rooms and likely hated that final section. Knowing I had to push forwards and keep running, I loved the final stretch. So yeah, I'm keeping a toe in these waters, but being careful with spoiler tags.
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