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Deadpool Will Star in X-Force, Plus More on the Future of the X-Men Film Universe

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Deadpool had some really interesting deep moments in X-force i expect to be replaced by fart jokes


Not snarky enough for movie Deadpool. The closest we'll get is that scene where he talked to that girl he helped out with the stalker.
The combination of DOFP, Deadpool, and Logan all doing fantastic killed that from ever happening in the next decade and likely longer. The only dud in that mix was Apocalypse. 3/4 of their last X-Men films were major box office hits. It's far and away the biggest and most consistently successful franchise Fox has.

They seem to be fully doubling down too by expanding to TV with Legion on FX and a X-Men series now in the works for Fox.

In all honesty Fox has been managing the X-Men the last few years better than anyone else managing their super hero franchises outside of Disney with Marvel. Sony could not figure out what to do nor was able to stop the bleeding of decreasing boxoffice and gave up, and we all know how much a complete cluster-fuck DC is in over at WB.

It would be nice to see Marvel Studio have a better relationship with 20th Century Fox though, similar to the situation with Marvel TV and Fox Television where they have a co-production agreement. At least then the X-Men movies (and X-Men in general) wouldn't be completely ignored by Marvel.

I have a feeling there'll be a crossover eventually though between the two franchises in a decade or so... When Kevin Feige finally runs out of ideas and MCU starts faltering. I don't think Fox will be the one to initiate that.
Which is stupid anyway, considering we have had 3 very similar spidermen, meanwhile we have had 1 Wolverine. Shits worn out.

3 similar Spider-Men? Whet?

If you think Black Panther is going to make more than the top grossing X-Men films that is just not happening

Honestly? I think Black Panther can, and maybe will.

As great as the X-Men films have done financially, they're not on the level of the better MCU properties. If Marvel hits BP outta the park, it could absolutely outgross the best X-Men film. The fact that an X-Men film hasn't grossed a billion yet is kinda telling; they're the biggest Marvel property after Spider-Man, who's arguably the biggest on the planet (on a level with Superman and Batman). As popular as the Avengers are now, they were B and C-listers popularity-wise before the MCU started up. We're now considering the possibility that a Guardians of the Galaxy movie could make more money than a Spider-Man and Justice League film in 2017, and that's because people trust Marvel to make damn good movies, whoever's starring in it.

It doesn't matter which property Marvel would rather have between X-Men and Black Panther; they have the latter, and that's enough for the bulk of the mainstream. I regret we'll never see an X-Men film done by Marvel Studios, not even just from a story/character standpoint, but because it'd be cool to see how well a decent X film does in the box office with the Marvel Studios brand behind it. It'd be huge. Avengers crossing the billion $ mark in 2012 huge.

The Kree

If you think Black Panther is going to make more than the top grossing X-Men films that is just not happening, there is no universe in which Black Panther is a bigger film franchise than X-Men and I am hyped for Black Panther. Not to mention all the endless sub-franchises associated with X-Men, Black Panther is just Black Panther.

Marvel would not rather have films rights to Black Panther than one of their 3 crown jewel franchises of Spider-Man, Avengers, and X-Men. That is just insane to even entertain. It's like suggesting Marvel rather have film rights to Doctor Strange than the Avengers.

I'm saving this one for later.


I think the dreams of Fantastic Four going back to Mahvel are dead. FOX knows they can make successful comic book movies with X-Men. While it might be true that FF is a more difficult property to "get", considering how successful the X-Men franchise is for them, I think it's probably worth it, in their minds, to keep trying with Fantastic Four, especially if they can bring the two together for a bigger shared universe. I don't have much faith, but I don't see them just walking away from it, either.


Saint Titanfall
I think the dreams of Fantastic Four going back to Mahvel are dead. FOX knows they can make successful comic book movies with X-Men. While it might be true that FF is a more difficult property to "get", considering how successful the X-Men franchise is for them, I think it's probably worth it, in their minds, to keep trying with Fantastic Four, especially if they can bring the two together for a bigger shared universe. I don't have much faith, but I don't see them just walking away from it, either.

We'll probably get some R rated fantastic 4 down the line. it will also most probably be crap.
Marvel ain't getting the fuckin' X-Men back.

It's never gonna happen.

Good. I was hoping Logan would finally shut people up about that for a little while

Deadpool and especially that would never have been made as they were at marvel. Plus they have been quite successful and they seem to have a solid future planned out so I have no idea why they would care to give back the rights to it

Whether or not you're a fan of the xmen movies at Fox I think it's nice that one of their properties (particularly something like xmen which is so large and distinct enough to have its own universe, much like cosmic marvel) is out of the mcu's hands. For variety's sake

They really should consider just selling marvel the rights to the F4 characters back tho. While they have made multiple decent to great mutant movies all 3 f4 movies have been trash. Nobody cares about yet another fox reboot. What are they really gaining out of it.


Good. I was hoping Logan would finally shut people up about that for a little while

Deadpool and especially that would never have been made as they were at marvel. Plus they have been quite successful and they seem to have a solid future planned out so I have no idea why they would care to give back the rights to it

Whether or not you're a fan of the xmen movies at Fox I think it's nice that one of their properties (particularly something like xmen which is so large and distinct enough to have its own universe, much like cosmic marvel) is out of the mcu's hands. For variety's sake

They really should consider just selling marvel the rights to the F4 characters back tho. While they have made multiple decent to great mutant movies all 3 f4 movies have been trash. Nobody cares about yet another fox reboot. What are they really gaining out of it.

Honestly, Legion shut me up more than Logan. Legion is so delightfully different and demented, I'm willing to let them toy around with the mutants and screw stuff up once in a while, just to get stuff like it. I love the Marvel formula, I'll be the first to admit I guzzle it down, but it's really nice to have something unique but still comic book-y in its execution.


Legion is one of the best shows on tv right now period. Not expecting much from the other X-Men show coming out later in the year though.
I think the dreams of Fantastic Four going back to Mahvel are dead. FOX knows they can make successful comic book movies with X-Men. While it might be true that FF is a more difficult property to "get", considering how successful the X-Men franchise is for them, I think it's probably worth it, in their minds, to keep trying with Fantastic Four, especially if they can bring the two together for a bigger shared universe. I don't have much faith, but I don't see them just walking away from it, either.

I refuse to believe Marvel signed off on the making of X-Men TV shows for nothing in return. Holding out hope they announce something on F4's future, even if that's all I have to go on.
If Doom
because honestly fuck the F4
was coming back to Marvel you'd know about it by now. That Spider-Man stuff was clearly announced before the ink got a chance to dry on the contracts.


Legion is one of the best shows on tv right now period. Not expecting much from the other X-Men show coming out later in the year though.

Legion is great because it's so mental and trippy. It's nice to experiment with these characters and not have them always be on a mission to save the world or whatever.
I really want that GAMBIT movie!

That makes two of us.

Gambit's looking like he could make a pretty big comeback in the comics, depending on how things go with his appearances in X-Men: Gold and especially the new Astonishing X-Men book. If they do good things with the character, suddenly more people warm up to Gambit and will be on board with a Gambit movie. Simple as that. As least, I hope so. It's been rough being a Gambit fan for the past 15 or so years.

Fox seems to be doing particularly well with their solo character-focused stories that break away hard from superhero movie conventions, and it doesn't just comes down to the R ratings, but the risks they've been willing to take in terms of turning the genre on its head, and the passion the lead actors have for their characters. I've got a decent amount of faith that a solo Gambit heist movie with Channing Tatum from Fox would be a good time.

Tatum already played a better Gambit in The Hateful Eight than we got in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, anyway.


I refuse to believe Marvel signed off on the making of X-Men TV shows for nothing in return. Holding out hope they announce something on F4's future, even if that's all I have to go on.
Marvel and Fox seemed to work out something. Marvel Studios is involved with the X-Men tv stuff going on as they own the tv rights and Marvel is back to allowing X-Men to have prominence in the comics and merchandise on shelves again.

You see Marvel push Legion through the official social network outlets like Twitter and YouTube.

Something went down with Disney/Marvel and Fox.
Marvel and Fox seemed to work out something. Marvel Studios is involved with the X-Men tv stuff going on as they own the tv rights and Marvel is back to allowing X-Men to have prominence in the comics and merchandise on shelves again.

You see Marvel push Legion through the official social network outlets like Twitter and YouTube.

Something went down with Disney/Marvel and Fox.

I know. That's primarily why I have that hope. The Spidey deal was announced and a year later he was in Civil War. If the F4 really were passed back, I wouldn't expect to hear anything about them for a while; they aren't Spider-Man, and any plans involving them likely wouldn't come to fruition till phase 4 this late in the game anyways. I almost think they wouldn't even get a movie for awhile, they'd just be supporting characters in other films (like Johnny in Spidey 2, Reed with Black Panther 2, and Doom/Galactus/who the fuck ever as a villain). So I don't think us not hearing anything yet is bad news.

Just a comic fanboy's hope, lemme dream a little.
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