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"... DEAL IS CLOSE." -- FREDDY vs JASON vs ASH and EVIL DEAD 4 are on paper! Huzzah!

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Hollywood Square
From Harry Knowles, over at AICN this morning...

Ash's team fighting to get him to kick the bejeesus out of Freddy & Jason!

Hey folks, Harry here... Tomorrow you'll find out that Sam Raimi, Robert Tapert and Bruce Campbell are in the thick of negotiations to have ASH kick the living shit out FREDDY and JASON. Now, we all know they've been talking about it since way the hell back when FREDDY VS JASON came out, but they've continued to work on getting this thing to happen.


Well, as you have probably noticed... Bruce Campbell is beginning to catch on. The feeling is, that by having Ash kick the shit out of Freddy and Jason... not only will the character of ASH be spring-boarded into the mainstream by those two Horror mainstays, but will be popular enough to risk sinking major money and promotion into an ASH stand-alone film. I know... geek wet dream material, but let's face it... the only way Sam Raimi would get back to directing ASH instead of wasting his time on these little films for Sony, is if ASH can be held in a higher esteem. At least, that's what the folks at CAA are whispering.

Now is the deal done? No, but it's getting close... the negotiations have turned quite friendly and everyone involved thinks this is a doable deal... that's why the trades are going to go ahead with the "in negotiations" story which is like the biggest "NO SHIT" I've seen in a long time.

Raimi and crew seem to be high on the treatment coming out of New Line, but as soon as the deal gets worked out, the next step of banging the script out, finding the right director (NOT PAUL W.S. ANDERSON) and then picking the right selection of potential redmeat for everyone to chop up, possess, squish, pummel, bite, eat, saw and all around slaughter will have to begin. It just has to have a badass S-MART battle. Ya know... if they don't fuck this up ala Fox, this could be the great geekgasm mop the floors flick of 2005 or 2006. Ya better believe we'll continue to twist arms and step on the appropriate ballsacks to get the nitty gritty on this baby.

What I particularly like about this concept for a movie is that so far... Freddy & Jason have been the stars of their films, with nobody on an equal footing to really combat their evilness. ASH... is in many ways the only honest to goodness Horror HERO. And I mean that in the cult film variety that has the geek cred to take those fuckers on. They're both child murderers... and that kinda pisses me off, I mean... Seeing Ash punish those fucks for 8 hours is kinda on my... gotta see list. Besides just hearing Ash quip shit to Freddy... will be heaven. Ya know?

If this is true, I'm going to post the biggest fucking "I TOLD YOU SO!" jpeg you assholes have ever seen.


1. I really do hate Harry Knowles's writing:

Harry "I can't write" Knowles said:
Ya know... if they don't fuck this up ala Fox, this could be the great geekgasm mop the floors flick of 2005 or 2006. Ya better believe we'll continue to twist arms and step on the appropriate ballsacks to get the nitty gritty on this baby.

Those are the worst two sentences that have ever appeared on the Internet. Reading them made me want to learn another language and give up English.

2. If this is true, it's impossible to write this without Ash winning. Which is fine with me.


Hollywood Square
Ash winning has been part of the negotiations since day one apparently, and from what I've heard outside of AICN, this will not be a problem. Not to say Ash won't get smacked around, because he's a great punching bag for evil, but he will always come out on top.

And Robert Englund seems pretty keen on hanging up the 'ole sweater and gloves after this one, so that Freddy can end his career at the hands of the most badass ass kicker ever.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Oh please let this be true...
Oh please let this be true...
Oh please let this be true...
Oh please let this be true...


Hollywood Square
DarienA said:
Oh please let this be true...

I said it was from day one, in addition to speculating it'd be a springboard for a big budget Raimi/Tapert Evil Dead 4. Why does nobody trust me?

Oh please let this be true...

Even Bruce Campbell finally stopped being a clown and admitted they were in negotiations.

Oh please let this be true...

And even though Harry Knowles can't write worth shit and he has horrible taste in cinema, his news is very reliable especially since he now is apart of the industry as a producer.

Oh please let this be true...

It's happening, people. It's happening.

I think this also explains why Spider-Man 3 is not coming until three years down the line.


Hollywood Square
Firest0rm said:
I don't watch horror movies so forgive me for my ignorance. But who is Ash? What movie is he from?

Ash is the greatest cult classic hero of all-time.

He started out as a wimpy college coed who brought some friends up to a cabin in the horror classic The Evil Dead. They read some words from a book called The Necronomicon, all hell broke loose and it was up to him to kick evil demon spirit zombie ass.

Then, in the remake/sequel Evil Dead 2, widely regarded as the best of the series, he continues his exploits in the cabin which includes chopping off his own hand and replacing it with a chainsaw to kill Deadites (evil zombie demon spirit thingies). A new crew of disposable people meet up with him, including the daughter of the Professor who left the Necronomicon at the cabin in the first flick, but like always, Ash's luck doesn't pan out in the end. This movie merged genres because Raimi is not really a horror fan, so it's like a cheesefest horror comedy.

That led us into the classic Army of Darkness, the third and so-called last installment in the trilogy, where Ash picks up from the events of Evil Dead II that have sent him back into the good 'ole medieval days. He goes on a quest for a holy man, a king and his peoples for the Necronomicon because he wants to go back home. Ash, like always, screws up and ends up unleashing an army of dead led by his evil twin self on the kingdom. Ash, fed up, picks up his trusted boomstick (shotgun), new gauntlet hand and pimped out car to do battle with those evil bastards. This movie is definitely more comedy than horror, if at all, but is friggin' great from start to end and has some of the best one-liners ever.

Great fucking trilogy. Great fucking character.

happyfunball said:
Don't forget their chessy little Evil Dead 0: Within the Woods.

Eh, I didn't include it because it's not really apart of the Evil Dead trilogy. For those that don't know, Raimi and Co. basically shot a demo reel of sorts in the form of a short film entitled Within the Woods. It was like a condensed Evil Dead so they could raise money to shoot the actual film. If you're interested in seeing it, it's a bonus feature on a lot of DVD copies of The Evil Dead.


Hollywood Square
Also, I realize it's a long shot since he's working on Spider-Man 3 and Evil Dead 4, but I'd really like to see Sam Raimi direct Freddy vs Jason vs Ash. I'd love to see him tackle those two horror juggernauts with his unique eye, but again, he's got a commitment to Spider-Man 3 and will be heavily involved in Evil Dead 4.

So I'll settle for Executive Producer.
They have to get a good director for this. I think that someone like Neil Marshall (Dog Soldiers) would be good, I'd even like to see Eli Roth take it on, just because so many of you seem to hate him because of Cabin Fever (which I liked alot).

Come get some!

evil ways

The crazy thing is that it could be tied up perfectly. The Necronomicon was in Jason goes to Hell along with the ritual skull dagger. They could have Freddy go after the Necronomicon, to increase his powers and since he probably realizes that he keeps getting beaten everytime, to summon the Army of the Dead.

Jason would still just be pissed at Freddy since last time and will follow him anywhere he goes to finish him off, and Ash the hero is there to prevent the book from falling into Freddy's hands.

I imagine Freddy getting into Ash's dream and taking him back to the cabin, screwing around with his mind. Plus the flurry of Ash one liners directed towards both Freddy and Jason would be priceless.

Make this shit happen, now!!


Hollywood Square
I think the dream scenario would send Freddy and Ash to Crystal Lake looking for the Necronomicon (Freddy haunts Ash's dreams in S-Mart!), with Freddy wanting the book for his own nefarious deeds. Well shit hits the fan, some words are read and hundreds of dead teenage coeds, police officers and miscellaneous victims of Jason Vorhees are raised from their resting places at Camp Crystal Lake.

That's a lot of Deadites.
As long as it stays gory and doesn't become an almost bloodless, slapstick fest like Army of Darkness, I'm happy. As much as I love AoD, I don't want that style applied to this film.


Hollywood Square
Semjaza Azazel said:
As long as it stays gory and doesn't become an almost bloodless, slapstick fest like Army of Darkness, I'm happy. As much as I love AoD, I don't want that style applied to this film.

You're going to have to incorporate slapstick-style because that's part of what makes Ash's world work. I don't think it'll be PG-13 or without violence because the original Freddy vs Jason was not and New Line has done a brilliant job balancing all franchises involved.
I love the humor and do hope to see it in this film (assuming this happens). I just am saying I hope it's not taken too far and that they'll keep the balance well. I'm honestly not that concerned, as I'd see it anyway heh.











(I am so fucking excited)
I hate to enlighten the geeks here, but the rest of the world, much like firest0rm, has no fucking clue who Ash is.

I've seen and love the Evil Dead/AoD series, but I garauntee that I could tell every one of my friends that Ash was going to take on Freddy and Jason, and every single one of them would go "Who the fuck is Ash?"

I'm not predicting doom for the film, but I can assure you that there will be some head scratching from mainstream movie fans when this film is announced. Ash is just not on the same level of recognizability as Freddy and Jason.


Hollywood Square
Ned Flanders said:
... Ash is just not on the same level of recognizability as Freddy and Jason.

I don't think anybody disputes that, so you can probably tone down the attitude a bit, but your point is moot anyway. The whole reason why this is a big deal is because this is a great opportunity for Ash to get mainstream exposure en route to Evil Dead 4.
Mainstream exposure? Why do I have a feeling that the same people cheering this news will be the first ones bitching when Joe Moviegoer says "Yea lets go see Evil Dead 4. You know, the movie with the guy from Freddy vs Jason 2!!"

Ash may get his exposure, but possibly at the expense of the integrity of the character. Anyway who cares..I'm just talking here..


Hollywood Square
Not really.

If I could pick any icon from horror to go up against those two, Ash would be it. Not just because I love the movies, but because it fits.

I love Halloween, but you'll never see my asking for a Michael Myers crossover.

And I don't think any nerdy fan would throw rocks at some newb who has just discovered Ash thanks to the latest cinematic bout between the two horror heavyweights. It's good for him.

Not only that, I think you underestimate the exposure of Ash overall right now. Sure, he is not as popular as Jason or Freddy or even Michael Myers, but he's not a complete unknown. You don't put up the kind of sales the Evil Dead trilogy has consistently, and even moreso in recent years with all the DVD variations out, without being somewhat popular. It's not five guys buying ten copies of each disc, man.
Allthough Ash is less well known than Freddy or Jason, He has much more dedicated fans. The movie would be guaranteed a decent overall take from them alone


Ned Flanders said:
I've seen and love the Evil Dead/AoD series, but I garauntee that I could tell every one of my friends that Ash was going to take on Freddy and Jason, and every single one of them would go "Who the fuck is Ash?"
true, but ive shown Army of Darkness and Evil Dead 2 to many of my friends (and family) and they are always big hits with the audience.. do your part.. spread the gospel of ash!


Let me join into the geek orgasm going on here.

there i posted.

If would be funny to see Freddy fucking around with Ash's mind with flash backs going to Smart and crap like that. I would laugh pretty hard. Jason and Ash just dont seem to fit. But at least Ash could make fun of him. But where are the teenagers having sex in this one? Thats the only way to wake our dear freind jason up from the dead.

And Evil Dead 4 is confirmed? If so thats the real news get this out right before Evil Dead 4 and there you go mainstream sucess for Ash.


Hollywood Square
B'z-chan said:
Jason and Ash just dont seem to fit.

Actually, Jason fits more with the Evil Dead mythos than Freddy does. As someone already pointed out, the Necronomicon and the ritual skull dagger are both in Jason Goes to Hell, the same film that setup Freddy vs Jason. Somehow, Vorhees is tied to the Necronomicon. Did his mom use it to raise him from the dead? Give him evil powers? It might provide some insight on Jason.

And Jason is a perfect counterpart, because whereas Freddy and Ash can get into some great little verbal spats and such, Jason and Ash will get into fights that only legends speak of!

And Evil Dead 4 is confirmed? If so thats the real news get this out right before Evil Dead 4 and there you go mainstream sucess for Ash.

Confirmed? No. In negotiations? Yes. I've told people this, and this report along with others seem to corroborate that all parties involved want to do Evil Dead 4 and use Freddy vs Jason vs Ash as a springboard for that flick.

evil ways

Actually, Jason fits more with the Evil Dead mythos than Freddy does. As someone already pointed out, the Necronomicon and the ritual skull dagger are both in Jason Goes to Hell, the same film that setup Freddy vs Jason. Somehow, Vorhees is tied to the Necronomicon. Did his mom use it to raise him from the dead? Give him evil powers? It might provide some insight on Jason.

Jason's parents were devil worshippers and dealt with the occult, especially his father, Elias Vorhees. There are conflicting reports that say Jason never really drowned and just was carried away by the lake, but decided to never return to his home or family since his father abused him.

So according to that he was just a derranged, mentally retarded mountain hick until Friday the 13th Part 3 where he was stabbed and hung. Going by the fact that the Necronomicon and other sorts of occult parapharnalia were found in the former Vorhees home, as seen in Jason Goes to Hell, you can assume that when Jason was a baby perhaps his father performed some satanic rituals using the book and took effect once he died in Part 3, yurning him into a possesed zombie or "deadite".


I love Ash but if he wins, I have no interest in seeing this flick. Sorry but Jason alone or Freddy alone would kick Ash's ass any day of the week and twice on sunday, it's ridiculous.

evil ways

Malakhov said:
I love Ash but if he wins, I have no interest in seeing this flick. Sorry but Jason alone or Freddy alone would kick Ash's ass any day of the week and twice on sunday, it's ridiculous.

Freddy gets his ass handed to him by high schoolers on a by movie basis, so aside from his one liners and dream powers, he's a pussy.


This would be so fucking badass if in the right hands. If they're gonna do it, they'd better do it right.


The problem with these 'vs.' movies, is that there's always some silly human element that is thrown in front of the main opposing forces, which slows the flick down & really adds nothing, except adding to the body count.



Haha, this is going to be so awesome. I've seen bits and pieces of Evil Dead and have seen Army of Darkness.

Now, I went to Sam Goody the other day and noticed there are like 6000 different versions of Evil Dead and Army Darkness on the shelves. Which ones are the most feature packed with extras?
from BruceCampbell.com

Hockey Mask, yes... Bladed Glove, Yes... Boomstick, Probably not... (06.02)

Jason vs. Freddy vs. Ash? That's the rumor floating around this pile of clutter we call the internet.

My advice, don't hold your breath. Chances are, we'll be seeing Joanie Loves Chachi Loves Ash first.

In other words, nothing to report on our end.


in other Evil Dead news...there's an Eviel Dead Musical in Canada that covers Evil Dead 1&2....oh those crazy Canadians.

evil ways

Great Wasabi Man said:
from BruceCampbell.com


in other Evil Dead news...there's an Eviel Dead Musical in Canada that covers Evil Dead 1&2....oh those crazy Canadians.

06.02, so that was back in June, were in August so it could still be true.


Willco said:
Then, in the remake/sequel Evil Dead 2, widely regarded as the best of the series.

Not for me, number 1 is still my fave - I've watched them all recently again too and number 1 flipped me out for how scary it still is. The camera work and sound effects in particular are legendary imo.


Hollywood Square
Great Wasabi Man said:
from BruceCampbell.com


in other Evil Dead news...there's an Eviel Dead Musical in Canada that covers Evil Dead 1&2....oh those crazy Canadians.

Couple of problems with your quote there, guy. Bruce came out and said the opposite in an actual interview not too long ago because that quote you posted is really, really old and inaccurate.

And this is no longer a rumor. The negotiations stuff will be running in trades.

Fusebox said:
Not for me, number 1 is still my fave - I've watched them all recently again too and number 1 flipped me out for how scary it still is. The camera work and sound effects in particular are legendary imo.

The first one is great, don't get me wrong, but Evil Dead 2 is definitely the fan favorite and it's technically superior to the original. I can appreciate that it's far more scarier, because it's actually a horror flick, whereas the sequel tries to be something different. Which I like more.


evil ways said:
Jason's parents were devil worshippers and dealt with the occult, especially his father, Elias Vorhees. There are conflicting reports that say Jason never really drowned and just was carried away by the lake, but decided to never return to his home or family since his father abused him.

So according to that he was just a derranged, mentally retarded mountain hick until Friday the 13th Part 3 where he was stabbed and hung. Going by the fact that the Necronomicon and other sorts of occult parapharnalia were found in the former Vorhees home, as seen in Jason Goes to Hell, you can assume that when Jason was a baby perhaps his father performed some satanic rituals using the book and took effect once he died in Part 3, yurning him into a possesed zombie or "deadite".

Woah...that is an excellent post and you reveal some startling information. How did you find out about Jason's past? I have not seen JvF yet. Are those revalations revealed in that film? If so, I regret reading them just now :(

White Man

The feeling is, that by having Ash kick the shit out of Freddy and Jason... not only will the character of ASH be spring-boarded into the mainstream by those two Horror mainstays, but will be popular enough to risk sinking major money and promotion into an ASH stand-alone film. I know... geek wet dream material, but let's face it... the only way Sam Raimi would get back to directing ASH instead of wasting his time on these little films for Sony, is if ASH can be held in a higher esteem. At least, that's what the folks at CAA are whispering.

You'd think that after directing 2 hugely successful Spiderman films (with a third on the drawing board), Raimi would have the latitude to direct just about any pet project he'd want.

Also, I'm not even sure if I'd want a big budget Evil Dead movie. Personally, I'd like to see Raimi, Tapert, and Campbell take the same amount of cash it took to make either ED2 or AoD and make the follow-up with that budget. The low-budget aesthetic of the Evil Dead movies has always been one of my favorite things about the series. Who could forget the scene in Army of Darkness where Ash is destroying Deadites in the citadel, and you could tell that somebody from off-camera is just tossing skeletons at him as he continuously cracks them over his knee, shatters them, and smacks them around.

If there's one bit of CG in Evil Dead 4, I'd be highly disappointed. Evil Dead is all about wacky stop motion shaz.

-1 Big Budget Evil Dead


White Man said:
If there's one bit of CG in Evil Dead 4, I'd be highly disappointed. Evil Dead is all about wacky stop motion shaz.

-1 Big Budget Evil Dead

Oh damn thats a scary thought. A CG monster based Evil Dead just wouldn't be the same. :(
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