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Dear Capcom: Please Milk Me








Did X2 really come out late enough to get an ESRB rating? This is messing with the timeline in my head... IS ANYTHING REAL
I remember wanting Mega Man X2 so badly when it first came out....but I didn't have a SNES =(. I played and finished X1 at a friend's house, and I dont remember why he never got X2.

Years later I played X3 on the PC (got it for like 5 bucks at EB Games), but I never got a chance to player X2. So, yes, I agree with this milking. A nice compliation pack would make me very happy.


Tag of Excellence
You act like they don't want too, hah.

I guess Capcom wants to make an effort with their new MM series on the GBA instead of simply porting all the classics. Then again I'd prefer the classics these days.


Diomedeskun said:
I would love that, but PSP would be acceptable if they used the enhanced PS version of X3 and added X4.
Hey now, let's not get greedy.
M3wThr33 said:


Got 'em both. I got MMAC GBA on reserve. Do your part and actually buy the stuff to give them incentive.
Oh, I've got them. I've also got all three Mega Man Zero games. But MMAC might be pushing it a bit.


Tag of Excellence
Yeah those GBC ports were actually pretty damn good IIRC. I bought them both and really enjoyed them despite the obvious flaws and limits.


TekunoRobby said:
I guess Capcom wants to make an effort with their new MM series on the GBA instead of simply porting all the classics. Then again I'd prefer the classics these days.
Did you just dishonor Mega Man Zero?

nubbe said:
I agree. But only X1-X4
They can stop at X3 and I wouldn't complain, especially since they went to Saturn/PSX afterwards. It'd just be so easy to take X1-3 and port them to GBA...heck, I'd even buy them seperately.
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