A series adaptation of Stephen King and Peter Straub‘s 1984 novel The Talisman which the Duffers will craft alongside Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment and Paramount Television.
Ugh, such an overated anime. The best thing Death Note did was introduce me to Maximum the Hormone.
I don't understand why Death Note is so popular
Sometimes Netflix release some great stuff. Stranger Things, Dark and The Last Kingdom comes to mind!Oh, exciting!
I don't understand why Death Note is so popular
because you don’t have to be a total weeb to enjoy itI don't understand why Death Note is so popular
Sometimes Netflix release some great stuff. Stranger Things, Dark and The Last Kingdom comes to mind!
OA was interesting, especially the first season.God I wish Netflix would renew The OA
It would be cool to see the Duffer Brothers produce something as good as Stranger Things S1 & 2 again. I feel like the conflict between Light and L isn't too dissimilar from the thrilling feel of watching the separate groups disconnectedly solve the mysteries of early Stranger Things, so this might be a good match. I'm mostly just adding this Death Note talk so I'm not off topic though, my main interest here is to express how sad I still am about The OA getting cancelled. I wish Netflix would renew The OA.
This will be the fourth live-action adaptation of Death Note, after the Japanese film series, the Japanese TV show, and the Netflix movie.
Ok, this is a rant.Why does it seem like every six months Netflix begins production on a live action Death Note? The definition of insanity is trying to make a shitty anime adaptation over and over again. Eventually, they're gonna end up animating it and we'll get the Western animation Death Note. Light will look like Peter Griffin. Just...FFS, dudes. It wasn't THAT MUCH of a linchpin in anime/Manga culture. It was mildly popular, there's no reason to keep shoving cattle prods up It's corpse's ass and Weekend at Berniesying it for a whole new generation of lite beer chugging, mumble rap listening teenagers who won't appreciate an aescethic that went out of mainstream vogue in 2009. Stahp.
There sure was! It was bad!There was a live action Japanese TV show?
This is the greatest disappointment of Netflix starting over from scratch. I want Lakeith Stanfield to keep playing L.Nothing in this will be as good as LaKeith Stanfield as L in the Netflix movie running full pelt with his hands in his pockets.
Netflix:Why does it seem like every six months Netflix begins production on a live action Death Note? The definition of insanity is trying to make a shitty anime adaptation over and over again. Eventually, they're gonna end up animating it and we'll get the Western animation Death Note. Light will look like Peter Griffin. Just...FFS, dudes. It wasn't THAT MUCH of a linchpin in anime/Manga culture. It was mildly popular, there's no reason to keep shoving cattle prods up It's corpse's ass and Weekend at Berniesying it for a whole new generation of lite beer chugging, mumble rap listening teenagers who won't appreciate an aescethic that went out of mainstream vogue in 2009. Stahp.
This already happened. You missed the last Netflix adaptation. What you're describing was also the least of it's problems because as it turned out, Lakeith Stanfield did a great job as L with the bullshit he was given and it was actually Light's actor who was found to be lacking, or at least lacking direction.I just wonder how much they will change characters. Akira will be a guy "that is for sure", and white because it cannot be anything else, L changed to be a girl "you know good", let me give it more points "a minority".