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Death Proof was the only Tarantino film I haven't seen, until last night...

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It wasn't my favorite. I liked Planet Terror, but the best part of Grindhouse was the fake trailers. The Thanksgiving trailer was great.
The appeal of Grindhouse was the experience of watching schlocky, bad movies. And it was a blast in theaters. But when you're making schlocky movies, even for a director as talented as Quentin Tarantino, it's not going to be very good.
It's right up there with Pulp Fiction for me - excellent. Great lead, great supporting cast and a great soundtrack.
Totally agree. That to me always seems the most divisive Tarantino movie when I talk to fans. Most people I know put Death Proof at the bottom.

That being said, I still enjoyed it.
Not watching the entirety of Deathproof is an injustice we have seen a lot in this world. From folks leaving the theater to folks turning it off at home. It only starts to get better after 45 minutes!

It's such an amazing movie! It's a shame so many folks didn't see it.
So you bailed before the best parts of the movie? lol

edit: I also think the prerequisite for enjoying this movie is having seen the movies this was basically a tribute to.
It's a rather divisive film in Tarantino's filmography.

I initially wasn't into it but after a couple of re watches and years to separate myself from the initial viewing... I actually like it a lot.

Still like Planet Terror more tho.


He made a combination of his usual talky-thing and a legit 70s grindhouse film.

It was perfectly on theme for what Grindhouse was supposed to be.

Rodriguez' film was stupid, way too deliberately cheesy and modern.


I agree, though the second half is far better. I feel like Tarantino was trying to shoot one of his clever, witty, dialog-driven segments and it just wasn't engaging to me. I wouldn't say it's not worth watching, but to me it was his worst work.

The second half is like an entirely different film and very entertaining.
Did it really take 45 mins for the shit to go down? I remember leaving at first, because the shit was boring, caught the rest on TV with car chase and thought that shit was dope. I wonder if that black girl is in anything else.


I have liked all of Tarantinos films that I have seen expect for Death Proof there is something about it that I find forgettable. I liked Kurt Russel in it, but aside from that its nothing special in my opinion.
I can't believe how popular this opinion is here. Django and hateful all day, love that shit.

All 3 are very poorly paced and more indulgently written than his normal indulgence. I have very little desire to ever revisit them, especially The Hateful 8 and Death Proof which are pure build (not even top tier Tarantino build) without any satisfying payoffs.

First half of Django is pretty good though. But then it sputters past like 4 different finish lines with poor momentum.


Planet Terror you can watch once. Maybe twice.
Death proof, multiple viewings.

And MEW.

Friend and I saw Grindhouse day one, shit was great. Theatre was empty as fuck though.
The first half is tarantino stoking his fucking dick.

How dare he follow planet terror/grindhouse with this artsy bullshit.

That last half hour tho is cool
Theatrical cut was better. It helps blowing through first have.

Also the greatest car chase ever fimed.

Bullitt. Eat your heart out


Like I said, I didn't read what he was trying to do with the movie. Can't say I have much knowledge about car chases from 70s movies.

Yes, I stopped after the part where they introduced the next set of girls.

The next set of girls is the good part of the movie, though. It's got a long ass Tarantino style dialogue section and an epic car chase.

Usually when I'm in the mood to watch Death Proof, I honestly just skip ahead to the second half.

Did it really take 45 minss for the shit to go down? I remember leaving at first, because the shit was boring, caught the rest on TV with car chase and thought that shit was dope. I wonder if that black girl is in anything else.

Tracie Thoms was in Rent on Broadway. She was great. (Probably not what you mean, though.)

I can't believe how popular this opinion is here. Django and hateful all day, love that shit.

The two movies Tarantino has made since the death of Sally Menke have inconsistent pacing and moments of excessive self-indulgence. It makes sense.

They're still fun, but the quality of the editing went way downhill.
The first 10 - 15 minutes are a slog (or maybe I was just getting tired because I saw it as a double feature in theatres with Death Proof being the second film). After that, it keeps getting better and better. Mike is charming, funny, creepy, and then horrifying. The next batch of girls are more interesting. And the chase is incredible. As far as I'm concerned, as soon as Stuntman Mike enters the film, it's riveting.

Planet Terror, though... I don't plan to watch it ever again even though it's decent.


Aww, I love the first half of Death Proof. Everything in the bar is great. Just a nice chill atmosphere followed by sudden and brutal violence. I wish the second half got to the car chase a little quicker, but it's such a great pay off that it ultimately doesn't matter.
Kurt's so good in it too.

"Are you scared of me?...Is it my scar?"

"No...it's your car"

A good majority of the dialogue scenes in the movie are bullshit, but Stuntman Mike slays (literally as well). And it has one of the best car chases I've ever seen in the back half.

It was halfway to being something really lean and mean, but as Tarantino is want to do (especially these days), it's overstuffed with cutesy and lengthy dialogue in a movie that really, really didn't need it.

For a high school art project we had to make a decorated chair so I made a "Deathproof" chair. I spray painted it black, put the logo on it, and gave it straps and everything.
Aww, I love the first half of Death Proof. Everything in the bar is great. Just a nice chill atmosphere followed by sudden and brutal violence. I wish the second half got to the car chase a little quicker, but it's such a great pay off that it ultimately doesn't matter.
Upon further reflection, I think you're right. The languid pacing and banal conversations lull you into a false sense of security. Once Mike appears, the film starts to pick up because you're charmed, intrigued, and mostly disarmed by his character. But a tension begins to develop, and you get the sense that danger is right around the corner. Of course, you sensed correctly... but you didn't anticipate the speed the danger would arrive or its brutality. And then Act 2 begins and you get something totally different.

Death Proof is great.
It's alright . Kurt Russell is good and


Death Proof is QT's take on drive in grindhouse films, in fact I like the trimmed down version in the theatrical version of Grindhouse better since it was truly a fantastic film experience.

Planet Terror, Death Proof and the fake trailers including the original Hobo with a Shotgun (only in Canada and some Texas showings) are only amazing when grouped together.
Death Proof is QT's take on drive in grindhouse films, in fact I like the trimmed down version in the theatrical version of Grindhouse better since it was truly a fantastic film experience.

Planet Terror, Death Proof and the fake trailers including the original Hobo with a Shotgun (only in Canada and some Texas showings) are only amazing when grouped together.
Wait, there's a difference between what I saw in theatres and what's on the blu ray? Maybe this is why there's a disconnect between my impression of Death Proof (one of QT's best) and how many in this thread feel (it's super tedious).

I loved Grindhouse. Saw it in a packed and lively theatre -- more cheers, laughs, and shrieks of horror than I've ever heard for one experience.
The two movies Tarantino has made since the death of Sally Menke have inconsistent pacing and moments of excessive self-indulgence. It makes sense.

They're still fun, but the quality of the editing went way downhill.

Honestly that surprises me, cause I feel his film quality dipped with Kill Bill and only just started picking back up with Django. Long movie sure, but I'd also take hateful over anything in between those. Kill Bill, Inglorious, and Death Proof are serious mixed bags for me. They're like Tarantino's mid life crisis movies to me, where he got so far in he lost touch.
To Death Proof's credit, I did appreciate it was a bit more soberly put together.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Wait, there's a difference between what I saw in theatres and what's on the blu ray?

Both versions are available on Blu-ray, the extended version as "Death Proof" and the original version as part of "Grindhouse".
The extended version was released first and more widely.


Death Proof is the only Tarantino film where I'd advise people to AVOID the full version first time round, see the Grindhouse cut of it instead, feels a lot less sluggish.
Don't think you can see you've "seen" the movie when you only got 45min in. Plus the second half is the good part of the movie.
Wow. Not trying to disregard your opinion, or tell you what or how to think, but may I ask your age, OP? Might mean nothing..just a smidge curious..


"I'm going to start watching a movie, then stop half way to post on NeoGAF claiming it's the worst movie I've ever seen, even though I didn't finish it"

Bad job OP.

Death Proof is actually one of Q's better films, if you know shit about filmography. You probably walked out of Hateful "why are they all talking so much" Eight too.
Yeah death proof is definitely Tarantino's weakest picture. But it was still a 6.5/10 IMO. Even with Tarantino's writing it's hard to sit through this one. When the car chase starts it gets interesting and Kurt Russell and the actresses do good Job. But still for some reason I just don't dig this movie as much as his other works.
The film spent too much time focusing on Tarantino's extensive knowledge of movie stunt woman trivia. But the ending car chase was great.
I have liked all of Tarantinos films that I have seen expect for Death Proof there is something about it that I find forgettable. I liked Kurt Russel in it, but aside from that its nothing special in my opinion.

At least Stuntman Mike had awesome dialog with Pam when he asked, "which way are you going: left or right?"

That was hilarious.

"I'm going to start watching a movie, then stop half way to post on NeoGAF claiming it's the worst movie I've ever seen, even though I didn't finish it"

Bad job OP.

Death Proof is actually one of Q's better films, if you know shit about filmography. You probably walked out of Hateful "why are they all talking so much" Eight too.

1. Death Proof isn't the worst movie I've ever seen.
2. I loved The Hateful Eight and as a bonus: I loved Jackie Brown too.

I like my slow burning, dialog heavy QT fix. I just don't like Death Proof. Sorry.

Also, I'm 28 years old. Ask me again if I have the patience to sift through a slow burner of a movie.


Death Proof is great. I haven't seen the extended cut, which I hear is rough, but I can definitely tell you the cut included in Grindhouse is awesome.
It's the only Tarantino film I didn't like (haven't seen Hateful Eight yet). It wasn't bad, but wasn't good either...it was pretty middling.
It's the only Tarantino film I didn't like (haven't seen Hateful Eight yet). It wasn't bad, but wasn't good either...it was pretty middling.

The Hateful Eight comes out on Blu-ray next week! The Roadshow version in theaters was quite the experience, some people who watch it soon may find the intermission and narration a bit weird (not sure if they're changing anything from the Roadshow version).
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