Ladies and gentlemen, it's Road to Wrestlemania season which means it's time for the most anticipated, unpredictable, and dreaded event in all of WrassleGAF - the one - the only - the Avatar Rumble! The one time of the year where NeoGAF avatars are on line as we crown a new temporary face of WrassleGAF while we ask ourselves "why didn't the other person win?!" Curious about what the Avatar Rumble is or how to enter it? Well allow me to go over the rules for the 2017 version of the WrassleGAF annual event!

- The Avatar Rumble will be done using WWE2K17 on the PS4
- This year the Avatar Rumble will be held on Saturday, January 28th at 4:00PM EST. It's being held on a Friday due to NXT Takeover being the Saturday night before the Royal Rumble itself.
- Your entry is your avatar. By submitting a wrestler into the Avatar Rumble, you are acknowledging that you will change your avatar to the avatar of the winning entrant and keep that avatar from the night of the Avatar Rumble - January 27th, 2017 - until the end of February 28th, 2017. Do not back out of the avatar change. This is a month plus one day, because it'll be easier for everyone to remember the deadline if it falls on the end of the month.
- To enter the Avatar Rumble you must PM me, Sephzilla, with your entrant. Your entrant must be a professional wrestler who has competed in at least one career match. For example, if your wrestler exists on http://www.cagematch.net/ then I'll accept him. If your entrant has already been entered I will respond back to you indicating so and ask you to pick a second entrant.
- The wrestler you enter will be kept private, at least until after the Avatar Rumble. The only public list will be the list of GAF members who have entered the Avatar Rumble. You are free to publicly disclose your pick if you wish, but it's more fun if every entrant is a surprise because then everyone wonders who's the buffoon who picked Arachnaman.
- The Avatar Rumble will be 30 entrants - WWE 2K17's Royal Rumble maximum. Entry into the Avatar Rumble is first-come, first-serve. Only one entrant per GAF member.
- Entrants into the Avatar Rumble will be random. The order in which you register has no bearing when your entrant will enter the Avatar Rumble.
- Previous winners of the Avatar Rumble are ineligible for entry. Our previous winners are Big Show, Archibald Peck, Tyler Breeze, Berlyn/Alex Wright
- Male competitors only. WWE2K17 doesn't allow inter-gender Royal Rumbles
- No Chris Benoit requests will be taken
- Will be held on Twitch - http://www.twitch.tv/sephzilla

- Sephzilla
- Zach
- Heroman
- avengers23
- OwensIsNow
- Kurita
- BewareTheBatsie
- newdayrocks
- billy beane
- slabrock
- Empyrean Heaven
- Professor Beef
- Fox318
- Hex
- Tagyhag
- ReiGun
- UberTag
- Bronx-Man
- korly
- Serpentine
- Menome
- Browny
- kapowza
- Chaz Ashley
- Reneledarker
- HazySaiyan
- Scotia
- FlammableD
- miserable