How's Ellsworth better than most of the roster on the mic?
B b b but no one likes him. He's regressed but hes selling merch and he's in the big leagues unlike these loser guys who are trying to make it across seas and on some show that doesn't air on tv.Damn, Ambrose is still so over.
Wyatts taking the New Day Demolition gimmick?Luke Harper with a belt. I like the looks of that.
They probably don't care enough about Ellsworth to script him, so he sounds natural.
I really miss all the camera flashes.
Well Kalisto about to get rearranged into Kaladin
Best actress in a reality series, eh?
Nikki has such a great "You know you fucked up right?" look.
I used to be one. No shame.He's going to become a Kid Rock fan?
Nikki has such a great "You know you fucked up right?" look.