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December Wrasslin' |OT| Sinacember to Remember


So not worth it
They should just replace Raw with a marathon of Breaking Ground.

I absolutely love this show, best thing WWE has made since the debut of the Network.
Roman Reigns is not the issue it's the shitty booking. From top to bottom WWE is garbage.

I know, they book him like Nick Gulas used to book George Gulas and it hurts the entire show.

I don't think WWE has ever been this bad, I can't think of one reason to watch Raw

I like new day.

They seem a bit overexposed though, Vince has grasped they're the only thing that's super over and are using them waaay too much.








Time for Mike "The Miz" Mizian to get a push.

Fuck have him shoot a promo on how he's been neglected and how WWE has screwed him and he's horribly managed, how creative is incompetent, and throw a wrestler like Roman and Cena under a bus, boom, he's over with the Marks and with the crowd.

Might as fucking well. They have no one else to put into the main scene.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Time for Mike "The Miz" Mizian to get a push.

Fuck have him shoot a promo on how he's been neglected and how WWE has screwed him and he's horribly managed, how creative is incompetent, and throw a wrestler like Roman and Cena under a bus, boom, he's over with the Marks and with the crowd.

Might as fucking well. They have no one else to put into the main scene.

Didn't they try to do exactly this like a year ago and it went nowhere?


They seem a but overexposed though, Vince has grasped they're the only thing that's super over and are using them waaay too much.
That's Vince for you. (And Dunn, and Hayes.)

The man has no patience at all - he gets a sniff of something and then runs it into the ground. See: The Summer of Punk (lasting, what 2 weeks?); Fandango; hell, DX reforming a few years back. Not to mention the original pops for Reigns in SS 13 and RR 14, which Vince clearly thought was the time to start the big push.


The 11 people who were in the main event of Raw, were also in almost every segment of Raw. I know a lot of key people are out, but come the fuck on. It's frustrating, because the roster has so much talent on it. I mean look at today with this new stable no fucking build just too a bunch of people that no one cares about and slammed together.

BNB- Won KoTH which doesn't mean jack shit these days
Alberto Del Rio- Been a snooze fest since his return
Sheamus- New Champ that no one gives a fuck about
Rusev- lol

So Vince I'm I suppose to care about these mid-card scrubs joining together for some reason. Who the fuck is booking this show how can you not see it's garbage. IMO there is nothing look forward to in WWE, yeah I have people I enjoy to watch like KO. As big picture what there to look forward, I can't even look forward to NXT people coming up because look what happens to them.


That's right, I'm out of GWF Developmental and I'm...WHAT ON EARTH AM I WEARING?

It's beautiful, don't change it.

What's my entrance music, Sunny?


So, Raw.

I actually think they improved the format of the show itself. More promos is a good thing. I'm all for that and makes the show more entertaining.

But I still don't care for most of the roster. Except New Day. They still hold the show together.

And man, I enjoy Sheamus. I actually do. But cheesy smiley Roman is just not the way to go.

Also, no Owens is a bummer and seeing Sash have a nothing match with Brie when she was main-eventing to a sold out arena some months ago is just sad.

And I'm fine with Becky being the only face from team PCB since she is the only one I actually like.

EDIT: Also, ECW nostalgia is old and unnecessary but maybe the Wyatts can win something for a change.


Hey, they not only added NWA World Championship Wrestling to the network, but also Smokey Mountain Wrestling, and Mid-South as well.


The Ziggler/Lana/Summer thing was way worse for Rusev than the Cena feud. In fact, that shit helped no one. Fans still like Lana and want her as a face. Either they have to turn Rusev, too or just split them and keep them apart in programs. TMZ, though. Probably Steph's idea.


So not worth it
Everything about Becky Lynch's attire offends me. This includes, but is not limited to, her hair.


They need more squash matches. It's partially how Rusev got over in the first place. Squash matches get people over. Proven. Fact.

Also coming in on Tanks. Proven. Fact.


Damn so Apollo is on that Finn/Owens package in NXT where he is payed more than your usual wrestler down there.

Next week we get to see Eva kick Carmella really hard in the head. Great show all round imo.


Things I Liked Last Night
  • New Day/Sheamus Open
  • New Day on Commentary
  • Becky/Charlotte twist ending

Things I Should Have Liked Last Night If They Were Booked/Written Well
  • Reigns being a dick and stealing the title, if it hadn't been done before
  • The title match itself, if it wasn't a predictable outcome
  • Lana/Rusev, if they hadn't drug that promo on forever and Ryback wasn't involved
  • Tommy Dreamer, if that feud wasn't a shitshow
  • League of Nations, if I knew WWE wasn't writing it

Things I Hated
  • Everything else


So not worth it
It's December, guys!

And even though it's been a shitty year for vidya games overall, here's my FAVE TEN games of the year:
1. Life is Strange
2. Until Dawn
3. Cities: Skylines
4. Bloodborne
5. Super Mario Maker
6. Mortal Kombat X
7. Project Cars
8. Metal Gear Solid V
9. Dragon Ball Z: Xenoverse
10. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

What are yours?


All women are crazy; there are no face or heel women.


tbf there is a story to be told with Charlotte in that she is very new, has already had a good friend turn on her, feels the pressure of living up to a legacy, is a Flair so cheating is in her blood and thus feels the need to be a heel to cling on to her championship. Becky is the person who is the unfortunate fall girl, with Charlotte feeling she can't trust anybody, even someone who has been there from day 1 more or less.

Sadly the chances of anything close to this story being told are close to 0%. It'll be IMMA FLAIR WOOO and yes, all women are crazy.


It's December, guys!

And even though it's been a shitty year for vidya games overall, here's my FAVE TEN games of the year:

What are yours?

I would argue that it was one of the best year of all time

MGS V, Fallout 4, Bloodborne and Witcher 3 would've won GOTY on any given year
Cities Skyline is the best city builder ever
Mario Maker is crazy
Life is Strange is great

hell even the DBZ game was great this year

i'll come up with my top 10 list during the month

I already dump the list of all the games I liked this year and i'm at 23. oh yeah and Xenoblade and Just Cause 3 aren't even out yet, fucking incredible
It's December, guys!

And even though it's been a shitty year for vidya games overall, here's my FAVE TEN games of the year:
1. Life is Strange
2. Until Dawn
3. Cities: Skylines
4. Bloodborne
5. Super Mario Maker
6. Mortal Kombat X
7. Project Cars
8. Metal Gear Solid V
9. Dragon Ball Z: Xenoverse
10. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

What are yours?

1) Mario Maker
2) Splatoon
3) D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die
4) Yoshi's Woolly World
5) Technobabylon
6) Dropsy
7) Majora's Mask 3D
8) Etrian Mystery Dungeon
9) Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
10) A-Train: City Simulator

Caveats - Haven't had time to play Witcher 3, Transformers: Devastation or TITS:SC yet, Xenoblade X isn't out here yet and I haven't bought a PS4 yet so I've never properly tried Bloodborne.


tbf there is a story to be told with Charlotte in that she is very new, has already had a good friend turn on her, feels the pressure of living up to a legacy, is a Flair so cheating is in her blood and thus feels the need to be a heel to cling on to her championship. Becky is the person who is the unfortunate fall girl, with Charlotte feeling she can't trust anybody, even someone who has been there from day 1 more or less.

Sadly the chances of anything close to this story being told are close to 0%. It'll be IMMA FLAIR WOOO and yes, all women are crazy.

In a perfect world, Becky steps it up and challenges Charlotte to the Championship in a "The Champ shouldn't be a cheater" stance.

She loses the initial match at the Royal Rumble because of cheating. A rematch happens at Fastlane, which she wins by anticipating Charlotte's cheats and playing against them.

Becky holds the title until Wrestlemania and drops it to Sasha Banks, possibly a triple-threat with Paige.

Then Sasha has it in time for not long after/before Nikki Bella's return from injury.
It's December, guys!

And even though it's been a shitty year for vidya games overall, here's my FAVE TEN games of the year:
1. Life is Strange
2. Until Dawn
3. Cities: Skylines
4. Bloodborne
5. Super Mario Maker
6. Mortal Kombat X
7. Project Cars
8. Metal Gear Solid V
9. Dragon Ball Z: Xenoverse
10. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

What are yours?

1. Tales from the borderlands
2. Life is Strange
3. MGS V
4. Witcher 3
5. Fallout 4
6. Rocket League
7. Divinity Original Sin - Enhanced Edition
8. Invisible, Inc
9. The Beginner's Guide
10. Wasteland 2
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