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decent/good PC FPS that will run on my comp


everything i have in my comp is pretty good but my biggest bottleneck is a 64mb geforce2 video card. so im looking for a FPS that will run well on that card. please no half-life (or any mods of it) suggestions.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
UT2003 actually ran at a decent clip on my older machine (with a GF2mx). It certainly didn't run great, but it was quite playable in medium detail (and that was with a 733 MHz CPU).

If you have not played them, System Shock 2, Thief II, and Deus Ex are all GREAT choices. Those are my 3 favorite FPS games of all time (even though they aren't exactly standard FPS titles).

Outside of that, it's hard to say. There really haven't been a whole lot of great PC FPS games released over the last few years. Lots of lackluster junk as well as a few solid titles with higher requirements...
Very probably Hitman 2, it's better than Contracts in some ways.

Medal of Honor Allied Assault would be a classic if six hundred WWII games by the same people didn't flood in the following years.

Played Heretic 2?

Try No One Lives Forever.

Take a look at that current Doom, thread. It can look brand new.


thanks for the suggestions so far guys.

i wanted to bump this to see if anyone can suggest any others?


I was able to play the following games with a Geforce 2 GTS 32MB:

Battlefield 1942
Call of Duty - suprised me with how well it ran
Deus Ex - runs better on a Voodoo3 though :p
Jedi Outcast/Academy
NOLF2 - slow in some spots (heavy firefights)
Operation Flashpoint
Quake III arena
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Serious Sam 1&2
Soldier of Fortune
System Shock 2
Thief II
Unreal Tournament

There are more, this is mostly what the people above me mentioned since I'm horrible at remembering.
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