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Decent Keyboards

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Are there keyboards that if one pressed more than 3 keys at a time, the keyboard would respond to all of them. Or is it more of a old cpu issue and not the keyboard. The keyboard I'm using is a barebones Fujitsu.


Don't get Lite-on keyboards, they suck ass. I paid $4.00 for this thing and while it is very quiet and spill-resistant, the key placement is a bit strange, and sometimes it is not sensitive to touch... at all. I find myself hitting the same keys for a second time.


I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean like ctrl + alt + del? You're pressing three keys to get a response. If that's what you mean then it's a software issue. Like Winamp has shortcut keys to do certain functions. Some of them use the keys, like Ctrl + Alt + Insert to play a song.

Don't get Lite-on keyboards, they suck ass.
I paid $4.00 for this thing...

You pretty much answered why they suck. You get what you pay for. :p


I run into that a lot playing Battlefield Vietnam. Press more than 3 buttons and it starts to beep, and won't respond to those keys anymore. It's an awesome keyboard though. It's the MS one that is a 2 port usb hub as well.

Oddly enough in windows it only beeps and stops responding if I press 5 keys or more.

They do exist, ones that won't do that. No idea what brands or models though, and no idea how you would find out without trying them all.


Ok, if you guys don't know what we are talking about, don't respond.

This is BUILT INTO THE KEYBOARD. You can't change it. It is a hardware buffer, the maximum amount of keys and data you can input at one time.

Some have shitty limits, 2-3-4, some are 5-6, some don't even have a limit.


I could be wrong, but I think it has to do with the actual physical hardware buffer, or the bandwidth of PS/2 ports. I have a USB M$ Internet Pro keyboard and I don't have this problem, I just don't connect it through the PS/2 port on my mobo. If you can find one of these keyboards, they're pretty good, had mine for a couple of years after breaking the spacebar on my old logitech one.
SKluck said:
It is a hardware buffer, the maximum amount of keys and data you can input at one time.

It's not always that simple, but the gist of it is right - its a hardware issue. Get another keyboard (brand), and chances are disturbingly good it may behave differently in this regard. USB/PS2 has nothing to do with it.

A logitech or MS keyboard tends not to exhibit these problems, even in the cheap models.


But mine does :(

Best keyboard MS ever made, I think. The Internet Keyboard Pro. They don't really make many USB keyboards anymore for some reason, and none with usb ports on it.


Yeah I got that keyboard. Good one it is.

I've migrated to a Natural Wireless keyboard/mouse setup though.

I'm surprised at how good a natural keyboard is for FPS. :D




This is my awesome keyboard. It has a cool glowing scrollbar in the middle of the space bar, all those neato access buttons at the top (which I never use) and a cool glowing bar where the caps/scroll/number lock lights are. It matches my black and silver case with blue LED lights, which is why I bought it. It even has a USB port on it!
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