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How are people still not using keyboard shortcuts!?


The other day I was helping someone with something on their computer. I pressed the windows key to bring up the start menu to do something and they said "oh, now you're just showing off" as if I'd just done something magical. I think my perplexed reaction made them realise that was not the case.


Gold Member
I do for the ™ symbol since we are constantly inundated and being marketed to with appeal to authority buzzwords and/or talking points.


Gold Member
I found a simple Autohotkey script that lets you do simple functions with keywords. I've modified that script to perform over 120 functions that I use for my work in IT. I spent many, many hours working on it and use it 50 or more times a day and it saves me so many keystrokes it's unbelievable.


I don't mind anything listed so far in here, but the one that kills me is Ctrl-F
People literally manually scan through documents looking for key words and phrases. Mind boggling stuff.


Yeah, I have worked in a corporate environment for the better part of 24yrs now and am always amazed at how many people don't know ctrl-c and ctrl-v.
Having been in the IT industry for over 25 years these are 3 short cuts I use...

Ctrl a
Ctrl c
Ctrl v

Sometimes ctrl f to find something but Outlook uses ctrl f for something else (f'ing brilliant). Everything else i just use the UI as I have either fatfingered something too many times or just force of habit..


Hold onto your panties
There are way too many people at my work that don't even know how to type without looking at the keyboard.

How do they do this.
Probably a moot point explaining shortcuts in that case. You should pull a prank on them and color over all keys with a Sharpie and use a fine tipped white marker to create weird symbols instead of letters. Make em work for a living.


I started using shortcuts for Photoshop 13 years ago and since then I can work up to 100x faster in many cases. The upgrade is no fucking joke.

8 days a year? ...for me I feel like its alot more than that.

I use a Xbox controller with keyboard shortcuts assigned to it via a keyboard emulator but to make sure I never forget the shortcuts I always say them to myself as I hit the corrosponding controller buttons. That way even if I dont have access to the controller and am required to use a keyboard it doesnt matter.


Gold Member
I know this works in Word, may work in other programs. High light words, shift-F3.
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Windoww key+ shift+ s to save a cropped screenshot directly to the clipboard has been a godsend for me.

I think most people in corporate environments are scared of breaking their computer they need to use for work, so they don't really explore what all can be done with them.
PC is my main device (that I am typing on right now). Compared to the average person who doesn't use a PC then yeah I know more shortcuts but I wouldn't say I'm a "power user" that knows a lot of shortcuts. I can do copy, paste, cut, select all, print screen, alt/tab, ctrl/alt/del, W + R/G/L/tab, but that's probably about it. The only other shortcuts I use Function keys and those which are specific to my keyboard for controlling media playback.
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