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Def Jam: Fight for NY - deep story mode preview (IGN)


works for Gamestop (lol)















Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
I really, really like the art style for this game. Everything, from ingame graphics to menu screens to overlays, looks so stylish.


Hail to the KING baby
Minotauro said:
I really, really like the art style for this game. Everything, from ingame graphics to menu screens to overlays, looks so stylish.

Definitely agreed. I hope they tighten up the gameplay a little, last one was just a romp after about a week the comp. couldn't even challenge me, and multiplayer wasn't as fun as it could have been. Potential's there, though.


Man, this is looking great. I played the hell out of the first one, especially post-bar nights. Hopefully this one continues the trend.


I normally don't play wrestling games, but the original Def Jam Vendetta had me hooked for a decent bit. I like everything they've done with this. I might even scrounge up some extra money and but it some time this year.
lordmrw said:
I normally don't play wrestling games, but the original Def Jam Vendetta had me hooked for a decent bit. I like everything they've done with this. I might even scrounge up some extra money and but it some time this year.

It's not a wrestling game any more. It's a dumbed down shadow of it's former self. They took all the depth of the AKI wrestling engine and threw it right out the window.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
I'm shocked they didn't try to get Jacob.


Although, come to think of it, my tag team would more than likely be Snoop Dogg and Ludacris. Maybe the four together! Chronic Rage!


Hail to the KING baby
Oni Link 666 said:
It's not a wrestling game any more. It's a dumbed down shadow of it's former self. They took all the depth of the AKI wrestling engine and threw it right out the window.

Oh shit, you mean they actually dumbed down the gameplay. With a little tweaking, it would have been awesome. Might not get this after all.


Def Jam 2 is a fighting game more than a wrestling game, I hear. That's not to say you can't grabble classic-style, but you're going to have diverse fighting styles coming at you, and even a combination of (custom characters support) three (or more, Snoop will probably have 'em all, as he's the last guy) styles. These styles include, but are not limited to:

Street Fighting

...I know there's at least one or two more there, but it looks more deep than DJV 1 was. DJV 1 was godly, so I expect nothing less of DJV 2.

AstroLad said:
Oh shit, you mean they actually dumbed down the gameplay. With a little tweaking, it would have been awesome. Might not get this after all.

If it didn't have a bunch of rappers in it and didn't have the name, you wouldn't even know it's a sequel to DefJam Vandetta. It's been watered WAY down to make it easy for anyone to pick up and play.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Oni Link 666 said:
I played the demo in the new OXM.

The demo gives you access to all the different fighting styles, the customization of your character among those styles and the customized finishers?


Oni Link 666 said:
If it didn't have a bunch of rappers in it and didn't have the name, you wouldn't even know it's a sequel to DefJam Vandetta. It's been watered WAY down to make it easy for anyone to pick up and play.

I remember your other topic, where you were complaining because it's 'not a wrestling game anymore', that it's more like a fighting game. That's got me wondering whether the entire game really is 'watered-down' like you say, or if you're just annoyed because it's focused on more than the wrestling elements. I don't mind the idea of the wrestling movelists being pared down, if you've got a couple of other styles you can use in addition to those moves, and that's what it sounds like from the descriptions so far.

Anyone else out there messed with this yet? I'd like to hear some second opinions. :)


DarienA said:
The demo gives you access to all the different fighting styles, the customization of your character among those styles and the customized finishers?


I think so.
DarienA said:
The demo gives you access to all the different fighting styles, the customization of your character among those styles and the customized finishers?

Not all the styles, but 5 at least. I don't need to play a full version to tell you that this plays like Ultimate MUSCLE with rappers. All the styles control the same. They just look different. If you want to play some watered down fighting game with a bunch of rappers then go ahead. If you're an AKI fan looking for the next great wrestling game, don't say I didn't warn you.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Oni Link 666 said:
Not all the styles, but 5 at least. I don't need to play a full version to tell you that this plays like Ultimate MUSCLE with rappers. All the styles control the same. They just look different. If you want to play some watered down fighting game with a bunch of rappers then go ahead. If you're an AKI fan looking for the next great wrestling game, don't say I didn't warn you.

Fair enough consider me warned. But let me ask why would you think that DJV2 would be more a wrestling game considering that DJV was barely a wrestling game? Sure it had wrestling moves but the finishers were generally way over the top and you built a majority of your meter by doing attack combinations.

What was pulled from the wrestling style character in DJV2 that was in DJV?
DarienA said:
Oh yes consider me warned. Why would you think that DJV2 would be more a wrestling game considering that DJV was barely a wrestling game? Sure it had wrestling moves but the finishers were over the top and you built a majority of your meter by doing attack combinations.

The suggestions Bish took a long time ago, which he said were being passed on to EA Canada, had me thinking they were going in the right direction with this.

Even though DefJam Vandetta took a lot of the moves out, it kept the control scheme basically intact.

I could really care less about the combos and over the top moves. I can dig a comical wrestling game.

What was pulled from the wrestling style character in DJV2 that was in DJV?

This applies to all characters. Like I said, the diffrent styles don't actually play any different, they just look different like regular kick to the face looks different than a roundhouse. Irish whips were taken out which takes out the moves you could do following it. Holding the R button to do a move when getting up from a fall was taken out and replaced with button mashing. You can only do like one move if you press grapple again while in a grapple. The strong grapple has been replaced with a charge and grapple that's more for taking down your opponent into a ground hold. This leaves all other moves for the quick grapple. You're losing at least 1/4 of the moves you could do in DefJam right there. It's the little stuff like that that made previous AKI games so much fun. I haven't played in the ring, if they do have one, but if it's not in there then there go all your high risk manouvers, moonsaults, 619s, and such.

Look, I'm not trying to say that the game sucks. I'm just saying that it's definitely not what I was expecting or wanted and I'm sure many AKI wrestling game fans will feel the same once they play this game.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Oni Link 666 said:
This applies to all characters. Like I said, the diffrent styles don't actually play any different, they just look different like regular kick to the face looks different than a roundhouse.
Yup I already know that.

Irish whips were taken out which takes out the moves you could do following it.
Are you sure about this? I'm almost positive I watched a clip at IGN that showed a wrestler getting irish whipped into a corner.. I'll see if I can go track it down.

Holding the R button to do a move when getting up from a fall was taken out and replaced with button mashing.
I know I saw Redman doing a sweep as he got up from being knocked down so that's two clips I need to find.

You can only do like one move if you press grapple again while in a grapple. The strong grapple has been replaced with a charge and grapple that's more for taking down your opponent into a ground hold. This leaves all other moves for the quick grapple. You're losing at least 1/4 of the moves you could do in DefJam right there.

Does the demo have a control screen on it before you go in to actually playing the game? Because I'm curious about the button set up now.

EDIT: From gamefaqs on grapples:

"Strong grapples and stong attacks are done differently now. Instead of holding down the button for a strong grapple/attack now you just hold L1 and press the button normally. It took a minute to adjust to it but it works very well."

"Once you are in a grapple you have some good options. O + a Direction will throw you foe in that direction to either throw them into the crowd to be thrown back at you ala an irish whip in a wrestling game or throw them into an object you can then use on them. Ex: Throw them into the crowd and they get throw back at you into a powerslam or throw them into a pillar and grapple them to throw them into it, you get the idea. Also if you press X from a grapple you push you foe back to either daze them for a strong grapple/attack, a running grapple/attack, or push them into the crowd to be grabbed for a crowd double team move. Also in the inferno match you can do this to toss Sticky into the flames to win the match after his health is low enough. "

Ah just go read this:


Sho Nuff

From what I understand, this is NOT a wrestling game anymore. It's a 3D run-around-and-use-the-enviro fighter like Tobal.

Which is OK, because I'm kind of sick of wrestling games. (Takes chair to head)
It's not even an irish whip. It's a shove. If you shove your opponent, he will not run all the way to the crowd unless you are close enough and IF the crowd does shove them back, they don't shove him back all the way across the fighting area. As I said about the getting up move, it's there, but all you have to do now is mash a button instead of holding R and waiting for the right time.

I guess I stand corrected about the strong grapple. It's because they really fucked up the control scheme with this one.

And man is the inferno match ever annoying. You don't see people like Carlos Colon and Abdullah the Butcher falling down and screaming like little bitches once they touch the fire. :D

Have you played the demo Darrien? Are you even a fan of the old AKI games? Go play the demo and tell me it doesn't play like a dumbed down version of DeJam Vandetta.


Banstick Emeritus
olubode said:
I'm shocked they didn't try to get Jacob.
eh? He's in the game.
Sho Nuff said:
From what I understand, this is NOT a wrestling game anymore. It's a 3D run-around-and-use-the-enviro fighter like Tobal.
Exactly - the majority of the feedback EA garnered from the first Vendetta was that it was too much of a "both worlds" fighter-slash-wrestler, so this time around it's all about fighting and leaving the wrestling behind. You can still choose wrestling as a fighting style, but if you're looking for a recreation of the AKI wrestling games, this isn't it. Straight up Fight Club, yo.
Oni Link 666 said:
The suggestions Bish took a long time ago, which he said were being passed on to EA Canada, had me thinking they were going in the right direction with this.
I did pass them on directly to the producer, but not everyone was in agreement that more wrestling was the way to go. Sorry if you feel you were misled, that wasn't the intent - I just wanted to get the forum's feel for the game. :\


I think the only problem Onli Link has with DJV2 is that it isn't the kind of game he was expecting it to be. It's a brawler where OL was expecing an AKI wrestling title.

I try to go into games with no expections as to how they'll play, that way I get to enjoy games for what they are and am not dissapointed by what they're not.


bishoptl said:
I did pass them on directly to the producer, but not everyone was in agreement that more wrestling was the way to go. Sorry if you feel you were misled, that wasn't the intent - I just wanted to get the forum's feel for the game. :\

You used me, bish! You told me that Luda would have an afro!


Counters are different. There's no dedicated counter buttons. Strike counters grapple, block counters strike, grapple counters block, and so on. Just holding block guards against a strike, hitting block and an opposing direction parries it and leaves an opening to strike back.

As I have said many times before, wrestling nerds will hate this game. But it still rules mightily.

And my created fighter is 90 times cooler than IGN's.



Fifty said:
Lil' Kim can be your girlfriend? Have they seen a recent picture of her?

That was my first thought... WEHRE IS TEH FUGLY?!?!.

Matlock said:


...and that was my second thought. Personal interest level: +100%.


You can pick Ice-T as your partner for the tag tournament in the story mode. I thought that was pretty cool.



Holy shit! A MMORPG where every character is a football player. On a massive continent spanning gridiron.

I.. I think I have touched the face of god!


ZombieSupaStar said:
poor aki....

Yeah, poor Aki. I'm sure they're gonna be fuckin' heartbroken when they get their first royalty checks.

This game rules. Fuck all wrestling nerds. YOU GET NOTHING BUT YUKE'S FOREVER, MOTHERFUCKERS! SUCK IT DOWN!



Banstick Emeritus
Eh? I don't ban magazine journalists, that's rule number one in the GAF admin code of ethics. That plus overlooking favoured posters' indiscretions and relentlessly pushing an anti-Bush agenda.

Seriously, it's all here in the manual.


bishoptl said:
Eh? I don't ban magazine journalists, that's rule number one in the GAF admin code of ethics. That plus overlooking favoured posters' indiscretions and relentlessly pushing an anti-Bush agenda.

I'm primarily online, actually, so I think you can ban me with impunity.

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