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Demo PlayStation VR at Select Best Buy Stores (Every weekend through December)


Just got back from trying it at one of my local Gamestops. I played Eve, the guys in front of me in line played the tank game (can't remember the title) and Hypercube.

I really enjoyed it and the sense of being in the cockpit was really nice. One thing I found - after looking all around the cockpit while I was waiting for the ship to launch - was that I'll need to train myself to take advantage of actually being able to look around. The minute the combat started I realized for a good while I was just staring straight ahead and not looking around at all . . . just because that's how I'm used to playing games. So getting used to the medium and new conventions will be something that is a learning curve. I sucked at the game (and it didn't really give any quick prompts for what buttons did) so I ended up mainly just flying around after not really being able to catch up to any of the enemy fighters (I'm assuming there's a booster or something I wasn't finding on the controls).

As for the hardware. The headset is really comfortable and I completely forgot I was wearing it after the first like minute or two. The FOV was good, though it was a space combat sim so the black past the FOV limit probably blended in better than something that would have a brighter scene.

The one thing I really noticed was the screen blur. I'm not sure if that was due to the cleaning of the lens, the screen resolution itself, or the fact that the headset was just placed on my face with no time to adjust any optics (does the PSVR have a knob for that?). I didn't adjust anything on the headset other than getting the goggles up against my face - no knob for adjusting lens distances or anything, so maybe it wasn't set quite properly?

It wasn't horrible or distracting once I got immersed in the environment, but it's definitely a step down from both the image quality and the black level of my Plasma television.

Anyway, it definitely did make me want to keep my pre-order, and the extra box is nice a compact so it won't be hard to work it into my setup.


Wow (and thanks Soi Fong too). I guess the resolution will be lower and the tracking doesn't sound ideal but overall very positive. I'm now a little nervous about getting mine as I don't want the comfort and optics to make me not like playing with the vive.

Hopefully we see some third party straps for vive because it really isn't a comfortable headset for me.

The part of the Vive where you get to move around wherever the fuck, and your wands are tracked damn near flawlessly will keep you coming back and putting up with the clunky build.

But yeah, damn, Sony merc'd with this part of it. Never wanted to take it off.


I didn't notice any SDE from my time with it. Lens artifacts are nowhere in sight unlike the Rift and the Vive. I know with the Rift, the godrays are very apparent. No such thing that I saw in PSVR.

My opinion guys though is from a dev perspective. I know how fucking hard it is to run these games already on beastly PC's so I don't even think about SS and the like. More than half our time is spent optimizing after all so the framerate always remains consistent.

In VR, framerate is KING and Sony seems to have prioritized that. Period. Otherwise, people will just take off the headset.

After you try out PSVR, you're gonna have an incredibly hard time going back to the Vive's straps and HMD. I can wholly guarantee you that.

Yes of course OG PS4 doesn't have the power for IQ and frame rate. Hopefully most devs will opt to use Neo mode for SS and AA though, it makes such a huge difference.
I was pretty underwhelmed to with the graphics, resolution, and image quality when I first put it on. But I felt immersed in the games I tried and the less than stellar graphics were no longer a problem and as time passed it looked just fine to me. But I must admit I went in with low expectations in the first time because I've been reading about how sacrifices had to be made to get VR on PS4 for a while now. I still came away pretty impressed by VR and I'm already looking forward to the next 3-4 years to see what kind of bump we'll get in overall visuals. It might take 10 more years to reach that sweet spot, but I hope VR becomes a big success so we can see that happen.

My cousin did try it as well and he was also pretty impressed. This is a guy who knows nothing about VR. Although he enjoyed it he said he wished he could play a game where he could use his hands. I told him they have some games that use Move controllers. They only had one that we could demo, but since we went to Best Buy we couldn't try it since they wouldn't let us. But if they really want to immerse people, I think they should try to get a demo with Move controls like Until Dawn: Rush of Blood or Farpoint as soon as possible. Being able to use your hands or aim a gun in the game on top of being able to move your head around sounds even more amazing. I haven't had a chance to try that yet with PSVR or Vive(which I haven't tried at all) so I'm still very much looking forward to that experience.


Did you demoed just one game ? In that case the peripheral track lag couldn't have been a problem tied with just that game rendering ecc.? I remember that with the move peripherals some game had a quite good response time while other gave you a more lagged response
I played Battle zone yesterday and the controller doesn't "lag" per say but it seems to "re update" it's position if you move it around too much. Its more of a novelty thing rather than it being part of the gameplay. Oyher than that, everything felt 1/1 precise.
Only had 5 people in line and nobody ever got behind me so I got to try EVE twice and Battlezone once.

EVE was incredible and exactly what I wanted but better than expected.
Was a bit worried when she was at the game select screen and had a bit of trouble reading some text on the left(my eyes eventually adjusted but I think there was a smudge from the quick clean they were doing)

Thing that really sold me with EVE is that with a headset you can't play like a typical flight game, you literally have to look all around with your head for the enemies.

The cockpit in that game is so damn good for vr I was in awe just sitting in a hanger.

Lastly props for having a body model, nothing kills my immersion like floating hands and empty seats.

Preordered for Ace Combat 7 only but EVE, potentially RE7 and War Thunder are making me satisfied with it already.


Neo Member
I just came back from my local Best Buy and I have to say that I am sold. I had super low expectations for VR but just wow! I played EVE first and as soon as it loaded up I started laughing because I couldn't believe how cool it felt. Being able to look around and move in closer to objects in the cockpit was blowing my mind. And once the dogfighting began I found myself naturally trying to look around to keep track of the enemy ships. I had that feeling of being on a rollercoaster pretty much the whole time but it didn't make me sick. After the demo I went back in line and tried the Battle Zone demo. It was pretty fun and I could see myself playing it quite a bit. Again it felt natural to be looking around to find new targets. I had a blast with the while experience. I guess my only complaint would be that it was a little bit fuzzy. But I wasn't noticing so much once the action began. So yeah I'm sold


I played Battle zone yesterday and the controller doesn't "lag" per say but it seems to "re update" it's position if you move it around too much. Its more of a novelty thing rather than it being part of the gameplay. Oyher than that, everything felt 1/1 precise.

Weird. Maybe something off with our setup?

It was 1:1 movement and tracking, but had noticeable latency.
From what I have seen in this thread basically 80% of people were sold or impressed by PSVR with the only complaint being graphical fidelity being low, which can be fixed by optimization or Neo mode.

Seems like PSVR will be the clear dominant headset in the market, now if they could only implement room scale which by early presentations on the PS4 Camera, can be done to a degree.

This is very exciting :)

Well developers always learn to get the most out of the system, these early demos are nothing compared to what they will be able to do 3 years from now, just look at the graphical difference between UC1 and UC3 they were on the same system but they managed to optimize and get more out of the system. You don't need Neo to improve something. PS4 Neo will be used to add more to the PSVR, but you can always improve what you got on the Base PS4 with time and dedication.


y'all should be ashamed
Got to play with it today with Battlezone! I have about 20-30 hours logged in with the Vive (all room scale stuff), which I've enjoyed immensely, so I was eager to see what another headset would be like (never tried the Oculus).

When I put on the Vive, it feels very much like I'm putting on a helmet into another world. It's a bit hard to explain, but it feels like the only thing separating me from the world around me are a pair of goggles and a helmet on my head. That's how immersive it feels. With the PSVR it doesn't quite give off that same impression; I felt more like an image was being projected in front of me as I didn't get that same sense of depth like I do with the Vive. It could very much be a game-to-game thing though. Can't really say if that's to do with the way this is built or not.

The comfort level is insane. The Vive always presses hard into my face and glasses and while it works fine it's a big relief when it comes off. With the PSVR it is extremely comfortable. Surprisingly so. It goes on and off so easily. I love it.

The screen door effect and god rays are way improved from the Vive; oddly this might be why I feel a slight disconnect with PSVR than I do with the Vive, but that's also likely do to the low volume on the headset and having the demo guy shout advice to me. Hard to say. Fidelity wise it was hard to gauge since Battlezone was a very retroish type of game so I can't really judge there.

Tracking is 1:1 on the headset; it is absolutely perfect. There was zero perceptible lag or delays. The controller didn't fare as well, though others are saying that's a problem with the Battlezone demo more than the tracking, as the controller would bounce around everywhere. I'd throw that up to the demo station more than anything but we'll see (the controller tracking was just a visual trick anyways; it wasn't needed for gameplay for Battlezone).

I came away feeling that PSVR and Vive are two entirely different experiences. The PSVR I can just throw on my head and start gaming; that's perfect for late nights or just wanting to play for a small amount of time. With the Vive I have to move my desk, get the base stations going and adjust some settings on my PC to get it running...nothing insurmountable, and certainly worth it for the extremely immersive experience, but not something I'd be ready to do every day. I can see myself bouncing back and forth from these easily. I can't see how the Oculus fits into this at all, and even with the Touch system it will be a far cry from room scale. It's a very odd duck in the middle of this VR gen. Glad I didn't buy that.

PSVR feels a bit more consumer grade. With that comes a slightly less impressive experience than the Vive, but it also comes with first party games, a refined front end experience and a very comfortable design. My brother in law was with me and had never tried VR, and was raving all about the Eve demo and how amazing it was, and I was thinking...man, if you think that was something, wait until you try my Vive when you come down later this year.

To sum it up: PSVR is impressive, better in some ways than the Vive, worse in others, but a solid experience that's easily worth the money for me. It definitely won't replace the Vive, but it will complement it nicely. I can't wait till October.
Just tried it. This was my first VR experience of any kind. I was shocked at how bad the image quality was. I don't have a PS4, but if I did I definitely wouldn't buy this unless it massively improved.



Great to hear your thoughts on it. October is going to be nuts, it's great to see Sony going at VR full force with a real consumer product right out of the gate. Hopefully gen 2 Vive/Oculus/Other headsets can match the comfort and SDE elimination while making roomscale even more impressive.

Just tried it. This was my first VR experience of any kind. I was shocked at how bad the image quality was. I don't have a PS4, but if I did I definitely wouldn't buy this unless it massively improved.

Probably wasn't calibrated properly. It makes a massive difference getting that sweet spot of focus.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Trying it out has me questioning my preorder. I feel like room scale might be for me rather than a sitting experience. The EVE demo was extremely boring. Being able to look around was cool and all, but the game itself was just plain to me. They tried to get the motion controls to work, but they were just stuck when I tried the heist demo. I might just end up waiting for the 2nd generation of Vive. I'm just unsure at this point, now.

Unsurprisingly the rep was just from a company that Sony contracted out. He said Sony wants to get 500,000 people to try it out before release. He told someone the box was there for more juice, but I didn't feel like correcting him, lol.

Probably wasn't calibrated properly. It makes a massive difference getting that sweet spot of focus.

Ehh, it was pretty bad for me, too. I wasn't expecting it to be great or anything, though. I will say that I didn't notice any SDE.
Went to the one in Cedar Park, just north of Austin, TX. If you go to this location: the banner is near the gaming area, but the actual demo is to the right, behind the old Samsung mini store. Either no one knew about the demo in the area, or they couldn't find it in the store. There was a dad and his two kids in front of me. The rep was limiting demos to 10-ish minutes per person so I only had to wait about 30 minutes for a turn.


The visor is much lighter than I thought it would be. I have a head injury from about 10 years ago. Wearing tight hats and headphones will give me some pretty nasty headaches. Thankfully the PSVR headset is very well balanced and light enough that I didn't experience any discomfort during my play. Whiping my head around during gameplay was natural and the feeling that I was wearing something faded away. Less intrusive than a bike helmet.

Oh, and I was wearing glasses. No problem! I just found the sweet spot by adjusting the forehead piece and I was ready to go.

They had a few demos to try, your choice. The only ones that I would consider games were Battlezone and Eve: Valkyrie. I went with Eve, because it seemed like the more immersive experience of the two.

So, the screen door effect is definitely there. It's similar to looking at a late-90s the LCD, but without all of the horrible ghosting. As someone who grew up in the 80s and 90s, similar to scan lines and watching letterboxes VHSs, it fades away and I don't notice after a few seconds. But it's definitely something to think about if you are used to gaming on modern displays.

It was pretty bad ass to look around my cockpit in game before launch. I could see the wings and guns off to my sides. Even my virtual arms resting on the controls, in a similar position to my actual arms holding the DS4. It's really hard to explain just how immersive it is. I played around with VR back in the early 90s and it was a joke. When I was thrust into space, I could feel my stomach jump into my chest. It was similar to an amusement park ride like the Back to the Future experience at Universal Studios. There were some maneuvers with your virtual squad before engaging in combat. This was my first experience with Eve and I guess it was kind of similar to the old Colony Wars games. Head tracking was quick, perfect. Going inverted while chasing enemies in loops was extrodinary. Looking up to spot them, cutting the engines to let the ship rotate, and lighting them up with the main guns was unlike anything I have ever experienced in interactive media. The effect is convincing enough that YOU ARE THERE.

If given the opportunity to play racing or flight titles in VR regularly, I don't see how I could go back to a traditional display exeperience. VR is really here this time. This thing is going to sell itself.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
. When I was thrust into space, I could feel my stomach jump into my chest. It was similar to an amusement park ride like the Back to the Future experience at Universal Studios.
A guy that tried the shark demo said the same thing about feeling it in his stomach. I didn't feel anything while playing EVE even when barrel rolling, surprisingly.
Barrel rolling in EVE was the only thing that made me feel disoriented, and it was only momentary. And I have to admit the head tracking was flawless and the performance was smooth. But yeah, I was super disappointed with the blurriness and color bleeding.
What resolutions is the headsets???

Man, what was shown on the TV and the headsets were worlds apart.

On tv, it looked 1080p, but in the headset, looked like 480.
I was like..................eeewwwwwww. Everything was so pixelated and blocky looking that things in the distance were just a single fucking pixel in that eve game.

This is the best example of how it looked to me. With the PC picture is how it looked on the TV and the xbox is how the game looked in the headsets.

If this is really how the PSVR looks, I'll probably cancel my preorder. It's too expensive for that level of fidelity, and I'm not going to buy a Neo just to make the IQ passable.

But I'm hoping that you just didn't have the headset properly adjusted, or it was one game that had bad optimization.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Tried Battlezone earlier. Headset is mad comfortable, yo. Like really impressive. I wanted to take some time to focus stuff up but old girl just kinda popped the thing on my head and I didn't want to hold up the line. Things were a bit blurry, but totally manageable. The screen door effect was something I wish I would've looked out for (Gear VR had me worried about it). I honestly didn't notice it but, once I took a ride into the Battlezone, I stopped caring about the technical stuff and just started blowing shit up.

Overall 9/10. Wish I could've tightened the thing up on my head to avoid the light coming in from the bottom. Also, by the end of my demo, the controller in the game space was flipped around. Kinda weird but I guess it doesn't affect anything. I'm definitely holding on to this pre-order.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
If this is really how the PSVR looks, I'll probably cancel my preorder. It's too expensive for that level of fidelity, and I'm not going to buy a Neo just to make the IQ passable.

But I'm hoping that you just didn't have the headset properly adjusted, or it was one game that had bad optimization.

The person before me complained the left side looked fuzzy, so maybe they had it set up poorly. I don't imagine it would look a ton better, though. Even though I couldn't actually control, I sat through the heist and there was plenty of aliasing. There was a bit of color bleeding, too. The image quality didn't bother me, really, except for when you're sitting in the bay waiting to launch in EVE. I don't know if it's because that's a low light scene or what. After that it was ok.

Tried Battlezone earlier. Headset is mad comfortable, yo. Like really impressive. I wanted to take some time to focus stuff up but old girl just kinda popped the thing on my head and I didn't want to hold up the line. Things were a bit blurry, but totally manageable. The screen door effect was something I wish I would've looked out for (Gear VR had me worried about it). I honestly didn't notice it but, once I took a ride into the Battlezone, I stopped caring about the technical stuff and just started blowing shit up.

Overall 9/10. Wish I could've tightened the thing up on my head to avoid the light coming in from the bottom. Also, by the end of my demo, the controller in the game space was flipped around. Kinda weird but I guess it doesn't affect anything. I'm definitely holding on to this pre-order.

I only noticed the SDE if I was really looking for it. I tried to adjust the headset as much as possible, but I wasn't able to get eliminate the light coming from the bottom.
A guy that tried the shark demo said the same thing about feeling it in his stomach. I didn't feel anything while playing EVE even when barrel rolling, surprisingly.
This was my first experience with modern VR. It was probably just easier to fool my brain. I'm sure the adrenaline rush and newness goes away after continued use. Similar to any other new thing that you put your senses through.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
This was my first experience with modern VR. It was probably just easier to fool my brain. I'm sure the adrenaline rush and newness goes away after continued use. Similar to any other new thing that you put your senses through.

It was mine, too. I don't know why it didn't affect me even a little. I didn't really think about getting motion sick before trying it.
Can you please give impressions on stuttering, if any, and also what the audio is like. Thanks
I tried the heist demo - overall it exceeded my expectations and left me very excited. This was my first vr experience ever so that might also contribute to the level of excitement. The headset was really comfortable, no stuttering to speak of. I'm not a big audio guy, so I can confirm it sounded good and the sound was coming from different areas around me as I would expect. I couldn't stop thinking about it one the way home. The feeling of immersion and presence was definitely there.


If this is really how the PSVR looks, I'll probably cancel my preorder. It's too expensive for that level of fidelity, and I'm not going to buy a Neo just to make the IQ passable.

But I'm hoping that you just didn't have the headset properly adjusted, or it was one game that had bad optimization.

These first gen headsets just don't have great resolution. Try it if you can before you cancel. In good games you forget about the image quality pretty quick.
I just got back from trying PSVR at my local Best Buy. I have been waiting to pull the trigger on VR for a few months now but after trying the EVE:Valkyrie demo I may just wait. I'm not trying to come off as condescending or anything like that but after watching the monitor and then putting on the headset, the difference in overall IQ was pretty jarring to me. Keep in mind though that this is the first VR experience I have ever had so I don't have any others to compare. However, overall I was disappointed with how bad the graphics looked. I thought they were terrible. :(
It was mine, too. I don't know why it didn't affect me even a little. I didn't really think about getting motion sick before trying it.
I know, I was kind of surprised. I wouldn't call it motion sickness, but the visual feedback was definitely enough to convince me that I was floating around in a three dimensional space. Another thing to note. I've been on some crazy rides and raced at high speed in real life, but that did not seem to matter. I would liken it to altitude sickness. You really don't know how it's going to affect you until you spend some time above 8000ft. Or in this case, put the headset on and take it for a spin.


It was mine, too. I don't know why it didn't affect me even a little. I didn't really think about getting motion sick before trying it.

not specifically to your example, but generally speaking...

I've always felt that it would be hard to be fully immersed in some of these games/VR headsets in these demo station settings.

being at a loud convention, or in a middle of a store with lots of light around you..... as well as YOU knowing you are in a store before putting your headset on.

I know it sounds weird, but I think for some... it will feel totally different in their rooms. Especially if they turn off the lights... or put some rubber covers under the headset to block out what ever little light that they might notice.

at these conventions or stores... you really have to use your imagination.

I was so caught up in my demo (Battlezone) that when I was done, my friend was nudging me saying I was cussing out too loud. Which I honestly didn't remember doing.....lol

so I must've looked like a fool just sitting there saying bad words.. BUT at least the people in line were able to see why I was reacting the way I was. With all the shit that game throws at you toward the end.


Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. Yabuki turned off voice chat in Mario Kart races. True artists of their time.
I just got back from trying PSVR at my local Best Buy. I have been waiting to pull the trigger on VR for a few months now but after trying the EVE:Valkyrie demo I may just wait. I'm not trying to come off as condescending or anything like that but after watching the monitor and then putting on the headset, the difference in overall IQ was pretty jarring to me. Keep in mind though that this is the first VR experience I have ever had so I don't have any others to compare. However, overall I was disappointed with how bad the graphics looked. I thought they were terrible. :(

preorder cancelled


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
These first gen headsets just don't have great resolution. Try it if you can before you cancel. In good games you forget about the image quality pretty quick.
Yeah, even though I seem pretty down on it I'd try it before cancelling. The other people there were excited after trying it.

I know, I was kind of surprised. I wouldn't call it motion sickness, but the visual feedback was definitely enough to convince me that I was floating around in a three dimensional space. Another thing to note. I've been on some crazy rides and raced at high speed in real life, but that did not seem to matter. I would liken it to altitude sickness. You really don't know how it's going to affect you until you spend some time above 8000ft. Or in this case, put the headset on and take it for a spin.
Yep, you won't know until you try it. Rides and high speeds don't affect me either, but as you said in your case, that didn't matter.

not specifically to your example, but generally speaking...

I've always felt that it would be hard to be fully immersed in some of these games/VR headsets in these demo station settings.

being at a loud convention, or in a middle of a store with lots of light around you..... as well as YOU knowing you are in a store before putting your headset on.

I know it sounds weird, but I think for some... it will feel totally different in their rooms. Especially if they turn off the lights... or put some rubber covers under the headset to block out what ever little light that they might notice.

at these conventions or stores... you really have to use your imagination.

I was so caught up in my demo (Battlezone) that when I was done, my friend was nudging me saying I was cussing out too loud. Which I honestly didn't remember doing.....lol

so I must've looked like a fool just sitting there saying bad words.. BUT at least the people in line were able to see why I was reacting the way I was. With all the shit that game throws at you toward the end.
I understand what you mean. I just didn't mention it in my post, but I felt like demoing it in a public space didn't help. It felt restricting in terms of being able to experiment and what not.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
He's not wrong, but try it first.

If you were compelled enough to pre-order, then you may be willing to get past the iq flaws.

Yeah, the IQ wasn't really high on my list of worries. At first it is jarring, but even when I wasn't too excited while playing EVE it wasn't something I was thinking about.

I might have just had a poor demo experience due to 1) I didn't like EVE itself and 2) I wasn't able to try The Heist.


Just tried this. Nice for the price point and hardware. Felt like a polished and slightly enhanced Rift DK2.

Battlezone really ruled though and I'll be getting that on PC.


Went to the Chicago location gave out a pin and took them so long to setup didn't try till like 6pm.
With no the game stop and best buy there are only 2 locations in the city that even have the demos. So stupid. The demo selection was kind stupid to be honest but I did like the hardware a lot. Very comfortable and no motionsickness and no taking me out of emertion.


If this is really how the PSVR looks, I'll probably cancel my preorder. It's too expensive for that level of fidelity, and I'm not going to buy a Neo just to make the IQ passable.

But I'm hoping that you just didn't have the headset properly adjusted, or it was one game that had bad optimization.

nah thats exaggerated. that looks like ps2 level graphics. PSVR is like slightly better than PS3 graphics IMO


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
I think I'll try going back in a couple of weeks if they're still there and see if they have the move controllers fixed.

nah thats exaggerated. that looks like ps2 level graphics. PSVR is like slightly better than PS3 graphics IMO

Yeah, between Eve and The Heist I'd agree.


Take it this isn't in Canada yet, vancouver to be more specific. Did that find a store thing and the closest one is in Seattle.


Just got back from trying it at one of my local Gamestops. I played Eve, the guys in front of me in line played the tank game (can't remember the title) and Hypercube.

I really enjoyed it and the sense of being in the cockpit was really nice. One thing I found - after looking all around the cockpit while I was waiting for the ship to launch - was that I'll need to train myself to take advantage of actually being able to look around. The minute the combat started I realized for a good while I was just staring straight ahead and not looking around at all . . . just because that's how I'm used to playing games. So getting used to the medium and new conventions will be something that is a learning curve. I sucked at the game (and it didn't really give any quick prompts for what buttons did) so I ended up mainly just flying around after not really being able to catch up to any of the enemy fighters (I'm assuming there's a booster or something I wasn't finding on the controls).

As for the hardware. The headset is really comfortable and I completely forgot I was wearing it after the first like minute or two. The FOV was good, though it was a space combat sim so the black past the FOV limit probably blended in better than something that would have a brighter scene.

The one thing I really noticed was the screen blur. I'm not sure if that was due to the cleaning of the lens, the screen resolution itself, or the fact that the headset was just placed on my face with no time to adjust any optics (does the PSVR have a knob for that?). I didn't adjust anything on the headset other than getting the goggles up against my face - no knob for adjusting lens distances or anything, so maybe it wasn't set quite properly?

It wasn't horrible or distracting once I got immersed in the environment, but it's definitely a step down from both the image quality and the black level of my Plasma television.

Anyway, it definitely did make me want to keep my pre-order, and the extra box is nice a compact so it won't be hard to work it into my setup.

Weird. Maybe something off with our setup?

It was 1:1 movement and tracking, but had noticeable latency.
Might be all the lighting and what not? I'm sure the final code will iron the kinks out.
Edit: not sure how I double quoted ?


Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. Yabuki turned off voice chat in Mario Kart races. True artists of their time.
Lot of graphic whores in the forums these days, I thought VR was about the experience not the IQ alone.

Edit: People will try it out for themselves and see.

I was joking. I will try it out for myself and decide for myself, but of course that doesn't inspire confidence.
nah thats exaggerated. that looks like ps2 level graphics. PSVR is like slightly better than PS3 graphics IMO

Yeah, between Eve and The Heist I'd agree.

Thanks, that's a bit more heartening. I think it's hard to get an accurate picture of the quality because people keep describing what they dislike in different ways, and it's not like a simple screenshot can tell the story. But this is what makes VR a hard sell in the first place. I'm curious to see what kind of ads Sony's agency will come up with.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Thanks, that's a bit more heartening. I think it's hard to get an accurate picture of the quality because people keep describing what they dislike in different ways, and it's not like a simple screenshot can tell the story. But this is what makes VR a hard sell in the first place. I'm curious to see what kind of ads Sony's agency will come up with.

I wish I had more time to just sit with it and make more mental notes. I want to go back when they have the controllers fixed so I can try the heist and see how being more engaged in a game makes me feel about the IQ.
I wish I had more time to just sit with it and make more mental notes. I want to go back when they have the controllers fixed so I can try the heist and see how being more engaged in a game makes me feel about the IQ.

Well you have until December for these demos so you can keep visiting stores and trying them out and get all your notes.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
Well you have until December for these demos so you can keep visiting stores and trying them out and get all your notes.

Yeah, I plan on going back and trying different games. Right now I'm thinking of sticking with my pre-order and using it to tide me over for the 2nd gen of Vive.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I knew there would be mixed views. DK2 still gives me that impression. Some games look fine and make you go wow and some look terrible. The immersion does make up for it though. You have to try it before dismissing it altogether.


Have you tried it with eyeglasses ? How was it ?

It works fine with glasses, but you need to spend some time tweaking it. You're really the only person that can do this, as an outside attendant isn't going to know whether or not the headset is pushing against your frames or not.

If you do have the time to spend a minute just adjusting it yourself for personal comfort, you'll get a much better result than letting someone else put it on you. I haven't had any experience with Vive yet, just Oculus and PS VR, and PS VR was by far much more "glasses friendly" when adjusted than Oculus was.
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