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Demon's Souls PS5 - Enemy close-ups at higher definition and comparison with the originals


EDIT 2: More comparisons here.


EDIT: Comparisons with more enemies appearing in the second trailer have been posted further in the thread, you can find them here.


After finding a repository with all the PS5 trailers downloadable in native 4K and with high bitrate (there you go), I though I'd give a better look at some of the enemies we saw for the Demon's Souls remake and analyse/compare them with the originals.

Old design:


New design:



The faces of the gargoyles are more bestial and resemble more an actual gargoyle that was animated, rather than a person with wings and skin of stone. One other weird detail that a couple of people on YouTube had already noticed is that the gargoyles used to have nails stuck in their joints, which is still the case.

Since in the original it was implied that the gargoyles were mutated prisoners, I don't know if that is no longer the case or if the transformation has simply been accentuated. The fact that the nails are still there and that the faces seem almost immovable now (like a mask/helmet applied over the original head), I'd tend to assume the latter for now.

Storm King and Storm Beasts
Old design:


New design:


Now the Storm Beasts have much more noticeable eyes at the sides of the head, they still have their hooked tail, but most notably they seem to have their torso carved out, with visible exposed ribs at the bottom. I assume this is to accentuate more the fact that they are supposed to be the spirits of the worthy buried at the Shrine of Storms, as it was already implied in the original.

We don't see much of the Storm King, but it's safe to say that if the overall design remains the same a lot of smaller details have been changed (now there are more pronounced teeth and spikes in the front, and I don't really understand what is going at the bottom).

Skeletons from Shrine of Storms
Original design:



New design:



Once again, the general concept seems to remain identical even though the visual appearance changed a little. Due to the low quality of model and textures it is very hard to say exactly what was what in the old Skeletons, but the gist of it was that they were dead people wearing an armour that was either itself made of bones or in the shape of bones, and then everything was painted in a particular colour to indicate probably the rank or importance of the individual. This idea is kept in the new design, even though it is now clearer that the "real" body of the creature is either mummified or wrapped in dark bandages, which distinguishes it more from the outer layer of bone armour. The original also had something similar going on (especially in the legs and arms), but the chest was visibly empty.

Tower Knight
Old design:


New design:


Not much to say here, it's more or less identical except for the more intricate detailing on the armour and a few faint tints of blue and gold still perceivable under a layer of dirt, while the original was all uniform shining grey.

Old design:


New design:


Now there is a visible emaciated face under the hood, even though it seems that its "normal" appearance in the absence of strong flashes of light is still just two bright eyes shining from darkness (even though the eyes changed from yellow to red).

The finger-wand is still there, but now it is a metal tool rather than a piece of the hand itself (or at the very least, the elongated finger is also covered in metal).

Old design:


New design:



This is obviously the largest departure we have seen so far, if anything because the old Flamelurker was easily one of the weirdest designs in the whole game. Looking at the details of both old and new though, the only real difference is in the face, or rather the "helmet": they are both a flaming spirit encased in a rocky or scaly shell, but the new model has a mask in the shape of a "traditional" demon that covers its face completely, while the original had a very unique face protection that only covered his eyes and cheekbones, as a set of thin metals bars jutted down from it and connected to the portion of shell covering the neck, leaving the mouth exposed.

I don't know why Bluepoint went for such a radical difference in design, but now I'm curious to know if perhaps at some point during the fight the mask will break and reveal more of the face underneath, which is otherwise completely invisible now?

Dragon God
Old design:



New design:



This one is also very similar, it has a new set of spikes at the sides of the head, the horns seem a bit more impressive and the "nose" is a full-blown spike, but the general shape looks identical. The fire in the eyes is now more accentuated (it was already there during the boss fight itself, even though not in the cinematics for some reason), and there is also some coming from the throat.

Bonus Round: Vanguard (not from the trailer)
Original design:


New design:


This was the other major redesign along with Flamelurker, and I'd argue even more so that him. If the face is a rationalization of what the almost cartoony one in the original would look like if it had to be somewhat realistic, there are a couple extra themes that were added from scratch: the chains and manacles, and the deformations, scarring and pustules along the body. I can't figure out what is the intent exactly; maybe Bluepoint just thought it looked too bland and generic, and wanted to add a bit more flavour.


I'm really curious to see where Bluepoint is going with this game. It's quite obvious to me that they are not just making the monsters generic for the sake of it, since lots of small details have been maintained and even most of the changes to me seem to keep in mind the spirit or the idea behind the original, even if given a different shape.
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Wow thanks for putting all that work into this thread. I never played the original and am very happy to be able to get my hands on it this holiday (I suspect it'll be a launch title). Looking forward to making my way through this with the help of the new PS5 UI (hints and tipps, recordings from other players playthroughs etc).


Gold Member
Thanks for pulling this together OP, appreciated!!

Tower Knight looks great and Dragon God. Flamelurker design looks good except the face, looks like something off ghostbusters.

Not too keen on Skeletons redesign or mantis. The mantis have gone from being eerie to more menacing, and I think I preferred the eerie aesthetic more. The skeletons now look like they're wearing proper armour fashioned from bone on their lower half whereas I prefer the original look.

The original vanguard looks more intimidating as well. I guess it's because that uniform black skin looks more like tough unpiercable armour whereas the new one has sores and cuts all him. Looks like something out the Witcher but the face is actually pretty good.


I prefer the old art style for the vanguard and flamelurker. Also tower of knight feels way too bright.

Still, impressive nonetheless
Very informative thread Op. while some find the radical departure in design for some of the enemies, and bosses. it was expected as this is at very least a remake and not a remaster. imo I found the original design of the vanguard out of place, and dumb. it didn't seem to belong in demons souls rather I'd argue the asylum demon. similar in concept as him, was far more menacing. I'm actually glad they gave the design a more detailed and intimidating look to the remake version. same with flamelurker, while he is actually one of my favorite bosses of all them, the dragon god being my top favorite. he was more or less a bit strange looking when I first fought him. so I'm not really upset with the redesign, more actually excited they did.


The new designs leave me in a "Diablo 2 => Diablo 3" position.

Diablo 2 was dark, muddy, paganistic and hopeless.
Diablo 3, despite having many elements that technically should had made it similar, it didn't felt like it. Due to the extra colors and skill effects (and generally being designed by the Warcraft artists), it felt closer to an edgy comic book, or those american cartoons who try to look adult and edgy with a supposed brutal fantasy setting and end up impressing only teenagers.

I have the same feeling about this remake of Demon's Souls.
It looses a piece of it's paganistic atmosphere by making everything colorful and shiny, and reminds me more of the Medievil remake.
The biggest offender is the Flamelurker boss, that now looks like a generic demon.

It's still early in development, so I could be proved wrong once more footage comes out.
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Thanks for this thread.

The remake version looks good for me (especially the Gargoyles). Except the skeletons but already in the original I couldn't stand their design.
Also Flamelurker, the original version as more "charm" but I like the new one too.


It looses a piece of it's paganistic atmosphere by making everything colorful and shiny, and reminds me more of the Medievil remake.
The biggest offender is the Flamelurker boss, that now looks like a generic demon.

It's still early in development, so I could be proved wrong once more footage comes out.

Sry double post,

Agree on that. I hope the "foggy mood" will be there in the final product. Let's hope !


Very good thread. It is increasingly clear to me that the graphic jump is minimal, this seems like ps4 pro, if they told me a year ago that this was going to be the difference on PS5 I would have been under no illusions.
Nah the ps3 version is emulated, the difference is a lot bigger if you compare native ps3 vs ps5.
That's a good screencap of the reaper. Didn't notice that detail in motion. Looks great.

Gargoyles and the Flamelurker are the ones that seem a bit off to me. But the originals don't provide much to work with to begin with.
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So I read that their previous game has all kinds of filter options, including ones that make it look closer to the OG. Safe to assume this will have them too? Maybe?
I never played the game but I heard it was hard as fuck. I was watching a video on YouTube and the guy said there was a system in the game where the game got harder the more you died.

with some filter changes (especially the bottom left).

Taken from the Demon's Souls subreddit.
The bottom left is the only one that seems bad, I almost can't even see the door where I'm supposed to go.
This reminds me how hilarious was the ps360 generation where everything was brownish.


I never played the game but I heard it was hard as fuck. I was watching a video on YouTube and the guy said there was a system in the game where the game got harder the more you died.

If you die in human form - that is, when you have full health - the world would go a shade more toward "black". You only get that form from beating bosses or using an uncommon item. Most of the time, you'd be playing in soul form - where you do not have maximum health and look more ephemeral - which does not impact world tendency when you die.


Wait for PC version and use reshade if the colors bother that much...

oh i think it came across wrong on my part. I'm not bothered by the blue foggy look at all, quite the contrary actually. Since in Demon's Souls the world is covered in this colorless fog from the Soul devouring Demon it just adds towards the entire narrative and is actually true to the lore in my opinion. I just posted these as a means to compare between PS5 and PS3


Great post and I appreciate your analysis of the differences. One thing, I don't think the gold skeletons roll. They block with that giant sword instead. Most of the re-designs look decent to great. I like the Tower Knight, maybe because he's not changed too much. Not a fan of the Flamelurker, though. The face in the original really made him stand out for me.


Neo Member
I’m really pleased I stopped playing this game years ago. I just couldn’t get on with it at the time. Years later playing DS2 and then bloodborne and then DS3 I really am looking forward to this game


Great effort OP, I appreciate it.

I'm just going to say it now, I hate most of the redesigns. Maybe it was technical limitations of the time, but the original designs had an alien like quality and to this day are still unsettling to look at. The new redesigns are so clean, so generic. It's like everything went through a world of warcraft filter artistically. Also, the fog, a major plot point to Demon's Souls has been seemingly wiped out. Additionally, why does everything have 100 years worth of vegetation growing on it? In the story of Demon's Souls it wasn't like Boletaria got captured long ago - from my understanding, it was fairly recent in their history. It makes me wonder if a single person at Bluepoint played Demon's Souls or if they just look at screenshots and said "But what if we add some spikes and leaves to it!"



Let's be honest, this is gonna be me when they grant us eyes on gameplay for the first time.
You going to drown in your own body fluids?

Are you me?
Great post and I appreciate your analysis of the differences. One thing, I don't think the gold skeletons roll. They block with that giant sword instead. Most of the re-designs look decent to great. I like the Tower Knight, maybe because he's not changed too much. Not a fan of the Flamelurker, though. The face in the original really made him stand out for me.
I think they did.
Great effort OP, I appreciate it.

I'm just going to say it now, I hate most of the redesigns. Maybe it was technical limitations of the time, but the original designs had an alien like quality and to this day are still unsettling to look at. The new redesigns are so clean, so generic. It's like everything went through a world of warcraft filter artistically. Also, the fog, a major plot point to Demon's Souls has been seemingly wiped out. Additionally, why does everything have 100 years worth of vegetation growing on it? In the story of Demon's Souls it wasn't like Boletaria got captured long ago - from my understanding, it was fairly recent in their history. It makes me wonder if a single person at Bluepoint played Demon's Souls or if they just look at screenshots and said "But what if we add some spikes and leaves to it!"
Or maybe the ps3 lacked the horsepower (and FROM the talent) to make Boletaria look like that.


Hurry, the fuck up Bluepoint. I know we just saw this for the first time the other day, but the wait is already killing me.


Just giving my 2 cents on a couple of points raised.

The PS3 screenshots I used are simply the best images I could find on Google to show the creatures, since I am not set up to emulate or record the game. Some are definitely emulated, others I believe are promotional screenshots, a few are captured from PS3. The reason is that I wasn't trying to portray the overall jump between the PS3 and PS5 versions, but just analyse the creature designs.

I never played the game but I heard it was hard as fuck. I was watching a video on YouTube and the guy said there was a system in the game where the game got harder the more you died.
What you are talking about was called World Tendency, and was a mechanic unique to Demon's Souls that was not ported to Dark Souls.

Basically, every area of the game (5 in total) had its own individual alignment towards either white or black. White means that enemies deal less damage, but you also collect less souls; black is the opposite, plus I believe some rare drops become more common. There were also a few unique events that only happened when a world was either complete black or white.

World tendency could shift in a few ways, but the more common are dying while you are in human form or killing friendly NPCs (-> black), and killing bosses (-> white). So it's not strictly true that "the more you die the more the game becomes hard", since as long as you play in soul form you can die as many times as you want and the tendency won't shift, but it's not like the game explained any of this stuff to the player.

One thing, I don't think the gold skeletons roll. They block with that giant sword instead.
I honestly don't remember, but you might be right. Also, I found out the gold skeletons already had a handle at the end of the sword, so it's not a new addition. I edited the OP to remove the wrong info and replace the gold skeleton image with this one which is more complete.


At this point though I'm wondering if the skeleton's won't be as color-coded as they used to be? The one in the new trailer doesn't exactly scream "gold", I just assumed it would be a silver (here grey) one. But maybe it's just the light in that particular shot, or they will be made more distinct in some other way other than the weapon.

Also, the fog, a major plot point to Demon's Souls has been seemingly wiped out. Additionally, why does everything have 100 years worth of vegetation growing on it? In the story of Demon's Souls it wasn't like Boletaria got captured long ago - from my understanding, it was fairly recent in their history.
The fog still seems there to me? The tutorial area looks very similar in terms of clarity at a distance, and it's not like the entire game had a thick wall of fog preventing you to look 10 meters ahead of you everywhere.

In regards to the vegetation in Boletaria, it mostly look like ivy vines, which would need maybe 5-10 years of being left completely untended to reach a similar stage, definitely not 100. We were never given a clear timeline, but since everything happened comfortably inside the lifespan of a normal person the timescale was definitely in the years, maybe a few decades at most.


This definitely gives a very different look, which I can only assume was done to make the area less empty without going crazy on furniture and barrels, and to make it resemble more the tutorial area (since they look like they should be somewhat nearby, judging by the architecture)? It's definitely less depressing, but it's also probably a bit more believable.
If you die in human form - that is, when you have full health - the world would go a shade more toward "black". You only get that form from beating bosses or using an uncommon item. Most of the time, you'd be playing in soul form - where you do not have maximum health and look more ephemeral - which does not impact world tendency when you die.
Oh ok I forgot about the human form thing. I just remember reading reviews about them not being able to finish it because of how unforgiving it was.

I wonder if they will add the content that was cut from the original. Didn't they cut out a world or something like that?
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Gold Member
I thonk the game looks lit but i mostly prefer the old design, they are more horror and less fantasy...flamelurker looks like a generic diablo demon...


You going to drown in your own body fluids?

Are you me?

I think they did.

Or maybe the ps3 lacked the horsepower (and FROM the talent) to make Boletaria look like that.
Well there's no comparing horsepower from PS3 to PS5, so obviously that plays into it. I highly disagree about the lack of talent causing DeS PS3 to look the way that it does though. Darksiders came out on PS3 and it seems similar in art style that Bluepoint is moving towards. I feel that the oppressive atmosphere of DeS was intentional to a large degree. Look at the changes to the Vanguard demon. It's not just a facelift. He's got chains and stuff on him now, which indicates that he's either been imprisoned or shackled at some point by either humans or other demons. The original has none of this, indicates that he wandered in on his own accord. Just little visual bits that add or remove flavor from the characters.


Neo Member
Very excited for this. Mind you it’s a reimagine so there’s going to be some minor changes, so i’m all up for a new version on Demon’s Souls overall looks and feels. Thanks for the comparison.


Well there's no comparing horsepower from PS3 to PS5, so obviously that plays into it. I highly disagree about the lack of talent causing DeS PS3 to look the way that it does though. Darksiders came out on PS3 and it seems similar in art style that Bluepoint is moving towards. I feel that the oppressive atmosphere of DeS was intentional to a large degree. Look at the changes to the Vanguard demon. It's not just a facelift. He's got chains and stuff on him now, which indicates that he's either been imprisoned or shackled at some point by either humans or other demons. The original has none of this, indicates that he wandered in on his own accord. Just little visual bits that add or remove flavor from the characters.
FROM had areas in dark souls which would drip the framerate to 15 fps on the ps3 and were seemingly unable of making a 1080p mode for the pc version. So yeah, they suck at optimizing the hardware they're working on.

And don't get me started in Bloodborne's aliasing.


Gold Member
Still more unique than half of Dark Souls 2 bosses. :p
Nah, that thing is as generic as he can get, he is literally a buffed generic fire demon, the original one had this particular face who make it more diverse.

Not saying that ds2 boss are great but not less original than that.
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