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Describe the ideal vr experience that would make you instantly order a vr headset


I have a DK2 that i ended up not using that much. For me to dip in again:

A revolutionary VR game/experience like WoW was for MMO's or like 30 - 40% of all recent games start coming with a VR mode.


A headset that supports the PC, has 0 screen door effect, great image quality, does not induce nausea and is relatively affordable.

I feel that the hardware is not that far off, maybe the Apple headset could actually tick all the boxes in terms of specs. Sadly it's DoA for gaming which makes it pretty much a no go.
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A brand new Nintendo VR standalone console (XR3 chip) with a Zelda game built around VR, a new Donkey Konga, VR Fit, Metroid Prime VR, Star Fox VR, Punch Out VR, a new Luigi's Mansion VR game, Rhythm Heaven VR, WarioWare VR, A 3D Mario game in VR like Moss, and a new Advance Wars game or Fire Emblem game where you control the units like a board game like in Demeo. All within 5 years. It would be a great evolution over the Wii.

Pokémon VR game made by a competent studio.

Monster Hunter VR

Deus Ex VR
I originally thought about porn, but then realized that what I actually wanted was relatively normal games excepted populated by unrealistically attractive npcs. Basically really well modded Skyrim. i don't want actual sex because the tech is not there for that, it would break the illusion.


I'm nearsighted. (Blurry from a distance)
I've demo'd a vr headset before but it was horribly blurry.
Granted the guy didn't give me time to adjust anything, so now I worry if I get one I'm stuck with vr n64 editi
You can play VR with glasses on, although with Quest2 I play without them, I'm nearsighted in one eye.
PSVR2 on the other hand, definitely not made for nearsighted people. I need to put my glasses on or I can't focus at all
Did not know that was a thing, so now I'm curious if Quest3 will bear nearsighted friendly. Problem is, once you put on glasses you are going to lose fov.
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I'm joking but I'm also probably right.


Gold Member
- Lots of good normal budget games
- VR mode is an add on mode to the traditional game, so I can play it in standard mode or VR mode
- There's more to gaming so it gets double usage. Where's all the pro league sports with high quality VR feeds? NHL has none. NBA has low quality feeds maxing out at 1 VR game per night from a random match up
- Headset is maybe around $150 tops, sleek and lightweight


A brand new Nintendo VR standalone console (XR3 chip) with a Zelda game built around VR, a new Donkey Konga, VR Fit, Metroid Prime VR, Star Fox VR, Punch Out VR, a new Luigi's Mansion VR game, Rhythm Heaven VR, WarioWare VR, A 3D Mario game in VR like Moss, and a new Advance Wars game or Fire Emblem game where you control the units like a board game like in Demeo. All within 5 years. It would be a great evolution over the Wii.

Pokémon VR game made by a competent studio.

Monster Hunter VR

Deus Ex VR

Ask them for 1080p first then work your way up.

Codes 208

No additional hardware required

Im not buying a $400 headset after buying a $500 console
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Gold Member
After all these years I'm well over my VR honeymoon, and at this stage I know I'm not going to have VR as my main driver for a while yet. It's going to take between 5-10 years until form factor and tech gets there. A few things still stands out to me though: MS Flight Simulator, Alyx and my favorite VR racing game Automobilista 2. Can't live without those experiences, they are all really special in VR

I have a DK2 that i ended up not using that much. For me to dip in again:

A headset that supports the PC, has 0 screen door effect, great image quality, does not induce nausea.

Those technical issues are already basically completely mended/fixed since the DK2 (I got a DK2 and all other Oculus headsets myself). Had a Vive as well, and now on a Reverb G2 4K headset with relatively clean bright and crystal clear image quality.
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  • 3d modelling/animation software/in general more creation tools from within VR itself
  • ways to apply/practice learning multiple languages
Are what jump to mind as of this writing
Have you checked out Shapes XR? You can build 3D models in your real living space with passthrough on and export them to blender or some other 3D software. It’s free but they’re gearing up to start charging for newer premium features like animation. There’s also openbrush and gravity sketch which are both free and let you sketch out ideas in 3D, they also allow passthrough for that sweet mixed reality experience.

There’s a lot of software available that people are asking for in this thread, it seems like a lot of people tried VR once and decided that’s all there is or ever will be. The development community is very active making these dreams come true, Alexios is posting about new experiences all the time. Some people have a real stinky attitude about some little growing pains, when you could just be enjoying VR for what it is today 🤷🏻‍♂️


I dont think there's a single game that could convince me.

I'd have to see a solid lineup of multiple high budget titles that combine solid gameplay with high production values and a decent amount of content.
Stuff like RPG's that get me as hyped as FFXVI and Starfield, a fully fledged Horizon VR game and not just an 8 hours climbing game, a cool Mech game on the level of Titanfall 2, etc.

Either that or a massively lower price point (as in less than half of the current price)


The nicest person on this forum
VR is all about "immersion" but for me personally I dont need this expensive device to get immersed to my games.


I'm nearsighted. (Blurry from a distance)
I've demo'd a vr headset before but it was horribly blurry.
Granted the guy didn't give me time to adjust anything, so now I worry if I get one I'm stuck with vr n64 edition.

I have the same concerns.

I am also nearsighted, and you definitely will have a slightly blurry image. but most headsets will let you adjust the positioning (which changes the alignment with your eyes) in a way that will give you a relatively sharp image, as long as your eyesight isn't too bad.

if it is really bad, there are places where you can get prescription lenses that clip on-top of your normal VR lenses and will fix it for you.

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Gold Member
It would have to be like putting on sunglasses. If it's that easy and the games are decent I'm in.
Pretty much.

And preferably it wouldn’t be an add-on/peripheral. I’d rather see something like PSVR being included with the console and being the main gimmick that all devs will have to utilize. That’d ensure great support, at least from first party teams.


Same thing as with any new platform. High quality polished AAA games I can’t play anywhere else. System-sellers.

And if I can’t get AAA games then the next best thing would be a big subscription service library so I can try out all those smaller experimental games without having to do individual purchases.


not tag worthy
I went to a VR place where they had a huge room. We got to play an episode of far cry. The setup was a sensor vest. Machine Gun/rifle shaped controller and the VR headset. It was really immersive because you were able to walk and move. The room was big enough to move around in ans I didn’t get motion sickness. The collision sensors stopped team mates from numbing into each other and of course the wall. We were told not to run and warned if we did the experience would be over. It was bloody amazing.

But highly impractical and expensive to replicate.

The other recent time I tried VR was my mates oculus rift. Felt like I was going to throw up.
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I went to a VR place where they had a huge room. We got to play an episode of far cry. The setup was a sensor vest. Machine Gun/rifle shaped controller and the VR headset. It was really immersive because you were able to walk and move. The room was big enough to move around in ans I didn’t get motion sickness. The collision sensors stopped team mates from numbing into each other and of course the wall. We were told not to run and warned if we did the experience would be over. It was bloody amazing.

But highly impractical and expensive to replicate.
Reminds me of a Quest 2 game a coworker talked about where you walk around in an infinite dungeon, don’t remember the name unfortunately, was an indie beta or something. You set up a square in your room and the game would calculate where there needs to be game walls to have you turn around so you don’t walk into your real life walls. You could supposedly physically walk around like that for miles.
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Game set in space, VR, high AAA production, exploration based only, no combat, very atmospheric, horror themed isolation, very mysterious, basically Outer Wilds but with even high production values.
I don't know about a new game, but you can already play Outer Wilds in VR.

I originally thought about porn, but then realized that what I actually wanted was relatively normal games excepted populated by unrealistically attractive npcs. Basically really well modded Skyrim. i don't want actual sex because the tech is not there for that, it would break the illusion.
Skyrim has been modded as you wish.
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Those technical issues are already basically completely mended/fixed since the DK2 (I got a DK2 and all other Oculus headsets myself). Had a Vive as well, and now on a Reverb G2 4K headset with relatively clean bright and crystal clear image quality.
Good to know, thanks. I will have to try the new ones at some point. The reason i mention the nausea part is because in the PS VR2 thread i still see people mentioning that you gotta push through it until you get used to it, so from my understanding it is still present.
Something like this rig that's fully compatible with all headsets and easily available to consumers:



Also everything made somewhat more affordable for the average consumer.


I almost never order anything instantly.
I'll either get a Quest Pro or a Quest 3 early next year. This will be a substantial upgrade from the Gear VR that I currently have.
So in essence: I don't need an ideal experience, I just want to see the technolgy progressing at a reasonable pace.


Skyrim has been modded as you wish.

Modded Skyrim VR is my favorite VR game 👍
That video is kinda hilarious though, start off saying this mod pack is a one-click installation, then goes on for 10 minutes to explain important pre-install and post-install changes you need to do. For someone new it’s a mountain to climb.


I just want the old PSRV catalogue to be ported. I don’t care about that Horizon stuff but Wipeout, Star Wars and Ace Combat on PSVR2? I’m in (assuming that helmet finally can adjust to my weird eyes).


Gold Member
Good to know, thanks. I will have to try the new ones at some point. The reason i mention the nausea part is because in the PS VR2 thread i still see people mentioning that you gotta push through it until you get used to it, so from my understanding it is still present.

It is, but it's not comparable to how bad it was back in the early days. There were/are several causes of motion sickness, and some have been patched by technical progress (also via design, a virtual nose or a cockpit will actually alleviate motion sickness), but others will be near impossible fully mend for perhaps the next ~20-50 years or so, who knows. I mean, if we disregard individual sensitivity to motion sickness we still are left with the huge issue of locomotion where our brain relies on processing and combining feedback between from vision and balance organs. Experiences/games that use standard fps controls for moving will continue to induce motion sickness until we have implants in our vestibular system in place, so-to-speak. In the meantime developers should include portal locomotion as much as possible (which is the main way of navigating in Half-Life Alyx f.ex.). A motion rig, or untethered VR plus a huge empty warehouse would also be good :)


The complete elimination of the screendoor effect, and proper inside out tracking. I sold of my HTC Vive Pros the other day because of this. After not using them for about a year, I set them up to play some Best Saber and Project Cars 2, and almost puked when I looked at an apex in the distance.

I can't stand seeing the pixel grid, especially after playing on an OLED TV. And this is coming from some one who owned a VR arcade, and loved the shit out of VR back in 2019-2020 (then f-ing covid happened 😤).

Hopefully the Index 2 will solve my issues with VR.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I have one but it'll never get much use while it's still a giant thing I have to strap tightly to my face. It just isn't comfortable to wear for long periods of time in any configuration. The tech will get to the point where it's essentially a pair of glasses and it'll be awesome, but that's not yet.


I already have multiple headsetts and play almost everyday(When Im not deathly overworked), but I want more MP games or at least MP option inside already great SP games so I can play with my friends and family... Also that Crossplay becomes the Norm(But I also dont want Quest 2 chip holding back the game's potential), I know! That is asking a lot.

A Pavlov quality game with the building / equipment potential of games such as RB6:Siege("Breach" on Class 4 Steroids), optional "Tarkov" / "DMZ" open world.

A Jankless, Polished and with AAA quality - Saints and Sinners1&2 with multiplayer built in.
2-4 coop(So I can play with all my brothers) where you get additional benefits with playing with others(Such as helping each other heal too get 25% health recovery,etc) and Crafting ANYTHING has too be done manually(Like a minigame) the first time( and recive an +1 of said item with completion for the effort) and after then you can just... craft like normally, or do it manually again to gain +1 again.
With optional PVP dedicated maps or maybe even add some "Souls" invasion where you could potentially go undercover as a zombie/walker with all that smeared goo on your face.
Populate the buss area as well with friendly NPC's that can add +stats too stuff... like have a weapons guy that can fix your broken/damaged/worn weaponry for instance while having the said item on a rack for a day(And it gets fixed while you are out and about).
Axeman beeing a absoulute powerhouse and really dangerous... have him go RE2 on your ass and stroll around at random maps(Radio could sometime reveal where he is, like herd being here and there and weapon's / medical crates) hunting you if you are in his current area(Night or day).
Just fantasizing about looting a house at night too suddenly hear slow but LOUD stomping around the same house your in, as Axeman is ignored by the zombies/walkers cause of the guts he has hanging all over his body while menacing closing in on you as you atempt to sneak out without drawing attention...

I got so many nitpicks with that damn game... but damn DO I have A LOT of hours in 1&2.
I could go on, but I dont want to bore you... Just... Give me a :
A Jankless, Polished and with AAA quality - Saints and Sinners1&2 with multiplayer built in.


Gold Member
The complete elimination of the screendoor effect, and proper inside out tracking. I sold of my HTC Vive Pros the other day because of this. After not using them for about a year, I set them up to play some Best Saber and Project Cars 2, and almost puked when I looked at an apex in the distance.

I can't stand seeing the pixel grid, especially after playing on an OLED TV. And this is coming from some one who owned a VR arcade, and loved the shit out of VR back in 2019-2020 (then f-ing covid happened 😤).

Hopefully the Index 2 will solve my issues with VR.

This is generally considered to be relatively solved already.

Here's a comparison between the Vive Pro (May 2021) and the Reverb G2 (Nov 2020!). And then a bonus shot comparing the G2, Vive and the Rift. And I'm also pretty sure that the Vive Pro 2 also is good in this regard. Keep in mind that these pictures are taken through the lens and may not represent an accurate sweet spot (nor color) comparison.

(Remember to click and zoom all the way in)




Credit: https://www.youtube.com/@Tyrielwood/about
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