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Destiny 2 Free to Play Content Infograph


I’ve never been upset by the price. First year D2 cost 100$ for day one players. Year 2 was 85$. Year 3 is 75$. It might stay around there per year now as they want to do yearly expansions

I more than got my money’s worth. Actually, I got my money’s worth out of D2 more than any game I’ve played period when it comes to time and dollar investment (cents in this case). Super Street Fighter 4 last gen would come close but that was over a greater amount of time.

D2 has been superior to first game pretty much when forsaken dropped (last Wish is better than king’s Fall - fight me) . The annual pass launched rough but in the long run it offered legit great content, whether it was two new raids, dungeons, or menagerie.

People forget that D1 had Taken King and that was it for a year. Most we got was that crap Chroma neon nonsense for armor and the first holiday events. Rise of Iron had reprised raids come back but that wasn’t new content and raids are always relevant now (except for year 1 weapons still being a thing but pretty sure those loot tables will get a refresh during the year).

Bungie is in a hard place with what they want to do in the console market. The game and its vision would be best served as a subscription service because the amount of content hardcore players want is... insatiable... always.

So shadowkeep is going to be the expansion but the seasons move in real time. Events will disappear, the narrative of one season leads to the next and its said to culminate in the summer. That content can be purchased a la carte so what’s bizarre is how will they keep the narrative moving for free players? My assumption that the narrative will be “free” but loot tables in some form will not be. I expect it also to be designed in a way where The seasonal content only really targets those daily players for the most part.

They revealed that new patrol areas will be unlocked with experience. Probably Tied to with the battle pass ranking and artifact. So even f2p players will be able to patrol the moon.

I’m excited about the new difficulties and the overall damage changes. The game definitely needed a difficulty increase because we did get too stupid powerful to steamroll everything.

Only expecting two raids this year. One with shadowkeep and then another like in May or June. Most think it will be difficult to match the content of last year’s season pass but I think they have to surpass it regardless.

First Vex raid since Vault it Glass. Huge expectations for the black garden raid. VoG is still my all time favorite and it has to live up to that legacy


Gold Member
The two or three times I tried to play warframe it was an absolute snoozefest.

I just could NOT wrap my head around the lore and actual Warframe designs. They're just too far out there for me. I played for a bit and
it just didn't click.

Now don't get me wrong, I did like a few of Warframe's systems. I especially liked that you can actually walk around on your ship and upgrade
systems/characters and launch activities. It felt important to the game, not just a loading screen ala Destiny 1/2.


i've been dipping my toes into pvp lately and absolutely loving it

Yea I love Crucible more than anything. It’s easily were most of my game time is. 6v6 is a fucking mess and I hate it but the 4v4 games are just... better to play.

Crucible is the real endgame and don’t let anyone say any different. It’s where the loot and builds matter most. If I play any activity it’s to see how fast and effectively that weapon can kill another player.

I loved this year’s handcanon meta. I hope I can still carry that playstyle in year 3. Altho everyone is expecting a pulse rifle meta again.

Ps : warframe is indeed jank and the grindiest game I have ever played with f2p gimmicks that are way, way too much from what I last played a year ago. Shooting was still an afterthought compared to melee builds then. However, I do enjoy giving it a go once a year. I have fun with it... but it’s jank. I don’t mind jank. If the art direction was less hideous I’d like it more. I mean... god there art direction for everything is just so... yuck.

Destiny’s impact and success pretty much tells me that parting with Bungie cost Ms the generation. Look at how halo fucking cratered and is dead... up until a few weeks ago D2 was averaging 6 million players a week.

As I always said. Halo 4 and 5 are Destiny 1 and 2.

343 is a hack cover band. They aren’t even 80s kiss. They’re more like the 50 year olds cosplayig as Kiss at my local karoake bar.
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How is it compared with Destiny Year 1's Crucible? That was the peak of Crucible to me.

It's super hit or miss in D2. I personally much preferred D1s PVP. D2 PVP kind of suffered this whole year from a couple guns dominating the meta and 6x6 has been awful since most D2 maps are poorly designed (Especially for 6s). The new DLC has the potential to fix some of this (Although we are only getting 3 maps), the mode still desperately needs more large maps so I hope we see more D1 maps moved over since they have shown to not have as quality a PVP team (If any) to make new maps that are engaging and fun to play on.


I mean... I've played the game for 2,000 hours between PC and PS4 since it launched and a lot of those experiences will never be recreated because updates have changed the game. I've made friends, lost friends and had years of fun... not sure I'd trade all that to get it free 2 years later, not many others would either judging by how upset people are a single mode in CoD will be exclusive to PS4 for a year. Or how angry people get over a game being Epic Store exclusive for a year. The patience of gamers is pretty non-existent.

I'm happy you made friends and good memories with the game. I only come at the equation from my own perspective. I too played the game at launch and was unfortunately not as lucky.
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It's super hit or miss in D2. I personally much preferred D1s PVP. D2 PVP kind of suffered this whole year from a couple guns dominating the meta and 6x6 has been awful since most D2 maps are poorly designed (Especially for 6s). The new DLC has the potential to fix some of this (Although we are only getting 3 maps), the mode still desperately needs more large maps so I hope we see more D1 maps moved over since they have shown to not have as quality a PVP team (If any) to make new maps that are engaging and fun to play on.
That doesn't look well... I played it in until December I guess and it was not fun like the first one :(


That doesn't look well... I played it in until December I guess and it was not fun like the first one :(

Yeah D2 has been a big love/hate game for me. I enjoy content, but I don't find any of the content fun to run frequently like I did Strikes/Raids/PVP in D1. For me, there is just too many different activities for the userbase IMO. Now you have a small pool of players 7-800k a day average I think...between 3 consoles/PC and I thought that also included D1 still but I may be wrong. I think having a much bigger LL increase is a good thing, although I'm not sure it's going to be hard to get up to max quickly which has been a problem in yr 2.

PVP updates will decide if I play this game for a few weeks and drop it likely for good or get back to playing more often. BL3 has been a blast for me so far, so if it's just same old D2 with bigger numbers I'll just swing back to working on my second character back over there. For me personally in what I want from a game, D1 was the perfect storm, so any update that we get closer to that experience the better in my eyes. Until they find a way for PVP to be more then jumping mountaintops and recluses everywhere on console it's going to be an uphill battle.


I never see recluse or mountaintop being a crucible issue. Maybe only during iron banner you’ll see it. Neither rank highly in the crucible meta either. Both of those weapons “were” op in pve. Recluse With a major spec mod is great in every pve acrivity and gambit. However... no one can convince it isn’t trash in pvp. I have a antiope-d that outperforms it imo.

Shotgunners and super spam can annoy me but I shut them down. Suppressor grenades, a well placed headshot and inazagi’s burden spam can kill supers now and that’s before super health gets nerfed in pvp.

I can’t really make complaints about the crucible. I just adapt and practice. If you run a shotgun tho... you’re a bitch

From all destiny games and years... spring and summer tend to be the best time periods for crucible. If there’s a shakeup in the sandbox in the fall, it gets retooled by then to adapt to general criticisms, needs/wants etc

There was a time during D2 and Warmind, when the “go fast” update dropped (increased player movement speed and TTk changes) and right before 6v6 came back, the Pulse rifle meta was solid and the 4v4 playlist was awesome. Teamshotting complaints from vanilla was gone. Right now is just as fun but orb generation for nonstop supers can become a huge problem when it’s a 6 stack of a team. I agree that heavy ammo is way too frequent too.

There’s a huge discrepancy between quickplay and comp players as well. Hardcore comp players rarely leave the playlist (in addition to being geared up to win 1v1s).

All the Crucible changes (heavy ammo round in the middle of the match like D1) 3v3, 4v4, etc... , the armor buildcrafting goals, and the overall sandbox changes should change pvp pretty significantly.

I’m still expecting the artifact to introduce a bunch of new broken OP shit but that’s the point of the game sometimes
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The influx of new players is going to be insane.

Not trying to stir folks up, but I've seen people talk about the influx elsewhere too, and I don't expect a major bump TBH. Between PS+ giving away D2, and Battlenet this last year neither of those spiked numbers in any way, so unless there is some major amount of Xbox players (LOL) that didn't have a PC or PS4 to take advantage of this then I just don't see the numbers growing more then a usual DLC and subsequent dropoff. I'm sure folks who tried it and quit will try it at 750, but when you sell as many copies of a game as D2 did, how many players out there haven't already tried it at this point? I mean you can only wrap up a base game and give it away so many times, and honestly outside of crucible (Which I think you could play free right now with either of the free games) there's not really any PVE that players are going to super enjoy in Osiris and Warmind (Two of the worst Destiny DLCs in history).
Wow, this is actually a lot of shit for free. All the old campaigns and the old raids. That's a lot of content you can enjoy for free. I think I might actually reinstall Destiny 2 when it hits Steam.


There will be more of a reason for them to stay since New Light ended up including a lot more than expected. If it was just year 1 content I’d be inclined to agree but it also includes gambit prime, the forges and menagerie, and any new strike or pvp activity. And all patrol zones are playable. It’s a bit more than a sampler. Altho I think forsaken should’ve been included in full.

Year 2 raids aren’t free tho. I get it because only a small portion engages in them but... still the best set pieces and level design in the game. Both Last Wish and Crown of Sorrow are some of the best raids. Definitely worth playing

I can see 10 million new players being a lowball number. Steam will provide far more exposure than battlenet. Stadia is also a wildcard. Destiny stayed a top 10 console game this entire year. The game’s health is in the best it’s been with player engagement.
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always chasing the next thrill
After a good long think about destiny 2 getting f2p i have decided to cancel my stadia preorder.
As 129 for just a controller and a chromecast ultra seems less of a value.

I wish you remaining stadia backers on neogaf the best luck.


Not trying to stir folks up, but I've seen people talk about the influx elsewhere too, and I don't expect a major bump TBH. Between PS+ giving away D2, and Battlenet this last year neither of those spiked numbers in any way, so unless there is some major amount of Xbox players (LOL) that didn't have a PC or PS4 to take advantage of this then I just don't see the numbers growing more then a usual DLC and subsequent dropoff. I'm sure folks who tried it and quit will try it at 750, but when you sell as many copies of a game as D2 did, how many players out there haven't already tried it at this point? I mean you can only wrap up a base game and give it away so many times, and honestly outside of crucible (Which I think you could play free right now with either of the free games) there's not really any PVE that players are going to super enjoy in Osiris and Warmind (Two of the worst Destiny DLCs in history).
F2P label on Destiny 2 could make some waves. Time will tell.
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After a good long think about destiny 2 getting f2p i have decided to cancel my stadia preorder.
As 129 for just a controller and a chromecast ultra seems less of a value.

I wish you remaining stadia backers on neogaf the best luck.

Only perk of the stadia version is that... it’s the full version of the game moving forward indefinitely I think.

Stadia is such a huge wildcsdd. I have no interest but I can see it as a supplementary gaming machine for those always on the move... because handhelds are trash

I finally pre ordered last night... no ps4 screensaver this year? Bummer.

Game is going to be 76gig on steam. But it requires like 300 gigs of space on PS4. Can’t belieb Sony still hasn’t fixed that. I shouldn’t need twice the size of the game file in free space for dlc and patches.

I will need to buy shadowkeep again on Xbox but remember... you only need to buy the season pass on your primary account and it will be available for all platforms.

And correction: it’s 60$ with the season pass. Not bad.
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always chasing the next thrill
Only perk of the stadia version is that... it’s the full version of the game moving forward indefinitely I think.

Stadia is such a huge wildcsdd. I have no interest but I can see it as a supplementary gaming machine for those always on the move... because handhelds are trash
aye but destiny 2 was the thing that pulled me in now not so much tbh
also me owning an ipad pro 11 and both major consoles and a gaming pc, is not really helping neither,.
anyway, sad but i really think destiny 2 lost some value to me thanks to this move.


Embargo’s are lifting over the weekend about the Bungie invite playtest that happened. Tons of new info.

And indeed seems as if the artifact and its unique mods will break the game in every area, including pvp.

And houndish just dropped the first pvp preview. I lol’d at him owning competing yourubers in pvp .... lolols

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How is it compared with Destiny Year 1's Crucible? That was the peak of Crucible to me.
Absolutely. Everything is about to change in a few days so we’ll have to see how it goes in D2Y3.

I’ve never liked “ultimates” in games. I don’t like that every five minutes everyone gets a free kill. It doesn’t feel too bad, it’s just like a sigh when some super goes off right next to you and you are just fucked. But then you’ll respawn and fuck them, so...?

I put up with it because I love the heavy movement, the grenades, surprise cock-bag, melee in the back gameplay that carried over from Halo. I love bouncing a grenade launcher projectile off a wall and releasing the trigger to pop someone’s shields.

I play a Titan mostly; and use void for the supression grenade that removes people’s roaming supers. There was a sick play last time, where some Hunter with his staff out runs at me. I chucked a grenade at my own feet and mid-lunge his super dissipated; and in his shock I knocked that sucker out with my fist.

D2Y1 on PC was awful mix of perfectly accurate scout rifle and hand cannon spam since no one carried shotguns or snipers.

Then a meta was found and there was this one SMG that was blue; came from a quest and the collection system didn’t exist yet. It was better than the legendaries and everyone who hadn’t dismantled it already started to use it.

I miss the larger maps from D1Y1. Snipers, rockets and tanks oh-my!


always chasing the next thrill
What the fuck do i need to buy on my xbox to play the full game.
Gaas is a mess.

I heard the base game and 2 dlc would be free?

So the full game costs me 30? For shadowkeep?
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What the fuck do i need to buy on my xbox to play the full game.
There are currently two content packs that are not free. Forsaken; and Shadowkeep.

I think the price of Forsaken has or will drop in the first days of October.

They’ve muddied the waters by splitting a portion of Shadowkeep into a time-limited thing called Season of the Undying; but then basically bundling that along with Shadowkeep too.

My mates are super confused about everything; especially how the Steam page doesn’t list Forsaken as a purchasable DLC; even though it’ll appear at launch. I had to break it to a friend that bought the Deluxe edition of Shadowkeep that he’s still got about $20 to spend before he had the full thing.

Let’s face it - having free-to-play, and selling expansions of varying size and seasons seperately is confusing. They are probably getting a little extra out of consumer confusion; like my mates.

It reminds me of Star Wars: The Old Republic; where there was expansions of varying size and an optional subscription that confusingly unlocked the expansions permanently.
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always chasing the next thrill
Walledhouse Walledhouse so..
if i buy shadowkeep. (i allready migrated my ps4 chars to steam.
I WONT be getting the full game.

for that i will have to buy the deluxe version and still be screwed
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Walledhouse Walledhouse so..
if i buy shadowkeep. (i allready migrated my ps4 chars to steam.
I WONT be getting the full game.

for that i will have to buy the deluxe version and still be screwed
Yeah, you’ll still have to buy Forsaken on Steam in a few days time. It isn’t even part of the Deluxe.

Edit: Sorry, I answered as if you want to play on Steam, but your other post was talking about Xbox. :messenger_downcast_sweat: If you wait and see for yourself in a few days you’ll be sunshine.

However, they’ve butchered most of what was part of Forsaken and spread it across the free-to-play offerings; and you keep any weapons or armour you’ve already earned; so if you’ve already completed that stuff on PS4 you might consider skipping a re-purchase. Feel free to be confused and angry, I don’t blame you or anyone who feels this way. It is what it is.
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always chasing the next thrill
Hmm i will wait a bit longer then to spend money on this.

I bought destiny 1 day 1. Never got a single dlc.
Then i bought the finished edition.

I was under the impression this would be a nice moment to get back into destiny 2
Oh well


anyone got a guild that I can join? I kinda want to play a raid.... been playing since they gave the game free to everyone like at last years E3 and have yet to run any raids


I bought the first one for 10 usd, later sold it. I liked the old scifi feeling (like jungles on venus). I think I will try it out for free


The two or three times I tried to play warframe it was an absolute snoozefest.

Well this is my reaction as a noob when i first tried it.
You need to "get" Warframe movement style which is counter intuitive.
Once you realize that this is not game about running but jumping sliding bouncing all around then it gets fun.
I spend some hours playing it but ultimately what killed it for me was third person view.

I just don't like TPP shooters, i would love it if it had FPP view.


As I always said. Halo 4 and 5 are Destiny 1 and 2.
I wish. I dislike the direction Halo took after Halo 3, and I kinda hoped Destiny would fill that void, but no, the gameplay and the game structure are just too different.

Maybe if the core gameplay was more like Halo (no accuracy penalties for hip fire, no accuracy penalties when jumping, etc) I would be more willing to put up with all the awful MMO trappings, but unfortunately that's not the case.

As it is now, Destiny is a game I can play for a couple of weeks, have a decent amount of fun, then get fed up with the MMO bullshit, drop it for a year, and then repeat the process with the next big expansion.

So yeah, in general, there's enough enjoyment in there for me to buy the yearly Destiny expansions (when they're on sale) but it's definitely not a good substitute for (classic) Halo IMO.


Fuck Halo. Destiny is the superior product regardless. As a lifelong Bungie fan I say that no problem. Then again, I just prefer Destiny over Halo in every possible way at this point. Far more engaging gameplay types, more reasons to play like a hardcore maniac in addition to It having the best gunplay around.

I will admit tho... it does make me smile to see how laughably bad Halo has become without Bungie. Cover band trash from no talent hacks like Stinkles and Bonnie Ross (I hope you suckas read this... you fucking suck).

DLC wont be cross platform, right?

Shadowkeep? No.

Seasons? Yes

Major expansions still require individual platform license but seasons will be playable across all platforms as long as you bought it on your primary platform first (meaning whicher characters you made your default for cross-save).

Fornite dies tomorrow.

The king has returned
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i am devouring souls in the crucible



Preload up on console. 23gigs on PS4.

Destiny 1 and 2 are offline the entirety of the day. Till refresh.

I look forward to the 3 hr que tomorrow w


ya so it goes, i'll be there at hour 0 absolutely

fun night with friends, genuinely stoked for shadowkeep

I'm looking forward to it more then I expected. The more it draws from D1, the happier I am. Although I am concerned that after the influx and likely drop again that we are gonna have 3 platforms all wishing they had more people to play with.

Ivory Blood

I'm looking forward to it more then I expected. The more it draws from D1, the happier I am. Although I am concerned that after the influx and likely drop again that we are gonna have 3 platforms all wishing they had more people to play with.
With how good Destiny 2 been lately, even some of my really jaded friends bought into the hype, played some of the free content that was available before on PS4 and battle.net, and preordered Shadowkeep. Plus, nowadays my clan has 25-30 people online on weekends, who do raids and all that on a regular basis. I think Destiny is here to stay - for a lot of people.


With how good Destiny 2 been lately, even some of my really jaded friends bought into the hype, played some of the free content that was available before on PS4 and battle.net, and preordered Shadowkeep. Plus, nowadays my clan has 25-30 people online on weekends, who do raids and all that on a regular basis. I think Destiny is here to stay - for a lot of people.

I hope you are right, but for every group with 20+ active members there are another 20 dead or dying ones. While Clans are a nice addition, I think it really killed alot of communities much like how GAF used to be a huge fun community who helped out and played together for fun before they exiled and got all ELITE. I'll openly admit I'm jaded, and alot of that is D1 is one of my favorite games of all time, and the direction 2 has gone til now has not been able to keep my attention. Having a steady group can make or break this game, my clan would have just enough people to raid on at a time, but many of the availabilities weren't great and I am not a patient person when I am only able to play end game content once a week or every other week which tended to be the case. I prefer message board communities because it's alot easier to find people who feel a sense of community and aren't total douches (Usually). My experience with LFG and random discords has been awful to say the least.


Clans didn’t do shit.

People jump off into active ones . The casual scrubs that filled up clan lists with theirs uselessness faded like in week two of year 1. My clan is populated however... do I play with any of them... nope.

I use the official destiny app for lfg. I only have two consistent buddies of my own to play with. The official app for lfg has been a pretty great experience.

I don’t mind the experience. The best thing to do is to be captain yourself and create the teams yourself instead of looking for someone to let you in. I Sherpa some things now however. I used to not be that kind but I kinda just enjoy it now. I’m never in a rush to complete a raid in one sitting

There’s no shortage of players. Even when the game was least popular during curse of osiris ... it had players. We’re at around 800,000 daily unique players when there’s no new content. That metric will be obsolete however stsrting tomorrow. There will be a new normal I’d imagine.
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Clans didn’t do shit.

People jump off into active ones . The casual scrubs that filled up clan lists with theirs uselessness faded like in week two of year 1.

I use the official destiny app for lfg. I only have two consistent buddies of my own to play with. The official app for lfg has been a pretty great experience.

There’s no shortage of players. Even when the game was least popular during curse of osiris ... it had players. We’re at around 800,000 daily unique players when there’s no new content. That metric will be obsolete however stsrting tomorrow.

You have to remember that stat is across 3 platforms and a 24 hour timespan, it's not 800k-1m all day long on each platform.
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