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Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Oh, one big question: Will there be PVE vehicle combat? Sparrow doesn't have weapons unfortunately... would love using the Pike against the Fallen and whatever else.


When's the next Iron Banner? GMT?

Oh, one big question: Will there be PVE vehicle combat? Sparrow doesn't have weapons unfortunately... would love using the Pike against the Fallen and whatever else.

Yes it does, I've used the Pike before after I nicked it from the Forgotten Shore


IF anyone has Iron Banner Tower still open could they send a PSN friend invite to OutlawOcelot ?

I have glimmer to spend to buy, but I can't get in anymore. :(


G***n S**n*bi
So I got a PSN code from a friendly gaffer and entered it on PSN where it redeemed successfully. When I go to my downloads though there is no download option when you click on the beta, just a whole bunch of stats where navigation doesn't work. Played the alpha.


At the falling satellite location, there's some sort of pseudo-public event where instead of the usual fallen/hive, a group of high level wizards and captains spawn in ridiculous numbers. Not officially a public event, but it felt pretty much like one.

I and RexNovis had the displeasure of getting wrecked by mobs that we can't even hurt orz.

I can confirm this is true. At the time I thought a Bungie dev was just having a little fun with us but it's happened again since so it's definitely some kind of reduce loud event of some kind. You get absolutely overwhelmed by enemies and eventually even ones that "resist" any damage done to them that is not arc damage. It's crazy


Got all the Iron Banner Emblem, Shader, Hunter cape, and Legend Ship.

Aiming for Titan sash tonight. Work at 4 am, so I guess I'm getting 4 hours of sleep.
No gym tomorrow so sure.

They already said all the Legend loot from Iron Banner would carry over.

Where did they say that cause i haven't seen it anywhere
I don't understand why sometimes I'm playing with others and sometimes I'm not. Are the story missions single-player only? I'll select a mission in Russia, and when the level loads I'll be playing with two strangers. When I pass a certain point the other guys just disappeared. Maybe they quit out, I don't know, but I'm unsure of how this game works in regards to multiplayer.
Got all the Iron Banner Emblem, Shader, Hunter cape, and Legend Ship.

Aiming for Titan sash tonight. Work at 4 am, so I guess I'm getting 4 hours of sleep.
No gym tomorrow so sure.

They already said all the Legend loot from Iron Banner would carry over.

Wait really? Legendary loot carries over??

Also, got mah titan sash. :3



Really dislike the PvP at the moment. I wish the game had some sort of killcam or it showed detailed stats on the weapon that killed you. I'm level 8, using level 8 guns/armor with 147 Defense. Almost every match I play the entire other team all has some sort of blue beam sniper rifle (or something?) that one shots me. Then most of my team usually quits. I think my lifetime K/D is something like .23 right now. The problem and what is actually is frustrating is I have literally no idea what is killing me most of the time. Why is my AR with 55 damage not even dropping shields while I am getting one shotted instantly all of the time, usually from enemies I never see? Am I just terrible? Do I need better gear? What is that gear? There's zero feedback coming in since I just either get one shotted or almost randomly die from something I don't even see. I just have no idea what I'm even doing wrong so I can't even attempt to address anything. It's incredibly frustrating. And even if the solution is that I need better gear or a specific gun or something that's a shitty solution.


I don't understand why sometimes I'm playing with others and sometimes I'm not. Are the story missions single-player only? I'll select a mission in Russia, and when the level loads I'll be playing with two strangers. When I pass a certain point the other guys just disappeared. Maybe they quit out, I don't know, but I'm unsure of how this game works in regards to multiplayer.

Darkness zones are solo/fireteam content. Open zones have dynamic matchmaking.
I don't understand why sometimes I'm playing with others and sometimes I'm not. Are the story missions single-player only? I'll select a mission in Russia, and when the level loads I'll be playing with two strangers. When I pass a certain point the other guys just disappeared. Maybe they quit out, I don't know, but I'm unsure of how this game works in regards to multiplayer.

Some areas are designated as public areas, but if you do a story mission or strike and enter a certain area, that becomes an "instance," which is only for you and your fire team members.


Really dislike the PvP at the moment. I wish the game had some sort of killcam or it showed detailed stats on the weapon that killed you. I'm level 8, using level 8 guns/armor with 147 Defense. Almost every match I play the entire other team all has some sort of blue beam sniper rifle (or something?) that one shots me. Then most of my team usually quits. I think my lifetime K/D is something like .23 right now. The problem and what is actually is frustrating is I have literally no idea what is killing me most of the time. Why is my AR with 55 damage not even dropping shields while I am getting one shotted instantly all of the time, usually from enemies I never see? Am I just terrible? Do I need better gear? What is that gear? There's zero feedback coming in since I just either get one shotted or almost randomly die from something I don't even see. I just have no idea what I'm even doing wrong so I can't even attempt to address anything. It's incredibly frustrating. And even if the solution is that I need better gear or a specific gun or something that's a shitty solution.

That's actually a good point, the PVP mode's lack of feedback is very annoying. I knew something was wrong with it but i wasn't sure what as i'm so pissed off about the balance issues.

This issue is doubly-odd as Halo: Reach, Bungie's previous game, had excellent audio-visual feedback.
While we were exploring and doing side quest, I saw a message in the game above my ammo count that said that the PIKER GANG is coming.............well..........killing them gave me and my friend this.






It blew up fighting the SPIDER TANK
So, I kinda got a bone to pick, specifically with Old Russia, I guess.
Back in 2013, There was an E3 Demo that mentioned a much larger playing space than what we seem to be getting.
At the 2:16 mark, he mentions "all of this is playable space"
Currently, I don't see that happening...

Yeah, they also said in a mailsack that "any land you see you can go to, excluding most of the tall mountains in the background. This is only the beta so I can't hold them to it yet, but i'll be a little irked if either of these turn out to be false. More so with the thing in the video though because the statement I brought up seemed unlikely anyway.


Odd question but can anyone see the "icon" the brightness setting is talking about? No matter if I set it to 1 or 7 I can't see any icon.

Also how do I see anything relating to the GAF clan in game? I can't find anything in the character screen.
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