Finally got my cape
It's definitive proof that hunters > warlocks
While the cape is nice, the golden gun and throwing knife is pants compared to the Titans ground stop, better melee attack and extra damage resistance.
Finally got my cape
It's definitive proof that hunters > warlocks
I carry my team in 5 games straight and get fuck all while the guys with 0.X K/D's and less captures get the legendaries.
I mad.
Anyone else annoyed at how difficult it is to make headshots without aiming down the sights? It seems as though there's a much much wider window of what constitutes a headshot when you go ADS.
Also, the sniper rifle is OP in multiplayer. Should have all auto-aim removed.
Sorry if I just missed it someplace obvious, but where did they say this? I got the cloak but wasn't going to bother trying to get the ship, but if it will carry over to release, then I'll keep trying.
nuh uh, i got my tiny little armband
;-; why is ours so small and less noticible
So I made a black warlock chick and the skin tone is awful. She looks 10 shades darker than Westley Snipes.
Bungie is racist!
The character creator preview is so different than how they appear in game. It's disappointing.
It's terrible the vehicles have no balance at all and with the lack of Voice chat playing with ransoms makes it even worse. I had fun playing with my buddy earlier but playing solo I'm about done after 3 matches.
I can't play a 30fps multyplayer game it's so slow. I'm probably gonna stick to story and coop pvp seems to be a bust.
Tiny capture points (here, have a nice cup of shotgun to the face) and OP vehicles. At least the vehicles would probably be fixed at launch, the tiny capture points I doubt...
The loot system for PVP is beyond stupid.
The black background there seems like a terrible idea there. Some of the hair colors don't show up at all and blend in.
clearly they don't want us making black guardians
well joke's on your Bungie I'm lightskinned and my dude bright as a mothafucka on your dark-ass background
clearly they don't want us making black guardians
well joke's on your Bungie I'm lightskinned and my dude bright as a mothafucka on your dark-ass background
clearly they don't want us making black guardians
well joke's on your Bungie I'm lightskinned and my dude bright as a mothafucka on your dark-ass background
Man I can't get used to a controller at all after so much PC. Too low a sensitivity and I feel so sluggish to turn and too high and I'm over aiming constantly. Can't find a good balance.
Everyone else seems to have super aim compared to me, they mow me down. Also 30fps competitive play is a hard thing to do
EDIT: Oh and any good gun recommendations? Like full auto weapons, shotguns,pulse rifles? etc
So I made a black warlock chick and the skin tone is awful. She looks 10 shades darker than Westley Snipes.
Bungie is racist!
The character creator preview is so different than how they appear in game. It's disappointing.
The loot system for PVP is beyond stupid.
While the cape is nice, the golden gun and throwing knife is pants compared to the Titans ground stop, better melee attack and extra damage resistance.
who the fuck plays a human in this game tho
and WHY.
What console are you gonna be on?
who the fuck plays a human in this game tho
and WHY.
So why do I have zero iron banner rep even though I played about 10 matches earlier?
I had the same problem. Won at least 4-5 and lost 2-3 but did not hit rank 1.
I have 30 Destiny Beta codes. But they only work for NA and Europe people. the codes are for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. I'm thinking of PM it privately or do a Modbot raffle.
I could use a Xbox One code if you'd be so kind.
Fortunately it's a beta and Bungie has a feedback forum ready to hear your brilliant design ideas for how to make it less than beyond stupid.
What's that you say? That I should have read your post history and realized that you only shitpost complaints (aside from that one 24 hour period where you pathetically begged for an alpha code) instead of offering any real constructive criticism? Oh. My mistake.
So why do I have zero iron banner rep even though I played about 10 matches earlier?
Oh wow an ad hominem. Really original of you. If you want to circle jerk, go back to the Bungie forums.
Also if you were paying attention then you would know the developers read this thread too.
what region are you in? NA or EU?
I think so far every weapon and class has been called OP by someone at this point.
This reply is beyond stupid.
When you're getting hit it can be really damn confusing which side it's coming from, the red markers on screen aren't very clear