what do u guys is the best class overall? i didnt play the alpha
Yup!Hunter! Double Jump Supremacy.
How do I join the Gaf crew?
Can't wait to play more. I'll be rolling as a Vanguard.
Titan, don't listen to anyone else.
what do u guys is the best class overall? i didnt play the alpha
This isn't the Mass Effect thread!
(unless you mean Titan)
D'aww the attempts at hunter pride are adorable....but who hunts the hunters??
Map looks pretty good. Guy playing from IGN was pretty bad though.
This isn't the Mass Effect thread!
(unless you mean Titan)
Maybe that's the faction he's gonna rank up with.
what do u guys is the best class overall? i didnt play the alpha
Is Platform selection available?
Were the first ones in and the last ones out.
Hunter gets a triple jump.Warlock, when you master that double jump it wrecks the other 2 classes, the super also wrecks the other 2 classes, also blink (a move that replaces your glide with a quick teleport dash) will be boss.
In your dreams.More like the sneaky scouts who sit back on a hill to observer and provide the Titans and Warlocks overwatch. ;P
How does the multiplayer deal with player level and items? Does it use the same as from the campaign or is it separate? I missed out on playing in the crucible during the alpha.
Not yet. You'll receive an email when you can choose
damage is normalized but it uses your weapon. If you have a auto rifle you really like its yours to play with in Crucible.
Don't understand how this works. I just tried sign up for the beta via Bungie.net and the site said I will receive an email for "verifcation" but this might take up to 24 hours. I already have a code from Amazon. ... what are they verifying?
How does the multiplayer deal with player level and items? Does it use the same as from the campaign or is it separate? I missed out on playing in the crucible during the alpha.
Pfft, triple jump is overkill.Hunter gets a triple jump.
Double KO!
Overkill is 4. We're not trying leave Earth's orbit.Pfft, triple jump is overkill.
I find I'm so excited, I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it's the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it to the Tower. I hope to see a wizard from the moon and shake his hand. I hope Mars is as red as it has been in my dreams. I hope.
Any idea what time emails will go out?
no love for the Titan?
Sorry, i cant hear you over the sound of my triple jump.
what do u guys is the best class overall? i didnt play the alpha
No, of course not.
I have a lot of love for the titan.
no love for the Titan?
Looks like DesintyGaf will also be breaking 700 members today more than likely.