Time to set up a VoG Flawless attempt.Pretty sure he said during E3 that he doesn't have flawless raider because the people he plays aren't so good.
Time to set up a VoG Flawless attempt.Pretty sure he said during E3 that he doesn't have flawless raider because the people he plays aren't so good.
And now you have driven him away with your avatar. Look what you've done, Tecnniqe! Look at it!
Time to set up a VoG Flawless attempt.
Someone light up tbe drizzay signal.
Pretty sure he said during E3 that he doesn't have flawless raider because the people he plays with aren't so good.
Ugh, none really. Trials cloak and PoE cloak just because. Trials cloak at least doesn't look like a shower curtain.
Does anyone want to help a level 34 Warlock get to Mercury in Trials? I am just an average player and none of my friends are on at the moment. I would give a spare code I have lying around for Halo: MCC as gratitude![]()
Does anyone want to help a level 34 Warlock get to Mercury in Trials? I am just an average player and none of my friends are on at the moment. I would give a spare code I have lying around for Halo: MCC as gratitude![]()
Is CE easier for a Flawless attempt over VoG?
Is CE easier for a Flawless attempt over VoG?
Is CE easier for a Flawless attempt over VoG?
Much easier, CE can be soloed flawless.Is CE easier for a Flawless attempt over VoG?
Yep. Founded by Augustus Caesar. They started as elite, wound up becoming incredibly corrupt. They even held an auction for the office of Emperor to the highest bidder one time.
That is an interesting thought about their purpose in the Vault. Thanks for that.
I bet a new part of the Hypenaught opens up after Oryx is killed.
It's quicker, and you don't have to deal with Gorgons (or people falling to their death)
CE have less "traps". Makes things a lot easier.
Much easier, CE can be soloed flawless.
Think I'm perfectly fine with letting this one go. Is there anything else I don't get other than the year one emblem?
randoms suck
Is CE easier for a Flawless attempt over VoG?
I'll do flawless raid. I raid good.
So freaking excited to see the strike. Don't care about spoilers unless they're MGSV related.
This is happening earlier than expected. HYPESPACE!
So freaking excited to see the strike. Don't care about spoilers unless they're MGSV related.
Does that train have any more seats available or can I just stowaway in the luggage?
This is happening earlier than expected. HYPESPACE!
We need to get luke gl status so we can add him to the hall of guardians
Love you guys, but sorry to wet blanket.
Almost all of this is fan fiction mixed with some hopes gleaned from ViDOCs from when Destiny was in development infancy in the forever ago.
E.g., That was literally never a plan for VOG. I wrote the high level story for Vault (Kabr, Praedyth), named the armor sets/AI/bosses and wrote the weapon/armor descriptions and gave that to the writers who wrote the deep lore for the Grimoire.
I have to be blunt, I'm taken aback by this attitude and find it to be the Achilles' Heel of community threads. I do not see the community forum as a bubble separate from the gaming forum. The overall atmosphere may indeed be different, and I absolutely understand the desire to participate in a positive community; however, if we are going to continue to be positive community, it would be unwise to behave exclusively.
I'm also disappointed that you'd be less inclined to help members unless they posted in this thread. If you value your personal time such that you are unable to spread your attention between two threads, I'll respect that. Nevertheless, I find it contradictory to support the thread split and then promptly opt out any participation. That isn't to say anyone is obligated to post on the other forum - that is of course their own decision. The fact remains however that there will be new and returning members to the Destiny community on this site. The onus will always be on us to accommodate them, just as many members here once accommodated those who are now regulars. If gaming side threads are popping up complaining about DestinyGAF being "too cliquey" to find a group, then we have a problem.
It's entirely possible that moving the thread over isn't realistic, to which I'd understand. It's also possible that a thread for the expansion is unnecessary to begin with. It ultimately comes down to the awareness on the site and how we go about conveying the new information to players. To reiterate a point I made earlier, a pre-release thread should have already been up and current to manage that information, thereby easing members into the community thread.
Hell, we may as well just do that. It worked for HoW and it works for other communities.
until you realize how awesome it would have been if some of it was.
in particular, being imprisoned in the arena in a gladatorial battle before meeting the queen, solar Last Word and arc Hard Light, visiting the Twilight Gap, etc.
I'm thinking we kill the alter that let's oryx project himself in that taken form in the story missions and actually kill oryx proper in the raid.
Snake is in it.
Huge thanks to captscience and Dave_6 for slogging through PoE35 for/with me last night.
tales of woe and triumph
Dammit, fig! Spoilers!Snake is in it.
nah. Seen all the trailers and demos. Just avoiding anything that hasn't been shown or reveal yet. Definitely avoiding any story spoilers.going full media blackout on MGS5?
I'll do flawless raid. I raid good.
Love it! Glad I could be of assistance! Looking back it was still enjoyable and was a rush to finally clear it. I'm happy science was able to join us so part of our group could help you finally clear it! Good times. Definitely need some RL very soon; haven't played in almost two weeks now.
DGAF is the best, no doubt about it!
No doubt Zoba, much of it was awesome to read. Pretty much all of it in fact. I need to spend some time one day and dig into the grimoire much more.
It wasn't the jumping puzzle.From other posts on here...I thought you were really bad at the jumping puzzle?
*runs away*
*falls down jumping puzzle*
going full media blackout on MGS5?
got room in the overhead compartment, or you can just chill in the dinning car
Of course theres room! nothing strops this train!
Uh no. You all are gonna get me killed! She's probably pulling out her Last Word as we speak, waiting for just the right moment to strike.Did she shoot Templar with relic during glitch causing teleportation and several people to get slapped thus causing the flawless to be wiped from reality like I did?
Trials is over for the week man. Starts again Friday at 10:00 am bungie time.
Trials is over for the week man. Starts again Friday at 10:00 am bungie time.