This right here is the base form of everything I hate about certain pockets of the Destiny community. It's all about making the players life easier and faster. These are the type of people that find the glitch spot and cheese a nightfall rather than play it out. These are the people that, in LFG, require maxed gjallays, so they can burn a boss immediately. It's not about how much fun or challenging it is, but how easy or quick it is.
I think it's dumb that someone would feel entitled to double drops in hardmode because they did less work in a week, yet that somehow means I think economy nerfs make sense too? Laughable. You can complain about RNG or how drops fall, but feeling like people deserve the ability to get 2x of the exact same drop because they skipped normal is ridiculous.
Ridiculous except for the fact that that's exactly how it worked for a year.
Ridiculous is not the word I would use to describe that expectation.
I can pray you love NM drops in the hard mode for a long time.