No. Elemental primaries are being left behind. They had the distinct and undesirable property of limiting a broad weapon sandbox to a few weapons.
You're free to disagree, but I strongly prefer the breadth of arsenal options, the potential of finding a better Legendary than you have to being stuck because of a damage color.
Additionally, no Legendary weapons with damage colors has the property of making secondaries and heavies more important because of their damage color.
It was a great decision, honestly when the gunsmith feature was introduced I mention to my friends (and I think here) that "well none of that will matter once we have elemental primaries from the raids" It really open up the playing field with other weapons.
Although I have to say that apart from 2 weapons (Lmg and pulse) the raid weapons are overall a tad disappointing. They don't have that feel of powerfulness that VoG weapons had.
Anyways my opinion, Keep up the good work!