Do you keep winning?
If answer is yes, stop winning.
If answer is no you just have shit luck.
What. Are we seriously supposed to lose?
Do you keep winning?
If answer is yes, stop winning.
If answer is no you just have shit luck.
Land on the Reef. Get spammed with messages and invites for KF and Trials. Oh Destiny.
This just happened to me. 3 blue engrams in a row decrypted to 3 legendaries lol
What. Are we seriously supposed to lose?
So is post-nerf Year 2 Ram worth using, especially over Light Beyond for Trials? I know they reduced the armor buff but hadn't heard the verdict of whether it stayed strong.
So is post-nerf Year 2 Ram worth using, especially over Light Beyond for Trials? I know they reduced the armor buff but hadn't heard the verdict of whether it stayed strong.
Oryx HM CM anyone?
edit: takers it seems?
how about some Trials? Or help with the Solar sword last part (Sunless cell strike)?
You can survive a res-snipe. I think that makes it sort of worth it?
Need one more for trials with me and biggy
Only if running max armor right?
Only if running max armor right?
Thanks!I can help with sunless cell strike when I'm online..
Who wouldn't want to run with you though?
The Dr's cool guy rep precedes him
Sup buddy? Hope you guys have a great Christmas
Going to see Star Wars again in an hour or so
Has anyone finished all of the subclass quests for all 3 types? A total of 9 (3 for hunter, 3 for warlock, 3 for titan) and got the emblem
First Mercury after our 2 month hiatus. Nice games Tears and Pew!
I'll go offline for a bit, but I'm on GAF so let me know when you're ready.
You can survive a res-snipe. I think that makes it sort of worth it?
Hmm that almost makes me wish I'd infused my Ram up to 320 instead of my LBN, except Ram apparently can't roll Int+Dis which throws off my whole 300/300 plan.
I've got nice PvP armor builds for BDancer, NStalker, Sunsinger, and Sunbreaker but need to work on my Striker and Voidwalker builds. I see myself playing mainly Striker whenever I'm on my Titan going forward.
Something about flying around w flash bangs and shoulders charges is so damn fun. Mida and TLW complement it very well. I need to make a few Striker-hype persuade Unstable into playing PvP again
Igor you up for a card in about 5-10mins?
Need 1 more for Solar Sword help (the last step, Strike).Sure. MY psn is ruthlesbarbarian
Sure. I got 1 and a half hour to play atm.
Every Destiny player in NL knows who you are![]()
*insert long sigh*Nami join me and ape for trials pretty please.
Just one more rank to go. The new monarchy exotic Titan mark will soon be mine!
Ten ranks to go on my warlock for the FWC bond...
Bounties and giving them stuff.What are you doing to quickly level up your factions?
Anyone?Need 1 more for Solar Sword help (the last step, Strike).
Will be on in ~5min.
Is BDancer int/disc and NStalker int/strenght? Or disc/strenght.
Just one more rank to go. The new monarchy exotic Titan mark will soon be mine!
Ten ranks to go on my warlock for the FWC bond...
What are you doing to quickly level up your factions?
I have the warlock DO bond, the Hunter FWC cape, and the quest for the Titan NM mark. Did the Titan and Hunter Crucible wins part in SRL.
I donated a lot of motes of light, and heavy synth bought from Xur, and traded in most of my old shards for motes at the speaker and donated those too. And whenever I have a lot of glimmer I use it to buy a lot of weapons parts. WPs are the only thing I buy with glimmer these days.
Don't have any reason to save my old shards and I think Destiny 2 will most likely be a total reset.
I'm only missing two NM ships and one FWC ship. Decided that I'm not gonna donate any more stuff to try to rank up to get them. I'll just get them due to natural rank ups eventually whenever.
BD is Int/Dis. Blink strike is a great melee but generally you don't need it often. Arc blade you want to have ready before the other team's supers so it loses 1v1 to most supers. And skip grenades are damn good, you want them often for breaching/applying pressure or when finishing off someone behind cover.
NStalker is kinda tricky. I would say Dis/Str except Graviton doesn't roll D/S. The Shade step + Keen scout is pretty crucial imo, so you need to invest something into Int which is okay. You can actually get Tier 1 Int, Tier 4 Dis, and Tier 5 Str with Graviton which is the best build imo.
Chest pieces with elemental armor and sniper ammo, boots with rockets and either Last Hope or Second Wind. BD can use Trials helm with revive Super energy and Crest for the exotic. I just got the new Tarantella from an engram so I'm excited to try it out with my BD. I saw Rubenov using one yesterday so hopefully it's good.
All Titan and Warlock subclasses are max Int/Dis for me which is much easier to manage.
I'm down for trials.Still looking to do some trials bounties if anyone is interested. Or even a nightfall or two.
I'm down for trials.
I'm down for trials.