That Sector match was hilarious, lightning grenades and supers for everyone, like it was Oprah or some shit
You had that awesome triple grenade right off the bat. Shit was crazy
That Sector match was hilarious, lightning grenades and supers for everyone, like it was Oprah or some shit
Hmm, who's the scrub now lol
Anyone who uses a Fusion Rifle is a bad person.
Ok guys, so I feel like I'm in a weird position, and don't know how to proceed.
I finished most of the taken stuff. Seems like just a bunch of sidequests left. I've been chewing on those, but I want to get stronger.
My level is 40, and my light level is 212. So I'm trying to get better gear, and I need those purple coins.
But it seems like I'm too low level for that shit.
1. Tried iron banner. I was getting schooled so bad, I just left the match. My team was better without me. Like, I was getting 1 shotted.
2. Then I figured I would try that free for all. Same thing. Just fucking decimated. Finished with 1000 points. No purple coins.
3. Whats left for me? I think there is one of those strikes, but it recommends 240 light, and I'm not even close to that shit.
I need to get stronger, but to get stronger, I need purple coins. And to get purple coins, I need to get stronger.
Its like some vicious cycle.
All my armor is blue, extremely rarely does anything purple drop.
Kalamari, can you read?
This is what he said:
I'm confused? o.o
Daily PvE and PvP content should work for your LL, although the daily mission at 240 LL might still be a bit tough. But, if you do play the daily and weekly PvP (aside from IB) you'll get 30+ Legendary Marks.
Ohh, so I just suck at PVP? Got it, lol. I thought it was because I was low level, haha.
But do I have to win to get the legendary marks? Because I don't think I'll ever get first in free for all.........
Would you recommend that FWC vendor roll over the Thesan gunsmith roll everyone used to use?No Land and fusion is growing on me.
Would you recommend that FWC vendor roll over the Thesan gunsmith roll everyone used to use?
My friend and I need oryx cm, you guys doing normal or hard?We almost have it. Then two guys dropped. We need ONE MORE TITAN for challenge mode Oryx. D:
Whole team was apparently. Especially seafood.
Anyone who uses a Fusion Rifle is a bad person.
Ohh, so I just suck at PVP? Got it, lol. I thought it was because I was low level, haha.
But do I have to win to get the legendary marks? Because I don't think I'll ever get first in free for all.........
Don't really have anything to do in Destiny until RoI but every time I try play another game I just sit there wanting to be playing Destiny instead.
Firstworldproblems etc.
That gun is fake manI gotta try this
Check yourself into Crucible mate![]()
Being total shit at the Crucible really blows when trying to do this quest line for my Triumphs. I'm so defeated right now.
Being total shit at the Crucible really blows when trying to do this quest line for my Triumphs. I'm so defeated right now.
Just lost another game of salvage and I get this message from my teammate right after the game.
Good train gents, if only Perils would drop like dis.
Just lost another game of salvage and I get this message from my teammate right after the game.