I can be, but I would like for more than just 2 of us running it if possible.Is gutz still available for the flawless crota run from 7UK time?
I can be, but I would like for more than just 2 of us running it if possible.
yes, and raid too I believeGot my Hunter to 331 this week after taking a 5.5 month break from Destiny.
A couple questions...
I'm assuming CoO Tier 3 is the only method of progressively getting a higher LL artifact?
For someone who has no intention of ever doing the King's Fall raid again (three times per week from release to March was enough), acquiring a higher LL ghost is only possible through Nightfalls and the Iron Banner (I only saw one drop for a teammate through my entire play-time this week)?
IB only drops gear/weapons as end of match rewards that are available for purchase at the IB vendor during that particular event?
Will there be another IB event before the new expansion drops?
Any one else need the flawless raider trophy, please sign below.
Sent over a friend request.
1, GutZ31
2. Gulfwarvet
Would like to join, PSN Thaennon, Havn't done Crota in over a year though so would need instructions.
I can be, but I would like for more than just 2 of us running it if possible.
Sent friend request
Me and Inapplicable will help but won't be ready till after the football finishes (7:15pm)
I can be on in about 30 or so minutes. Need to fix lunch.Just seeing if gutz is free as he is in ib at the mo.
I can be on in about 30 or so minutes. Need to fix lunch.
Logging on now.Thanks will run a nf then, see you around 8
Me and Inapplicable will help but won't be ready till after the football finishes (7:15pm)
Big thanks to Biggy, Mehr, and Inapplicable for helping with the flawless run.Myself and Thaennon plus my nipper needs it as well, so 3 plus yourself currently.
Big thanks to Biggy, Mehr, and Inapplicable for helping with the flawless run.
We had a late fall damage death for first run, but second run was super smooth.
Congrats to Robo and Thaennon on getting flawless Raider.
Big thanks to Biggy, Mehr, and Inapplicable for helping with the flawless run.
We had a late fall damage death for first run, but second run was super smooth.
Congrats to Robo and Thaennon on getting flawless Raider.
I got mine earlier this week but I'm willing to help.Hey, last week, we'd talked about doing HM Oryx. I need it to get the Year 2 Moments of Triumph stuff. We still doing this? I'm having a helluva week and I really need a win.
I got mine earlier this week but I'm willing to help.
I got mine earlier this week but I'm willing to help.
I need it as well, can do tomorrow if enough people, only done about three normal runs though, 332 warlock
Somebody doing something and looking for someone?
Getting Oryx HM so I can get this year 2 stuff done and needing a full team.
Hit me up if you find enough people. Challenge mode or just regular ass hm Oryx?
We'd need one more.
I'd be up to filling that slot if you're willing to take my nubcake Hunter (326 LL).
I wouldn't have a problem, so long as someone knows what completing the challenge involves.
When are ya'll up for it? I'd love to go right this second if at all possible, but I realize that may not be possible.
I forgot to say, I'm Squiddity on PSN.
It's now or never for me. Getting late in Europe.
I sent you a friend invite.
peril with third eye braced frame & rangefinder ��
Rifled or bust, they just don't work consistently enough without
Flawless scrota worked out
Max Int/Str with increased grenade throw and melee attack :d
I love you, bow. Don't ever leave me.
I found my Destiny y2 spirit animal.
yeah it's got rifled barrel too along with extended mag
It's now or never for me. Getting late in Europe.
Looks like I'm waiting on Xeno and Robo to get online. Anyone got a checkpoint? Drizzay said he'd have one, but I don't see him online.
Anyone okay with pushing this back to 9 PM EST? My buddy had something come up.