Sick looking armor and some elemental primaries.
Crota is a pretty fun raid. Flawed but fun.
Is anything different or can I just waltz in like I still own the place?
Sick looking armor and some elemental primaries.
Crota is a pretty fun raid. Flawed but fun.
I didn't bother to take the quests outside of a few. If I did yeah they would have been done at this point. Now I don't want to use other classes besides what I'm using now. Definitely don't want to play defender.
Is anything different or can I just waltz in like I still own the place?
I'm down my man.
I'm down
I'm down for a run.
I still need to rank up my Bladedancer and Striker sub-classes. I'm not sure I want to bother with them, though. They're just not fun to use.
Ok, need one more, psn Cybrwzrd here
Please post your PSN and I will send out invites around 9
Ok, need one more, psn Cybrwzrd here
Please post your PSN and I will send out invites around 9
Ok, need one more, psn Cybrwzrd here
Please post your PSN and I will send out invites around 9
Anyone else? Still need one for crota
I'm down, PSN: Ghostfacedon
Waiting for tomorrow is so hard
Too much to hope that we get PC confirmation tomorrow?
If a PC release is coming, do you folks think they'll allow a character transfer from PS or XB to PC?
I sure hope so.
Definitely don't want to play defender.
No one's joining me for fresh Crota on Xbox One.
Looking to set up an Archon's Forge train for Triumphs quest chain.
PSN is Mejilan is there are any takers. Actually have a perfected offering on me, but can't find any randoms currently forging.
So can you do any of the old raids at their 390 light versions now or do they have to be up as the weekly challenge?
I wanted to run VoG earlier but didn't see the option.
edit: Alfebit, the 390 versions will be available after each raid is featured as the weekly, so you won't be able to do VoG until then.
They have to be a Weekly first. After they've been a weekly once, they'll be available in the 390 versions for the foreseeable future.
However, you can only get the Challenge's done (and thus the Adept Weapons and Ornaments) for a raid when it's the Weekly.
I really hate my time situation right now DGAF!
I have a 1-month old (obviously he's kicking ass too) and work is nuts.
I'm hoping I can spam this thread & Discord the next few weekends. Please don't leave me behind.
I'm so pumped about D2 also. Fuck!
So awesome, we got it with zero on the clock as well. Such an exhilarating moment.So, talk about at the buzzer. Completed Deathsinger challenge with zero on the clock. Not even sure how we closed the gap fast enough.
I want to get back into Destiny but I'm having an issue.
I own the original vanilla disc and The Taken King Dlc (so just missing Rise of Iron).
The Collection is on sale at the moment for 25 and Rise of Iron is 22.50 (euros).
I'd love to not use the disc anymore of possible but in the store The Collection is listed as unavailable.
Is my only option to continue to use the Disc and buy Rise of Iron?
Also if I go to destiny in my library (it's not downloaded) I get an error (ce-42033-2)
I think you are stuck with the disc. If you buy the collection, I'm pretty sure it just comes with redeem codes.
PSA: If you use a weapons of light bubble it only takes 13 slams to kill Crota. So you can do it on two rotations (sword barers).
Delete if old.
Haha that's funnyWow. Just joined a group on LFG. Crota CM 1 shot. First Sword Bearer took him down past half. Weapons bubble is pretty great.
Yeah, exactly..... lol.
Weteha and Ragna (highwind?) get full credit they were the ones who told us to do it.Good find on the WoL strat, hopefully it's not something that gets patched in the upcoming hotfix.
I also have a Perfected, as well as multiple runes for the court. I'll be on all night.
On that note, I wouldn't mind doing some CoE either.
Or Raid.
Wow. Just joined a group on LFG. Crota CM 1 shot. First Sword Bearer took him down past half. Weapons bubble is pretty great.
I just picked up The Collection on the cheap. I'm excited to dive into Destiny after only playing for a couple of hours at launch. I hear you're a nice bunch of folks!![]()
Gaffers are the best. Seriously, met some great people on here because of this game.I just picked up The Collection on the cheap. I'm excited to dive into Destiny after only playing for a couple of hours at launch. I hear you're a nice bunch of folks!![]()
You're not a fucking squeaker, are ye?