Story missions don't need a group. They're designed for single player and the cutscenes are written for single player. You can group for them if you want but there's zero reason to matchmake for them.
is the latest event fun? is it worth coming back to?
They're all upgraded to y3 400 and the primaries even have exotic versions of them called adapt with elemental damageSeems like a good portion of my friends list is back on destiny, 390 old school raids!?!?! Do they drop old school weapons?
The remixed Crota raid is really fun to do and reward you with guaranteed elemental exotic primaries if you do the challenges. Worths a shot.
I heard he is still nice and bugged too. Randomly getting up without warning, swatting living shit out sword carry while going down to knee etc.
Good times.
Yuuuup, can confirm. It just wouldn't be a Crota raid without some good ole fashioned glitches.
I heard he is still nice and bugged too. Randomly getting up without warning, swatting living shit out sword carry while going down to knee etc.
Good times.
There can spawn a second oneMy favourite last night was when the oversoul wiped us after we destroyed it....
Dont forget the sword disappearing as soon as you kill the swordbearer.
Because I play Destiny for a single player experience.
Lame trailer.
I'm not sure what Bungie's fascination of promoting helmetless Guardians, but I think it's a misfire. Generic white male face vs a cool helmet.
I'm not sure what Bungie's fascination of promoting helmetless Guardians, but I think it's a misfire. Generic white male face vs a cool helmet.
I hope these expansions offer more content than something like TDB, but at this point, I just don't want to have a year of just seasonal stuff again.
That trailer made me want to go back to Destiny. Never played Rise Of Iron so I'm probably buying that and diving in!
How's the state of the game right now?
I'm trying to pre-order the collector's edition at Gamestop (only option, FFS), and there's no in-store pick up option? Only shipping?
I don't buy from Gamestop often, is this normal?
I'm not sure what Bungie's fascination of promoting helmetless Guardians, but I think it's a misfire. Generic white male face vs a cool helmet.
I'm not sure what Bungie's fascination of promoting helmetless Guardians, but I think it's a misfire. Generic white male face vs a cool helmet.