Ah! So what you're saying is TTK is more of a sequel than D2. Why you feel like shitting up the community section is beyond me.
Is regular ass gaming side trolling not en vogue these days?
I said TTK added improvements that were worthy of a sequel, yes.
What is beyond me is your reaction toward simple impressions from a gameplay reveal. You should really calm down dude. You are here more than me the real troll.
If D2 is really D1.5, then Halo 2 is Halo 1.5 and Uncharted 2 was Uncharted 1.5
I don't know for Uncharted, never played this game, but for Halo, I can tell you this is not true.
Halo 2 changed the way weapons behave in a Halo game (not an overall of course, but it really changed the way casual people were playing the game), changed vehicles physics, added boarding vehicles mechanic, dual wedding weapon, added a bran new faction (Brutes, Buggers, Centry Sentinels, which all behave very differently than existing ennemies), overall graphics, added Xbox Live, new weapon archetypes (not just new weapons), completely new settings for the campaign.
Then if you want to tell the same thing for Halo 3, then like H2, overall graphics, new weapons, new mechanic with the use of equipments, Forge (people could create content and maps with this tool), File Share (you could share the maps and gametypes you created), Theater (again, game changing back in the days where you didn't have Xbox DVR), completely new UI, customizable Spartans.
A lot of those things couldn't be added to the past Halo games with a DLC.
But yes, a sequel is still, in the end, added stuff over something that already exist. I'm not complaining about D2 being a reboot for D1. Destiny already was a solid game with a lot of stuff in term of feature (not talking about the content at launch).
I just feel a bit disappointed by what D2 is offering when they could have added so much more (Flying vehicle, boarding vehicle, Space Fight (maybe they will talk about this later, but I don't think so), Forge to create new map by yourself, Theater, Customizable Firefight like with the Prison of Elder, and I can go a long way with this (without being non-sense about what Destiny is offering).
D2 is even taking thing off from D1 with now a more "limited" PvP with only 4v4, so... (Again, not complaining, I like 4v4).