The nine isn't an AI
When was it stated the Nine weren't possibly different warminds?
The nine isn't an AI
Sorry I should rephrase myself not all of them are. It's a collection of different beings. Personally they sound very dangerous.When was it stated the Nine weren't possibly different warminds?
Legends 2: NINE
The Nine are survivors of the cis-Jovian colonies who made a compact with an alien force to ensure their own survival. The Nine are deep-orbit warminds who weathered the Collapse in hardened stealth platforms. The Nine are ancient leviathan intelligences from the seas of Europa or the hydrocarbon pits of Titan. The Nine arrived in a mysterious transmission from the direction of the Corona-Borealis super-cluster. The Nine are the firstborn Awoken and their minds now race down the field lines of the Jupiter-Io flux tube. The Nine are Ghosts who pierced the Deep Black without a ship and meditated on the hissing silence of the heliopause. The Nine are the aspects of the Darkness,broken by the Traveler's rebuke, working to destroy us from within. The Nine is a viral language of pure meaning. The Nine are the shadows left by the annihilation of a transcendent shape, burned into the weft of what is.
Bungie, please make exotics gamechangers. Its all I ask. Legendary meta is so boring ;-;
Nice, have played with him (or you) during y1 and y2, mostly raids and pve
Good luck to him, gave him a follow.
I thought the exotics shown looked pretty good.
Hand Cannon: Highlights targets you hit, and any targets killed explode (like firefly, but on body shots as well)
SMG: Automatically reloads whenever you pick up ammo, when the user takes arc damage the bullets chain electricity damage
I think there was one more that I don't remember.
Wut the handcannon is awesomeFrom the few weapons I saw, they look worse than any D1 exotic.
No still 6if 4v4 pvp then will it be the same for raids as in 4 fireteam members instead of 6 in D2?
The exotic smg rekts at close range
Wut the handcannon is awesome
No still 6
I think what your seeing is what the exotics are gonna be from now on. Don't expect better. I have a feeling they're trying to avoid over powered weapons.I don't know, the damage didn't seem like anything special and giving the handcannon a slightly better firefly doesn't really do much for me.
Sorry I should rephrase myself not all of them are. It's a collection of different beings. Personally they sound very dangerous.
I think what your seeing is what the exotics are gonna be from now on. Don't expect better. I have a feeling they're trying to avoid over powered weapons.
I mean I still don't see how it isn't a good exotic.I know, and I'm really not a fan. A legendary handcannon can do that in D1 now. I'm pretty underwhelmed.
Is there an in-game Grimoire? I didn't see it.
YepIs there an in-game Grimoire? I didn't see it.
From the few weapons I saw, they look worse than any D1 exotic.
Do you guys think the Scorpio version will be 60fps? Seems weird that' bungie isn't talking about it. While giving the pro a hard no.
Do you guys think the Scorpio version will be 60fps? Seems weird that' bungie isn't talking about it. While giving the pro a hard no.
Biggest disappoint was easily the lack of new classes, elements and sub classes. And I think that's the biggest tell that this had it's origin as a major expansion vs. full sequel. Reworking one subclass for each class doesn't cut it and they're rightfully getting a lot of grief on this front. I thought for sure we'd at least get one new class, or one new subclass. I was really looking forward to discovering a suite of new abilities and finding new play styles, and there was very little of that on display. This is exhibit A for people saying it's an expansion / Destiny 1.5 (which is otherwise a totally bullshit argument). I'm also cognizant that they left far more unsaid and unseen than they actually showed. This was a top line overview, with a lot of areas deliberately teased or just plain saved for later.
I know, and I'm really not a fan. A legendary handcannon can do that in D1 now. I'm pretty underwhelmed.
Yeah the ones seen so far have been 'neat' at best :\
I definitely don't want them to be OP, but powerful and fun for sure. It was so weird having exotics with such trash stats after Y2.
kinda wish exotics and legendary's actually have their own unique design rather than oh hey Im just gonna add hive armor plates to this weapon/armor and there exotic/legendary!!! Its too cheap and lazy if they go with that route for cosmetic options for armor/weapons in D2...
Ehh. I dunno about that. If the Grimoire was in-game then they would have said something about it on stage, no?
Because of everything else I listed and everything else the game is doing. On the side of Destiny 1.5 is a similar UI (which I think is a good thing), retained core gameplay (also a good thing) and same classes (boo!). Against it are all new destinations, a complete reworking of public spaces, bumping the player count from 12 to 26 in them, reworking game flow (Director in the UI, local maps, etc.), the new and revised enemies (we fought Grunts, Jackals and Elites in nearly every Bungie Halo game, didn't make them any less of a full sequel), new weapon types, reorganized weapon slots and weapons that fit into them, a new campaign (said to be larger than the first, and most assuredly better from what we've seen), reworked Crucible with new maps and game types and focus, lore/Grimoire brought in-game, updated graphics engine and the clan and LFG systems. That's not expansion territory. We've gotten a big expansion with TTK, and this towers over it in terms of overhauling the game and building it out. And huge swaths of the game are still not yet shown or talked about.Huh?... How is it a totally bullshit argument when you're in agreement with one biggest complaints that support it?
I'd like to make the thread for the beeeeeta if nobody else has already claimed it.
It's already happening? Thought they'd release it on E3...
Game does feel like just another expansion, and it doesn't help that they are shipping the game with the same model of the first one (game with season pass of yet to establish content). I definitely don't think all the hate this game has gathered through the years will in any way shape or form hurt the sales. PC alone will skyrocket it, and I constantly see new players power-levelling through the game. I'm not surprised to see a Mass Effect Andromeda level of backlash from the reveal: people are just looking for reasons to hate the game more.
As for me the only thing I care about is Actvision keeping the in-game economy the way it is now, even if they have been nothing but greedy about it until now.
Nothing's really majorly change gameplay wise. So if you didn't for some reason like It then you're not gonna like now.Hey everyone,
I played Destiny for a good few months until The Taken King came out. By then I had become bored but I downloaded TTK, used the emperor from Star Wars electric fingers special ability a couple of times and then never played again.
Can anyone in short let me know if TTK, and subsequent patches changed the game enough from how I remember that may make me want to go back and replay it for a bit?
Like 5 big changes that happened that would make the gameplay seem fresh?
Nothing's really majorly change gameplay wise. So if you didn't for some reason like It then you're not gonna like now.
But do people not keep saying 'People who only played launch Destiny judge it wrongly as from The Taken King onwards it was a much better game'. I've seen that a few times. the gunplay for me wasn't the issue if that helps.
Things that are confusing me right now:
1) People saying this is just an expansion.... I truly can't see what the heck that's about: it looks and feels like a great sequel in all the ways the community was asking of Bungie (story focus, LFG, improved visuals, PvP changes, adventure missions, more things to do etc)
2) People hating on it not being 60fps when it's the same gen as D1 on PS4/X1 with (from what I could tell) much improved graphics and some really cool particle effects - it's not like the Pro is that much of a powerhouse, it gets smoked by a mild PC these days. The 30fps of Destiny has always felt better than many 60fps games due to it's rock solid nature on PS4 IMO, I never expected the sequel to be fact I think that expectation is rather crazy considering the type of game it is (and I'm all about 60fps on most games as a mostly PC gamer).
I must say, this Destiny situation it's so fascinating.
EVERYONE wants to love Destiny, but they actually want a totally different game. It's crazy, and I can't explain it.
I mean, let's take Dark Souls. I don't like it, but everyone seems to love it, so I wanna get into it, but it's very very punitive and I don't like the art style and the core mechanics. What do I do? Do I wait for the sequel and hope it's a completely different game? (Oh, it still looks like DS... lazy devs, I'm gonna pass this one too.)
It doesn't make any sense. And that's what many people are doing with Destiny, and I've never seen anything like that.