Soloed the Weekly Nightfall, got 11 Energy Shards for the second week in a row.
How is that even possible? I am lvl 28 and I can't even solo the normal weekly.
I solo'd at 27 with ice breaker. took an hour and thirty minutes. In cave at waves. Far back at tank. Left room against prime.How is that even possible? I am lvl 28 and I can't even solo the normal weekly.
How is that even possible? I am lvl 28 and I can't even solo the normal weekly.
Oh I thought you left during the templar fight. We ended up beating the raid in couple hrs. Stay on spawn point and shoot away if u can get angle on some of those tricky oracle.
Less filer, more announcements.
THIS RAID COMPLETELY TROLLED ME. Literally everything I got I have on my main
Raid Scout, Raid Shotgun, Raid Rocket, Shards, Raid Cape
How is it possible that EVERYTHING I have on my main I got on my alt. I am not exaggerating. . I did not get one new piece of equipment.
Need one more for heroic strike, we are at Sepkis.
PSN: Ourobolus
I'm in for 28 weekly psn skatelivelearn
Ah, that one. Much appreciated.You need to wake up the hive.
got the raid gloves, running the raid for my third timehas my curse been lifted!? first hawkmoon now this?
NarcissisticJay also mentioned something which I think is a great way of looking at things and I wish I'd put in my "gelcap" guide section, a simple "path to 29"
One route to 29 is this:
-1 Maxed Exotic
-1 Maxed raid piece
-1 Maxed regular Legendary
-1 regular legendary with its "regular" upgrades only (no ascendant shards)
and then I can hit 30 without ever doing the hard raid, because my maxed Exotic is a helm (<3 knucklehead)
probably will be 40 runs before i get the chest and boots but *shrug* feels good.
AWESOME raid you guys. i felt that one-and-done ath from the start but I didn't want to say anything
personally, more than anything I really enjoy the feeling of getting just a little better with your core group each time. I hope others out there are taking the raid stuff at roughly the same pace I am. at this point I'm not even close to sick of it, which feels good.
Lose game
Get On The Bright Side medal
Lowest scoring player gets The Last Word
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Lol, I got all shards and energy. I might have gotten a Legendary Rocket i can't remember. It was pretty awful. RNG is terrible in this game.
PI bounty done. Just used this method for reference and ran it in a loop. Took 4 runs and scored 3 public events in the process.
Thank God no stupid PVP required.
How is that even possible? I am lvl 28 and I can't even solo the normal weekly.
Anyone else glad that Bungie and Activision spent good money on hiring Peter Dinklage to record a bunch of uninspired, badly written dialogue so they could cut over half of it from the game and leave remaining dialogue in that doesn't serve to advance an overall narrative and is instead just an incredibly boring way to move a player from point A to point B and to have the player feel like he's doing something important the umpteenth time he has to scan and defend?
No? Just me?
Nightfall is Sepiks Prime, how did you do it? I still have 195 kills to go, not sure I can be bothered. :/ But if there's a simple method like in that video, I might suck it up and do it.
Yo I am about to make a third alt just because of this experience. . all hunters who share armors and weapons just so I can get to level 30 without RNG completely screwing me over.
It sucks with alts that all the strange coins were nice at one point but now I feel like I'm going to get the weapons and armor I want for my 1 character I won't need the strange coins. I guess I can just stock up on good armor for a potential alt if I ever decide to do such a thing (which I doubt. .I would never do this road to level 30 on an alt).
Anyone else glad that Bungie and Activision spent good money on hiring Peter Dinklage to record a bunch of uninspired, badly written dialogue so they could cut over half of it from the game and leave remaining dialogue in that doesn't serve to advance an overall narrative and is instead just an incredibly boring way to move a player from point A to point B and to have the player feel like he's doing something important the umpteenth time he has to scan and defend?
No? Just me?
i've never touched fatebringer.... arc damage on a hand cannon sounds fantastic though. fallen captains have arc shields. i can barely imagine.Hey Hawk what is the best pistol in the game you think? Fatebringer? Hawkmoon?
That video looks like it is from the Sepiks Prime nightfall, he just ran through the divide or through the grotto to get back to that area, then started running the route. Destiny will just start you in the rocketyards, it won't force you to stay there.
Free Atheon Hard check point, got it on my alt, PSN LelouchK, whoever wants it add me and send me a msg "Atheon Hard Check Point", I will be doing a whole 15-30 min of handing out check point in 40-45 min.
Also alt needs to do NF if any is interested (29 sunbro)
Sent request!Free Atheon Hard check point, got it on my alt, PSN LelouchK, whoever wants it add me and send me a msg "Atheon Hard Check Point", I will be doing a whole 15-30 min of handing out check point in 40-45 min.
Also alt needs to do NF if any is interested (29 sunbro)
Someone soloed Templar on hard
(Destiny) Templar Solo on Hard After Hotfix!:
I have a legit kill this week, but I want to hop around the edge of the map. Will send a FR.Free Atheon Hard check point, got it on my alt, PSN LelouchK, whoever wants it add me and send me a msg "Atheon Hard Check Point", I will be doing a whole 15-30 min of handing out check point in 40-45 min.
Also alt needs to do NF if any is interested (29 sunbro)