mix up bounties/story missions/crucible. bring snacks or something to watch during cutscenes.
And you'll finally have use for the legendary and exotic drops for other classes you've been saving in your vault.
mix up bounties/story missions/crucible. bring snacks or something to watch during cutscenes.
Thanks again for helping us through it man. It was a lot of fun. Especially when we took out the Templar just before wiping.
well technically that's the FASTEST way. got my lock from 20 to 23 in about 4 minutes.And you'll finally have use for the legendary and exotic drops for other classes you've been saving in your vault.
Good job Team!
2 hour run on Normal raid for 3 people that had never done it before.
I had an amazing loot run myself.
Ended up with
-Titan Boots
-Titan Gloves
-Titan Chest
-Aetheon's Epilogue
-Red Death (didn't realize I got this until I checked my mail later)
-Chatterwhite (duplicate)
If I level an alt only doing bounties/patrols on earth, when I hit 20 can I jump straight into the nightfall/raid? Or do I need to do the story to unlock them as I progress? I'm happy to level my alt just doing the bounties on earth every day + public events, and I really don't want to do the story again.
Bring Icebreaker back! I didn't have the coins last week!
kthxplz Xur
Screw that, Xur better be bringing his shiny bag of Suros Regime's for all the good little Guardians!
What do you expect?
A fucking update? If I wanted fanciful prose I'd read Moby Dick. It just makes it seem like Bungie is either completely oblivious to the critisicm of its game or ignoring it altogether, neither of which make them look good and wading through this guys nonsensical bullshit is just eye rollingly frustrating.
Damn that's crazy! Deserves a High Five
More accurately,
OT8 - "I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to come up with a title"
Would love to get some quick advice: I just got my first chance at an exotic weapon bounty. My three choices are:
A Light in The Dark
Toland's Legacy
A Dubious Task
I'm paralyzed by the choice as it'll be my first exotic and I want to pick the best one. Thoughts? I typically roll Auto Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun. Used to use Hand Cannons but a dearth of good drops for that type made me give them up.
No it doesn't. He did nothing special that any other raid player had. RNG in this game is garbage.
Destiny |OT8| "I don't have a title to explain why I don't have a title"
A Dubious Task.
A fucking update? If I wanted fanciful prose I'd read Moby Dick. It just makes it seem like Bungie is either completely oblivious to the critisicm of its game or ignoring it altogether, neither of which make them look good and wading through this guys nonsensical bullshit is just eye rollingly frustrating.
Cross posting from the group finding thread:
Have 2 looking to normal raid now, both have completed multiple times. Looking to either join a group or form one, whatever comes first. Psn is welcomenowhere, send a request. I'm level 29 hunter and the other is 29 Titan.
No it doesn't. He did nothing special that any other raid player had. RNG in this game is garbage.
A Dubious Task.
Thanks, I'll choose that one. Any particular reason? Invective sounds and looks great, and if I had to guess, the never ending ammo is pretty damn useful.No doubt.
Updates are on Fridays, so you're complaining about a lack of an update on a blog post that was never, ever, going to be an update.
thanks guys for an AWESOME raid... lol I was expecting two hours of dying over and over... When you have people that know what they are doing it was the funniest time I've had since launch...
SUROS am get<3
still one ugly ass looking gun
Got 4, need two more.Any Raid groups forming at all?
Don't upgrade it if you play a lot of pvp.SUROS am get<3
still one ugly ass looking gun
Sorry to ask, but what's today's daily mission? Wondering if I'll have time for my main and alts later tonight.
Would love to get some quick advice: I just got my first chance at an exotic weapon bounty. My three choices are:
A Light in The Dark
Toland's Legacy
A Dubious Task
I'm paralyzed by the choice as it'll be my first exotic and I want to pick the best one. Thoughts? I typically roll Auto Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun. Used to use Hand Cannons but a dearth of good drops for that type made me give them up.
Sorry to ask, but what's today's daily mission? Wondering if I'll have time for my main and alts later tonight.
Thanks, I'll choose that one. Any particular reason? Invective sounds and looks great, and if I had to guess, the never ending ammo is pretty damn useful.
Got 4, need two more.
.... Those are what I'm talking about...?
thanks guys for an AWESOME raid... lol I was expecting two hours of dying over and over... When you have people that know what they are doing it was the funniest time I've had since launch...
SUROS am get<3
still one ugly ass looking gun
There should be a raid vendor with raid currency.
Can you get armor from raid chests? Or is armor exclusive to completing phases?