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Developer requests. . . I wish.


Hey wouldn't it be cool if there was one developer out there that took requests and that was the only way they made games. That would be cool. Lets say that they put out ads in magazines and online sites, and said they were accepting ideas. Well then they would select the best idea and develop that game idea, making what ever changes they needed to make along the way to make the game work and be fun. And after that game was done, they would do the whole thing over again. That would be cool.


mr. developer can you put a game w/reggie in it and make him kick ass and take names so i can get a high score and get the power up and win the game thanx
Seeing that the average dev cycle to create a game is any where from 1 to 2 years on average, the people wanting the game being petitioned would likely move on or find their fix from another product sooner, so no I don't think it would be a cool idea at all.

ADD rox!


What you act like the developer is making the game in question for that one person only. The developer would obviously select a game idea that is honestly good. So when the game is finished development then people will like it. Who cares if that one person the very first have moved on, it is not for that person only it has been made into a great game for all.


Looking for Pants
samusx said:
Hey wouldn't it be cool if there was one developer out there that took requests and that was the only way they made games. That would be cool. Lets say that they put out ads in magazines and online sites, and said they were accepting ideas. Well then they would select the best idea and develop that game idea, making what ever changes they needed to make along the way to make the game work and be fun. And after that game was done, they would do the whole thing over again. That would be cool.
Uhhh, there are a lot of developers that do that. The people that made Riddick are doing it now I believe. Whoever offers the most dough, gets their idea made into a game. Or are you just talking about ideas from people who have no idea what they're talking about?


Queen of Denmark
If you're talking about companies just taking ideas from their fans, one of the biggest reasons this isn't done is the issue of royalties; a fan who submits an idea that is used could legally be entitled to some of the product's profit. And if the company was going to pay him for his ideas, why wouldn't they just hire him... or better yet, a certified professional who can give them multiple ideas?
Lathentar said:
Whoever offers the most dough, gets their idea made into a game. Or are you just talking about ideas from people who have no idea what they're talking about?

You act as if those two are mutually exclusive :)


I remember reading a issue of Game Developer magazine a while back where they talked about why game designers should never solicit help from users. To make a long story short it comes down to the fact that game players don't/can't present a complete design view for a games - just sets of unrelated and often incompatible vague/generic features.

Sampling the user base for a game should only be done if you have no idea what you're doing and are trying to get your vision together. Once your vision is together, any input you receive from outside sources should only be used to refine your vision - not add to it. In the software development world we call the result of taking 'arbitrary user input' the starting point for 'feature creep'. Features that creep into a design usually aren't well thought out and more often than not tend to provide more roadblocks down the line than they provide merit.


Does this one person with the great idea also have $4-5 million to make it happen?

If so, PM me. We'll talk kthxbye.
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