Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil

Holy fuck I hate Mission 3's stupid fucking spiked ceiling. I don't touch the stick but Vergil's dumb ass goes flying right into it no matter what I do.
Bloody Palace runs at 60 for me so whatever for now. I hope access or capcom are listening to us lower end pc users. I have DMC4 still on my pc for dante and difficulty mods too.


Any chance a practice mode can be patched into the game? A specifically designated space to try out combos and weapons with characters would be nice.
Well, did better with Lady against Credo than with Vergil, used my burst attack right near the end before he could kill me. Maybe it's because my previous run was just readjusting to his attack patterns, but I felt I got a better read on when he was going to attack in his first phase as opposed to the second. For the most part, just a hell of a lot of charge shots while using forward + circle with the pistols.


What the fuck have I been doing all my life? Here I was dying in Mission 2 LDK as Vergil doing the beginning over and over again. I finally reach Belial, die from scrubness, and lo and behold, I hit continue and I'm back with all my souls.

Shit son.

They were introduced back in DMC3:SE when you choose the gold orb (well, technically they were always there, only that you needed yellow orbs before DMC3:SE), DMC4 directly uses the gold orb rules so you always have checkpoints, they are very frequent too


Santa May Claus
Holy fuck I hate Mission 3's stupid fucking spiked ceiling. I don't touch the stick but Vergil's dumb ass goes flying right into it no matter what I do.

Line yourself up and mash it.

dude its been like an 1 hour with the boss and still i can't damage him ???

I'll load it up again and try after I finish this mission, if you still can't get it.

EDIT: I KNOW I did it with a rocket before. But it looks like you can just slash him.
Well, after that last boss fight, at least Agnus didn't give me any trouble. Bastard thinks he can float away from me all he wants, but nothing is out of Vergil's reach.


Wait, why's there a bunch of DLC for a re-release of a 7-year old game?

Was tempted to buy it. What's this all about though?
Only actual DLC are the Lady/Trish costumes which are free if you pre-ordered the game.

The rest of the stuff are basically just cheat codes for a price.
Wait, why's there a bunch of DLC for a re-release of a 7-year old game?

Was tempted to buy it. What's this all about though?
They're optional costumes, in-game life upgrades and a way to unlock a mode without having to beat the game first. There's no game trapped behind DLC.
Anyone else getting a lot of screen tearing on the PC version? GTX 970/i5 4690 here.

144hz monitor too, if that matters. Don't really see a reason why I should be tearing so much. Happens whether or not V-sync is on.
Yus here we go!
even though the preload started too late and I'm only halfway through the download

Keep forgetting about Dante watching Nero in the opening cutscene.


Santa May Claus
Still not getting it. Do I just use Circle instead of throwing a summoned sword and then hitting Circle? Should I let him fall a bit before throwing out the damn sword? Do I need to use the stick now that he's being a dick about things?

Circle automatically throws a summon sword. You never need to hit Square.

MASH. I'm serious. Don't time it. Just line it up and mash Circle once they are about to align. Stop mashing after you hit the last grim grip.


How can a game be so awesome and so shit at the same time?

The graphics and combat are so amazingly fun to mess around with, I would say even moreso than Bayonetta.

But why am I walking around through these boring ass levels with shit platforming getting stuck and frustrated with Nero's less than helpful grip hand?

5 minutes of awesome 10 minutes of shit repeat repeat.

Looks amazing though. If they made dmc5 with these exact graphics I would be okay.
Circle automatically throws a summon sword. You never need to hit Square.

MASH. I'm serious. Don't time it. Just line it up and mash Circle once they are about to align.

Alright, I'm gonna mash this sucker out. I just died from too many spike hits and I'm on easy.

Edit. CLEARED IT. Maybe it's the turbo mode fucking up my timing but I finally got over that stupid part. Thanks Guardian


Anyone else getting a lot of screen tearing on the PC version? GTX 970/i5 4690 here.

144hz monitor too, if that matters. Don't really see a reason why I should be tearing so much. Happens whether or not V-sync is on.

A lot of V-Sync options lock at 60hz, which your 144hz monitor isn't divisible by. I don't know if this specifically would cause tearing or uneven frame timing, but you could try changing your monitor to 120hz to see if it helps. I haven't played the PC version of this yet, so I could be way off here.


Played a few more hours today, was going to wait a bit to make this post but I am going to do it anyway because I feel I have enough information.

If we are to assume DMC5 is already in development and Capcom is using the template for DMC4SE to make DMC5... then you can make the following assumptions for DMC5:

*DLCs and Microtransactions. Prepare your fucking anus for this shit. I was shocked to see them put them in a 7+ year old game. It's going to be even worse in DMC5. We were all joking about "Pay $3 to unlock all skills" type stuff but that ACTUALLY happened.

*Whatever characters they will have in DMC5 will have some way to manipulate the enemy's position or your position in relation to them. All the new characters have this going for them. I guess you could say DMC4 made this standard as well.

*Many ways to do repetitive hit stun. Stuff like faster Round Trips, Spiral Swords, Trish's Lightning attacks will be more common in DMC5 to assist in combos and allow ways to do slower but more powerful moves.

*Relaunches. I think relaunches are going to be standard in the series going forward.

*More moves that involve pressing Triangle and O together.

*Streamline the purchasing of items/skills. This is especially so with the fact that you can basically buy that easily. There isn't going to be as much emphasis on grinding to get your moves/abilities in DMC5.

*Wider hit box moves to allow better crowd control. All the new characters have insane crowd control and can destroy LDK mode. They really pushed LDK in DMC4SE for whatever reason. This probably means that enemy count is going to be higher in DMC5.

*Whoever we get to play is not going to have Dante's number of moves or weapon swaps that require toggle fashion. None of the new character have this problem of toggling and Itsuno has said that he wants all weapons to be available in an instant. We are probably going back to DMC4 style 2 and 2 format or some other weapon swap mechanic that allows for more weapon at once but all available instantly.

*Definitely will have the over the top crazy action cutscenes of DMC4/DMC4. Shimomura seems to be back on board and wants to make more DMC goodness.

*More elaborate taunts and probably taunts that do damage. That seems to be a key thing in DMC4SE.

Here's stuff that I hope gets changed despite them not being addressed for DMC4SE:

*Fix the god damn ranking system. Holy shit it's so bad. Even DmC DE has this shit correct now.

*No puzzles in DMC5. Played through the first half of the game and I was already sick of these types of puzzles.

*Re-do the camera system so it's like DmC's. None of this half ass fixed camera plus half ass sluggish moveable camera nonsense.

*We are long, long overdue for a god damn training mode already.

*No timers in Bloody Palace.

*Gotta improve the level design. It's been said many times.

*It's impossible to not have backtracking without making it a corridor type game... but I have to imagine that DMC5 is not going to have the BS that DMC4 has.

*They should make Turbo mode the default speed of DMC5 and allow for faster option on top of that.


How can a game be so awesome and so shit at the same time?

The graphics and combat are so amazingly fun to mess around with, I would say even moreso than Bayonetta.

But why am I walking around through these boring ass levels with shit platforming getting stuck and frustrated with Nero's less than helpful grip hand?

5 minutes of awesome 10 minutes of shit repeat repeat.

Looks amazing though. If they made dmc5 with these exact graphics I would be okay.

Yeah, that was kinda always the problem with DMC4, and honestly DMC1 and 3 also had this problem IMO. Platforming and navigation were never this series strong suit, the games are the most fun in medium size rooms with a lot of enemies, and during the boss fights.


Santa May Claus
Did anyone else notice that they removed EX-act? I'm pretty sure that it used to be a separate upgrade from MAX-Act. Once you bought EX-act, MAX-act unlocked for purchasing. Now it goes straight into MAX-Act.

EDIT: No, I'm going crazy. I booted up DMC4 and there's no EX-act store purchase.


So I played this game for 20 minutes without problem. Now the game instantly crashes when I try to launch it from Steam. Any ideas? I tried rebooting.


A Good Citizen
so the NA version doesn't have the Japanese audio? lame I guess, but I skip the cutscenes anyways so whatever. would be neat as DLC


Wait, why's there a bunch of DLC for a re-release of a 7-year old game?

Was tempted to buy it. What's this all about though?

It's was already kind of a bad value proposition for those who already owned the previous PC game just to get three more characters with no upgrade option or discount offer or even a save transfer (even with achievements disabled). Not to mention forced blur and worse performance. I was on the fence, but this oddly made me feel better about my decision to pass on this until a proper sequel.
And once again, I always end up doing better with Lady on the missions that I just completed with Vergil. Dante was fucking nothing with a level 3 charge shot gun and a full burst attack to finish it.

But I got a C on orbs found so my final grade was an A. Motherfucker.

Oh well, Both Vergil and Lady/Trish campaigns are halfway done. Gonna take a break now, and possibly think more about how I like the characters I've played thus far and what more I'd want out of Lady. Because while she's fun as is, there's still a hell of a lot more that could be done to flesh her out.


And once again, I always end up doing better with Lady on the missions that I just completed with Vergil. Dante was fucking nothing with a level 3 charge shot gun and a full burst attack to finish it.

But I got a C on orbs found so my final grade was an A. Motherfucker.

Oh well, Both Vergil and Lady/Trish campaigns are halfway done. Gonna take a break now, and possibly think more about how I like the characters I've played thus far and what more I'd want out of Lady. Because while she's fun as is, there's still a hell of a lot more that could be done to flesh her out.

kinda sad they diddnt incorporate her Skorpion SMG in the game
Couldn't just give us new characters and new textures or something. Had to go with the "modern video grafx" treatment and now we have halved performance in an action game with forced post-processing and motion blur effects. Wonderful.


kinda sad they diddnt incorporate her Skorpion SMG in the game

Especially since it just sits there on her model and taunts you. I guess that's another thing to hope for if her weapon variety is expanded in a future game - though it might overlap too much in function with her handguns.
kinda sad they diddnt incorporate her Skorpion SMG in the game
There's a lot that they could add to her arsenal, though I can see why her three weapons are the way they are because they're all guns that Dante has used in the past so there's some familiarity. But stuff like the SMG and other types of firearms in a future iteration would be great for variety's sake. Wouldn't need to all be accessed at once, just selecting a the three that you want and cycle through is more than enough.
A lot of V-Sync options lock at 60hz, which your 144hz monitor isn't divisible by. I don't know if this specifically would cause tearing or uneven frame timing, but you could try changing your monitor to 120hz to see if it helps. I haven't played the PC version of this yet, so I could be way off here.

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately changing to 120hz didn't make a difference.

Really odd.
If they're using playable Lady in the future, my main request would be to give her more "gun melee", whether that's in revamping her pistol skillset or using the SMG for it. I want a little more "Equilibrium" in how she handles things, lots of punch-shooting and stylish gun kata counters that aren't even actually ranged attacks despite the fact she's doing them with guns.


If they're using playable Lady in the future, my main request would be to give her more "gun melee", whether that's in revamping her pistol skillset or using the SMG for it. I want a little more "Equilibrium" in how she handles things, lots of punch-shooting and stylish gun kata counters that aren't even actually ranged attacks despite the fact she's doing them with guns.
She does have one more that is like a melee move with teh guns. The R1+Back+O is like a launcher (like Hightime) but with the guns and then she goes straight into Two Some Time like shots.
Does anybody know where the new secret missions are? I can't find Vergils Secret Mission 2.
Based on a video I saw of Vergil doing the secret missions, 2 and 8 aren't available for the new characters. Reason being that none of them have Royal Guard or Snatch, which are required for one of those two. The rest of the missions are in the same spot they always were.

Kind of unfortunate they didn't create a substitute mission, but I suppose if it became easier to complete, no one would ever bother with the original.
Based on a video I saw of Vergil doing the secret missions, 2 and 8 aren't available for the new characters. Reason being that none of them have Royal Guard or Snatch, which are required for one of those two.

Kind of unfortunate they didn't create a substitute mission, but I suppose if it became easier to complete, no one would ever bother with the original.

So wait, how am I supposed to get full health for Vergil then?
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