Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Legendary Dark Knight Berial doesn't play around with Lady. Took me ~an hour to beat that mission because of that boss and trying to figure out the "big damage" on him.
Holy shit. Blue orbs carry over between all characters... That's the best.

The better part is that Proud Souls carry over, so if you beat the game as Vergil you can jump right into Trish/Lady with enough unlocks to make them good. (They're missing a lot of what should probably be basic functionality that's gated behind progression, unfortunately.)
Enjoying the game, but man... it has been forever since I played it. Started out as Vergil and so used to playing Bayonetta now and the movement speed in this just feels so slow.


Enjoying the game, but man... it has been forever since I played it. Started out as Vergil and so used to playing Bayonetta now and the movement speed in this just feels so slow.
Get the Speed upgrade asap.

It's the first thing that everyone should get in this game.

Also turn on Turbo mode from the menus.
Get the Speed upgrade asap.

It's the first thing that everyone should get in this game.

Also turn on Turbo mode from the menus.

Yeah, I bought that upgrade. I am more talking about moving around in combat. Thought about turning turbo mode on, but wasn't sure what all it was. Is it just making the game faster?


I think we should add a note in the title to let people know about TM.

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil (Turn on Turbo Mode)


Man, the performance feels so good. Even going through the fact that I'm getting my ass kick feels good.

...And no, I'm not a masochist.


Well, this is disappointing. My Laptop cannot handle DMC4SE. At standard 720p (with other settings like textures at their lowest), it can play at around 40 fps. The only way I'd be able to play it with the framerate it deserves is if I go to PS2-xbox era graphics.

Which is bizarre because this PC was able to run Wolfenstein TNO at 720p with a decent framerate. I'd have through that game would be WAY more demanding on this thing.

What the heck, seriously :( I have a PC at home that can handle this, but I won't be getting that until idk when.


Yeah, I bought that upgrade. I am more talking about moving around in combat. Thought about turning turbo mode on, but wasn't sure what all it was. Is it just making the game faster?
You don't walk around as Vergil... you always teleport. In fact if you are walking around as Vergil you are losing Concentration gauge. You start a fight with lock on, Teleport with the sword and just go ham.

And yeah Turbo mode just makes the game a bit faster.
Yeah, I bought that upgrade. I am more talking about moving around in combat. Thought about turning turbo mode on, but wasn't sure what all it was. Is it just making the game faster?

For moving around in combat (at least as Vergil) try to get in the habit of using Circle to dash to enemies you've tagged with Summoned Swords. You can get around the battlefield much quicker that way to maintain combos and generally keep up the pace.

It's also really powerful as a general evasive move. Probably a little too powerful, most of the enemies don't seem to be able to handle it whatsoever.
Well, this is disappointing. My Laptop cannot handle DMC4SE. At standard 720p (with other settings like textures at their lowest), it can play at around 40 fps. The only way I'd be able to play it with the framerate it deserves is if I go to PS2-xbox era graphics.

Which is bizarre because this PC was able to run Wolfenstein TNO at 720p with a decent framerate. I'd have through that game would be WAY more demanding on this thing.

What the heck, seriously :( I have a PC at home that can handle this, but I won't be getting that until idk when.

Tacked-on motion blur, SSAO, a bunch of other shit that the game isn't meant to have and that can't currently be disabled is taking off hundreds of fps and making the game not remotely as well-scaling as the original. Good stuff.


Amazon massively fucked me over on Batman Arkham Knight today so I hopped on DMC4:SE instead as it went live at midnight for the UK. Saw it was downloading the 20gb app side of things but it allowed me to enter the game, OK. Only the first mission? Ok.

Gaming just isn't happening for me today. :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
In fact if you are walking around as Vergil you are losing Concentration gauge.

? That's only if you're RUNNING/sprinting. If you're tilting the stick slightly to strafe/walk, you're not losing Concentration.

Concentration isn't lost either if you're out of combat.

Tacked-on motion blur, SSAO, a bunch of other shit that the game isn't meant to have and that can't currently be disabled is taking off hundreds of fps and making the game not remotely as well-scaling as the original. Good stuff.

I dunno. I booted DMC4 and used the benchmark to see: Outside of DMC4 DX10 using 32-bit color mode(?) it gave me the same "B" 59.9 FPS grade DMC4:SE gave me. So either my GTX 760 is showing signs of degradation (as is Nvidia cards in general) or the game is basically the same outside of the new post-processing effects.

The only thing I noticed that isn't in DMC4:SE is the AA options of Quencunex(?) QCxAA up to... 16, I think. Only up to AAx8 or so for DMC4:SE.

Maybe it's me using V-sync while having variable framerate. IDK. I do know Super->UItra SF4 degraded in performance going from GfWL to Steamworks, however.


Santa May Claus
? That's only if you're RUNNING/sprinting. If you're tilting the stick slightly to strafe/walk, you're not losing Concentration.

Concentration isn't lost either if you're out of combat.

In fact, calmly walking towards the enemy is one of the quickest ways to gain concentration gauge. Basically, anything that looks badass gains concentration gauge, as it should be.


It's fine that they added more effects to the game but they should've given option to turn them off. Lots of top players prefer playing at over 120 FPS on PC and now that's not possible for a lot of people.

Probably should just bug Capcom for this.


Tacked-on motion blur, SSAO, a bunch of other shit that the game isn't meant to have and that can't currently be disabled is taking off hundreds of fps and making the game not remotely as well-scaling as the original. Good stuff.

Ah. So what your saying is that I just need to wait for the modding community to do it thing. That's better news than I had expected. Thanks.


Santa May Claus
It's fine that they added more effects to the game but they should've given option to turn them off. Lots of top players prefer playing at over 120 FPS on PC and now that's not possible for a lot of people.

Probably should just bug Capcom for this.

Maybe they can patch it in, along with any fixes to Nero's Shuffle and Streak.
Ah, fuck it, I'm gonna focus on finishing the Lady/Trish campaign before heading back to Vergil. Really want to get to Trish right now, and I'm only onea mission away.


So, maybe a weird question, but is there a weird little quirk or trick to beating Dante in Mission 10 super easily and quick? I'm not sure why, but I kept getting this bubbling memory that there was as I replayed it, but I couldn't quite grasp it. Hell, this might as well be a brand new game, I can't remember shit about this. Hard to believe I put nearly 100 hours in the vanilla game.


Santa May Claus
So, maybe a weird question, but is there a weird little quirk or trick to beating Dante in Mission 10 super easily and quick? I'm not sure why, but I kept getting this bubbling memory that there was as I replayed it, but I couldn't quite grasp it. Hell, this might as well be a brand new game, I can't remember shit about this. Hard to believe I put nearly 100 hours in the vanilla game.

Dante would lose hardcore to the Devil Bringer, if that's what you mean. During certain moves, Nero could get a free Snatch and Buster. If you could bait a Stinger, that's a free Buster counter also.


So, maybe a weird question, but is there a weird little quirk or trick to beating Dante in Mission 10 super easily and quick? I'm not sure why, but I kept getting this bubbling memory that there was as I replayed it, but I couldn't quite grasp it. Hell, this might as well be a brand new game, I can't remember shit about this. Hard to believe I put nearly 100 hours in the vanilla game.
There's the Buster trick with Nero. You walk forward shooting as Nero and when you get close you grab Dante. Rinse/repeat until he dies.


Menus feel slow, unfortunately. Sometimes you have to wait a couple seconds after they've loaded in for the game to let you move up and down.


Man, I'm fucking ass at this game. First time playing DMC4 in general and I chose to start off on LDK mode. Any tips? I don't want to lower the difficulty.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Man, I'm fucking ass at this game. First time playing DMC4 in general and I chose to start off on LDK mode. Any tips? I don't want to lower the difficulty.

LDK isn't anything more than "Hard mode" with more enemies. Lower the difficulty to Sons of Sparda or Devil Hunter. You'll be playing the game with the intended amount of enemies instead. LDK is only for people that have already played the game and know what they're doing.


Man, I'm fucking ass at this game. First time playing DMC4 in general and I chose to start off on LDK mode. Any tips? I don't want to lower the difficulty.

You really should've went to the earlier difficulties. Especially if this is your first time. LDK really needs the expanded move-set to make any progress into.

Buy the new upgrades, more health, DT, and new moves.


Santa May Claus
Man, I'm fucking ass at this game. First time playing DMC4 in general and I chose to start off on LDK mode. Any tips? I don't want to lower the difficulty.

LDK isn't a strictly higher difficulty per se. If this is your first time, you should play Dante/Nero on Devil Hunter. The base game is balanced around those characters.


Tacked-on motion blur, SSAO, a bunch of other shit that the game isn't meant to have and that can't currently be disabled is taking off hundreds of fps and making the game not remotely as well-scaling as the original. Good stuff.

I know Capcom points to tweaking the .ini file, but like you said it won't allow for all the post-processing effects to be changed. Just what does it allow you to do that couldn't be done through the in-game settings?


Man, I'm fucking ass at this game. First time playing DMC4 in general and I chose to start off on LDK mode. Any tips? I don't want to lower the difficulty.

Hate to say it, but you should lower the difficulty a bit. It's no shame to do so, especially if it's your first playing.


Dante would lose hardcore to the Devil Bringer, if that's what you mean. During certain moves, Nero could get a free Snatch and Buster. If you could bait a Stinger, that's a free Buster counter also.

There's the Buster trick with Nero. You walk forward shooting as Nero and when you get close you grab Dante. Rinse/repeat until he dies.

Right! Yes, that is what I was thinking of! Hah, I knew there was something like that in that fight.


Unfortunately going to be the first game I ever Steam Refund, game still runs in slow-motion for me, even when I fuck with the settings to get it near or above 60 fps. My laptop isn't fantastic, but this is absolutely ludicrous.


I dunno. I booted DMC4 and used the benchmark to see: Outside of DMC4 DX10 using 32-bit color mode(?) it gave me the same "B" 59.9 FPS grade DMC4:SE gave me. So either my GTX 760 is showing signs of degradation (as is Nvidia cards in general) or the game is basically the same outside of the new post-processing effects.

The only thing I noticed that isn't in DMC4:SE is the AA options of Quencunex(?) QCxAA up to... 16, I think. Only up to AAx8 or so for DMC4:SE.

Maybe it's me using V-sync while having variable framerate. IDK. I do know Super->UItra SF4 degraded in performance going from GfWL to Steamworks, however.

I can't say I had the same experience. I just loaded up DMC4, and it ran it flawlessly at the highest possible settings (with even higher antialiasing options than what DMC4SE had, wierdly enough) at 60 FPS.

Capcom dun fucked me :(

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Unfortunately going to be the first game I ever Steam Refund, game still runs in slow-motion for me, even when I fuck with the settings to get it near or above 60 fps. My laptop isn't fantastic, but this is absolutely ludicrous.

Have you checked your video card settings? Might be using integrated graphics by default. That happens to me with all of Capcom's PC games. They run great once I change it to the NVIDIA processor setting.


Santa May Claus
Have you checked your video card settings? Might be using integrated graphics by default. That happens to me with all of Capcom's PC games. They run great once I change it to the NVIDIA processor setting.

How do you force this? I think my PC was doing it as well.


Summon sword platforming? You mean Mission 3? Or later?

Yeah. I just got past it, but something about Vergil's blink completely throws that section off. If i'm hugging a wall too closely when I grab on to one the points in that section, it without fail makes me hit the spikes above.


Santa May Claus
Yeah. I just got past it, but something about Vergil's blink completely throws that section off. If i'm hugging a wall too closely when I grab on to one the points in that section, it without fail makes me hit the spikes above.

For all puzzles involving Grim Grips, with all characters, all you have to do is line yourself up at the start, wait for the right moment, and then mash O. Just mash O.

You have to add the game in the Nvidia control panel, then switch it.

Unfortunately the game still runs pretty mediocre due to the post-processing/ motion blur nonsense.

Thanks, I'll try that and see if it helps.

Wait a tic

When I run performance test on Vanilla DMC4, it says my graphics card is Nvidia 750M

When I run performance test on DMC4:SE, it says my graphics card is Intel HD Graphics 4600.

I'm not good with technical computer issues. Whats going on?

You might need to add DMC4SE in your NVIDIA Control Panel, like Snacks said. I just did it because I think mine was running on Intel HD graphics as well.


Wait a tic

When I run performance test on Vanilla DMC4, it says my graphics card is Nvidia 750M

When I run performance test on DMC4:SE, it says my graphics card is Intel HD Graphics 4600.

I'm not good with technical computer issues. Whats going on?


? That's only if you're RUNNING/sprinting. If you're tilting the stick slightly to strafe/walk, you're not losing Concentration.

Concentration isn't lost either if you're out of combat.

I dunno. I booted DMC4 and used the benchmark to see: Outside of DMC4 DX10 using 32-bit color mode(?) it gave me the same "B" 59.9 FPS grade DMC4:SE gave me. So either my GTX 760 is showing signs of degradation (as is Nvidia cards in general) or the game is basically the same outside of the new post-processing effects.

The only thing I noticed that isn't in DMC4:SE is the AA options of Quencunex(?) QCxAA up to... 16, I think. Only up to AAx8 or so for DMC4:SE.

Maybe it's me using V-sync while having variable framerate. IDK. I do know Super->UItra SF4 degraded in performance going from GfWL to Steamworks, however.

It's you using v-sync from the GPU. Remove it and your framerate will skyrocket. That's how it is in the original version as well.


A Good Citizen
Wait a tic

When I run performance test on Vanilla DMC4, it says my graphics card is Nvidia 750M

When I run performance test on DMC4:SE, it says my graphics card is Intel HD Graphics 4600.

I'm not good with technical computer issues. Whats going on?
sounds like it's defaulting to your integrated graphics instead of your dedicated graphics
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