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DeVos to rewrite Obama-era campus sexual assault policy


Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is revamping Obama-era guidance for colleges and universities on how to handle sexual assaults on college campuses to better protect students who are accused.

DeVos announced the policy change while speaking at George Mason University's Arlington campus Thursday. She said the Obama administration helped elevate the issue of sexual assault in American public life and issued guidance with good intentions, but good intentions alone are not enough.

"Justice demands humility, wisdom and prudence," she said. "It requires a serious pursuit of truth."

DeVos said she's held a summit to understand all perspectives including those of survivors, falsely accused students and educational institutions - both K-12 and higher education institutions.

"We are having this conversation with and for all students," she said.

DeVos said the system established by the prior administration has failed too many students. She said she's that survivors, victims of false accusations and campus administrators have all told her that the current approach does a disservice to everyone involved.

Protect the accused more, but not help the alleged victims more? Fucked up
Yeah sexual assault is still a big problem on college campuses and I doubt she and her administration will do anything to make it better (and that's being generous, I fully exprct her to make it worse).


This might be encouraging news if she wasn't a total devil and will likely make it 1000x worse instead of improving on it.


The handling of sexual assault on campuses still needs quite a bit of reform, but I don't think DeVos is the one to do it. She's so out of touch with education as a whole that I don't see her making any significant progress.


Good to see her sticking up for the class most oppressed by sexual assault on college campuses: straight men.


The handling of sexual assault on campuses still needs quite a bit of reform, but I don't think DeVos is the one to do it. She's so out of touch with education as a whole that I don't see her making any significant progress.
This is the problem. The way the Obama admin handled it really wasn't great and had a ton of problems that need to be addressed, but the GOP aren't interested in handling it at all!


It definitely needs more work.

And I have every bit of trust that she is not the one who should be rewriting the policy. Full faith that this will help out everyone with $$$. Except the actual victims.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
If she actually manages to make it better, than good on her. I just hope she isn't a gender traitor and makes things worse for women.
It's really insufferable when rich, out-of-touch people throw around words like "humility, wisdom and prudence" like they have any meaningful understanding of them or any moral authority to enact them.

DeVos is literally just an old rich lady who has never worked in education. Her attempts at high-mindedness, in tandem with her skittishness on the concrete details, only evidence her ignorance. I don't trust that she has the life experience to empathize with the issue and enact positive change.
If the results didn't change under Obama's policy and campus sexual assault was still a huge problem, I have no issue with revisions. I just wish I had more faith in the people making those changes.
The system does need reform, as the current one places the responsibility on campuses that don't have the resources to be a substitute for a judicial system. The best solution would be get more involvement from the actual judicial system.

But Devos and her cronies aren't interested in coming up with a solution. They just want to end the current one and ignore the problem.


I'm really failing to see how this is terrible, honestly. If we're going to be angry about false allegations, and punishment for them, we should just not go there.

That said, Devos is a total fucking clown, and her intentions should be questioned at every level

The handling of sexual assault on campuses still needs quite a bit of reform, but I don't think DeVos is the one to do it. She's so out of touch with education as a whole that I don't see her making any significant progress.


What, exactly, does she think Obama did wrong? What is so ineffective about the current policies?

This for example (as mentioned in her speech):
A female student, 22-year-old Sarah Tubbs, accused a fellow student of rape and trusted in the college to do something about it. But there was no prosecutor at her trial, no attorneys, and no police. She was barred from even bringing along her therapist. Instead, Tubbs was obligated to personally cross-examine the man she had accused of rape.

That's pretty fucked up.


Hmm, this feels like a monkey paw situation. I guess it's cool that she's taking action, but then on the other hand she's Betsy DeVos, so she could just as easily make things worse.


If she actually manages to make it better, than good on her. I just hope she isn't a gender traitor and makes things worse for women.

She wants to protect the accused more, it says so in the article. It's messed up help one more, while the other needs more help as well.


What, exactly, does she think Obama did wrong? What is so ineffective about the current policies?

It's not really about what he did, it's about what color his skin was while he did it

to refer to Ta-Nehisi Coates' White President piece, it's an n-word policy.

Obama-era changes to Title IX enforcement on college campuses isn't something above reproach or only questionable by those who want to erase a black President's administration's legacy. Save these remarks for Twitter replies.

There's serious concerns about a college's ability to investigate and adjudicate these matters.

There's room to improve the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter. Other concerns raised in this thread about the who/what/why on potential changes are important.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is revamping Obama-era guidance for colleges and universities on how to handle sexual assaults on college campuses to better protect students who are accused.

Protect the accused?


I'm out.

Most of these pieces of shit are already protected by the schools, their athletic programs and finally asshole judges who slap light sentences on them after they are convicted of rape.

Here's a novel idea: How about defending the victims first?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Knowing DeVos she'll just make rape legal on campuses, but only for white men. She's a deluded piece of shit and no one should even be actually considering she might do a good job in handling this incredibly sensitive and far flung situation.


Damn Trumpers continue to always pick the most evil option possible.

Even when it comes to rape they get it wrong.
Protect the accused?


I'm out.

Most of these pieces of shit are already protected by the schools, their athletic programs and finally asshole judges who slap light sentences on them after they are convicted of rape.

Here's a novel idea: How about defending the victims first?

Not everyone who is accused is a piece of shit. Sometimes the "victims" are pieces of shit.


Obama-era changes to Title IX enforcement on college campuses isn't something above reproach or only questionable by those who want to erase a black President's administration's legacy.

There's serious concerns about a college's ability to investigate and adjudicate these matters.

There's room to improve the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter. Other concerns raised in this thread about the who/what/why on potential changes are important.

I didn't say anything about the validity of the policy, I'm talking about the person pretending to give a damn.
Obama-era changes to Title IX enforcement on college campuses isn't something above reproach or only questionable by those who want to erase a black President's administration's legacy. Save these remarks for Twitter replies.

There's serious concerns about a college's ability to investigate and adjudicate these matters.

There's room to improve the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter. Other concerns raised in this thread about the who/what/why on potential changes are important.
You can stop pretending to think that Devos is going to make any aspect of the policy any better ever. Save those remarks for your head.
The current system is a mess of on-campus kangaroo courts, though I don't trust Devos in the slightest to make things better for victims.


Not everyone who is accused is a piece of shit. Sometimes the "victims" are pieces of shit.

You're right. The problem is, this is such a minority of cases that how do you plan policy around it? You want to protect the victims who, most of the time, are actually victims who have been assaulted. And you want to pay deference to them when they make those accusations. But you also don't want to lean so far away that you're ruining the lives of the minority of people who have actually been wrongly accused. But how the hell do you strike that balancing act?

The campus sexual assault policies are still extremely problematic today, but I don't trust anyone in this administration much less DeVos, who is far and away among the worst, to improve on the situation at all.


The handling of sexual assault on campuses still needs quite a bit of reform, but I don't think DeVos is the one to do it. She's so out of touch with education as a whole that I don't see her making any significant progress.
Said it better than I could. I expect nothing good.


What DeVos is saying she wants to accomplish is not inherently bad, but how she chooses to talk about it should flash giant warning signs. The article makes it sounds like she's putting the unjustly accused as a problem of equal weight to assault victims denied justice. False accusations are bad. Cases of people being punished for false accusations also, by every metric I've seen, much rarer than people who are assaulted and ignored or denied justice. Both are problems, but one is a wider-spread one.

Essentially the way DeVos talks about it seemed primed and ready to create an environment more hostile to victims coming forward in the name of protecting against false accusations. REAL victims, after all, wouldn't need to worry about being punished fo false accusations.
Not everyone who is accused is a piece of shit. Sometimes the "victims" are pieces of shit.

'Sometimes' doesn't justify giving them any protection.

I'll give victims the benefit of the doubt all of the time.

I'll gladly take the very small # of frauds out there if it means 90+% of the legit sexual assault victims get justice.

Any attempt to make it harder for a victim to get justice should be blocked. The burden is already on them to prove their attacker's guilt, not the other way around.


I don't think anyone thinks the existing system is perfect but if meddling it results in less protections for the accusers (i.e. victims) for the purpose of eliminating rare edge cases where they are lying, then this is bad.
The Atlantic is currently doing a three part series on why campus policies on sexual assault need reform. To be honest, reading that article then this thread, there are a lot of just deeply misguided posts in here. DeVos is incompetent, but considering that schools are also saying they will double down on a broken policy doesn't make me feel much better. Title IX reform is needed, but not from people who will just go the other direction.


Obama-era changes to Title IX enforcement on college campuses isn't something above reproach or only questionable by those who want to erase a black President's administration's legacy. Save these remarks for Twitter replies.

There's serious concerns about a college's ability to investigate and adjudicate these matters.

There's room to improve the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter. Other concerns raised in this thread about the who/what/why on potential changes are important.

This administration has me jaded, so whenever anyone from it says something Obama did needs fixing, I immediately assume the color of his skin is at the root of their issue with it.

DeVos didn't offer any kind of specifics, which further cements my belief above.


Obama-era changes to Title IX enforcement on college campuses isn't something above reproach or only questionable by those who want to erase a black President's administration's legacy. Save these remarks for Twitter replies.

There's serious concerns about a college's ability to investigate and adjudicate these matters.

There's room to improve the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter. Other concerns raised in this thread about the who/what/why on potential changes are important.

On NPR this morning she was talking about how this was "an adjustment after Obama's overcorrection" so I'm pretty comfortable throwing this in the "Obama touched it, so Trump will pee on it" bucket. There are no improvements coming.
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